I can understand your upset but try not to take it to personally, men first of all are idiots:), not just the one's in your life but most of them. Talk to your fh about how you want your trip to play out with him so that there are no unsuspected surprises, make it clear there will be no jamaican partying without you. I wouldn't however force your fh to confront his "boys", as long as you are both on the same page, let his brothers and friends be childish. Men, especially single men are programmed to put down marriage, just laugh it off I am sure you will find that they will truly be happy at your wedding, they just have to put on a good show. I married a Jamaican man, so I understand a little bit about the jamaican man's mentality when it come's to their "boy's" they all talk a good game but most of them are full of bs, lol. As for the "smoke" again people think of Jamaica and they want to know where the party is, by the way it is everywhere so tell them not to worry and they need not bother you with how to find it, that you have more important details to attend to like a little thing called your wedding:) Try to focus on what is important, you and your fh, don't let the stupidity of others get in the way of the most important day in your relationship