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Everything posted by dragonfly

  1. We had been together 2 years when he proposed it took me another 5 to say yes, lol, and were married after 8 years (and 1 child) of being together.
  2. you didn't have a snow storm you had flurries:)
  3. You will love Jamaica, Everton and I are going there one month later for our anniversary. We are unsure where we are staying yet, I have already stayed in Ochio Rio which I loved. Make sure you visit fern Gully, and wander off resort, it is where we had the most fun great food and entertainment. We are going the week of August 4th, Everton's aunt is getting married in Jamaica on the 9th so we are going to overlap our trip. It is going to go to a real jamaican wedding as it is in Everton's hometown of Mandeville, in the mountains, it will be interesting. It is too bad we are going to miss each other by a month, in would have been fun to have a day or two to have hung out in ja, mon:)
  4. I live in skirts and dresses all summer long, way more comfortable and cooler then shorts. I think you can dress up or down a skirt as much as you want, tank top flip flops and your ready for the day, throw on a dressy shoe and your ready for the night.
  5. Do it because it will be nice to have the option. Your dress is really beautiful.
  6. Unbelievable isn't it? We went toboganning this morning just down our street at the school and Liam went down the hill and he fell off and we seriously lost him in the snow. We had to run down the hill to find him. Liam paniced, me too, we grabbed him and decided that it was not safe for a 5 year old to be toboganning in snow over his head, lol. We retreated back to the safety of our shovelled driveway and very tall snowbanks. I don't remember the last time we had snow like this, it sure is pretty, and I must admit a little bit of fun also:)
  7. I also love them, great choice your girls are going to look beautiful:)
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by BarefootBride BTW, I would put tons of legal info and condoms in their damn welcome bags!!! I second that idea, some std info also and no this time it does not mean "save the date"
  9. Brownie points for you, my husband would never have joined the forum, actually he thought I was crazy when I first joined, he has come around since seeing how many good friends I have met on here. It is great to see a groom wanting to be actively involved, your fi must have found "one of the good one's"
  10. I would love to see a wedding set in Ireland so that is my purely selfish vote:) but you can't go wrong with any of the locations. How many people do you expect and how do they feel about such a far destination as Ireland?
  11. In Canada we usually buy an ai pkg which also includes our airfare, last August we paid about $1400.00 per person for 1 week taxes and airfare included.
  12. I loved the beaches in Jamaica, I know everyone talks about how beautiful Punta Cana beaches are but I found them too crowded. The best beach was in panama at night and it was so dark since there was only the one hotel, we would walk and all you would see was the phosphorus in the sand it was so beautiful like fireflies dancing at your feet. The beach was deserted, and long you could walk for miles on this long white stretch, it made us feel like we were the only one's in the world, so wonderful and romantic.
  13. I can understand your upset but try not to take it to personally, men first of all are idiots:), not just the one's in your life but most of them. Talk to your fh about how you want your trip to play out with him so that there are no unsuspected surprises, make it clear there will be no jamaican partying without you. I wouldn't however force your fh to confront his "boys", as long as you are both on the same page, let his brothers and friends be childish. Men, especially single men are programmed to put down marriage, just laugh it off I am sure you will find that they will truly be happy at your wedding, they just have to put on a good show. I married a Jamaican man, so I understand a little bit about the jamaican man's mentality when it come's to their "boy's" they all talk a good game but most of them are full of bs, lol. As for the "smoke" again people think of Jamaica and they want to know where the party is, by the way it is everywhere so tell them not to worry and they need not bother you with how to find it, that you have more important details to attend to like a little thing called your wedding:) Try to focus on what is important, you and your fh, don't let the stupidity of others get in the way of the most important day in your relationship
  14. I am laughing my ass of at the return policy, return within 7 days for money back refund, lol.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari Vodka (grey goose) US Weekly or People US weekly, I go on tabloid binges every few months. beach or cottage country?
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by monicabrandon2008 tortilla chips with salsa What is your most guiltiest pleasure? Buying shoes!!! socialbutterfly or wallflower?
  17. I have to say the one thing this snow storm has done has brought the neighbours together:) I live in a brand new neighbourhood so no one really knows anyone. Shovelling brings everyone outside, and pushing the cars that keep getting stuck have brought all neighbours running, there are real bounding moments when you are all out to help one another out. Hey I had to find a positive spin on this to get through another day, didn't I And I am so proud of my son Timothy he has just shoveled his 5th driveway, he just walked up and down the street and shovelled for anyone who didn't have their driveway done, he just did it out of the goodness of his heart, what a great kid eh!!!!
  18. You looked beautiful, I also thought your moh was your sister, you guys really do look alike. Congratulations:)
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by MelissaH All you people who envy us have obviously never had to shovel a driveway every 2 hours for 3 days straight Melissa think of all the exercise we are getting though:)
  20. I am feeling your pain, it is still snowing here, I can't even open my back deck door because of how high the snow is. My kids and dog are loving it, the snow is past Liam's waist, he is in heaven. We have spent most of the day pushing cars up a small hill beside our house because every other car gets stuck, a few cars have even been abandoned:) Timothy has got tons of snowmobiling in this winter and it has been great for skiing/snowboarding. I hope the snow stays for the rest of our March break, snow beats mud, then I want it all to melt and the warmer weather to find us. It will be really weird to have Easter with this much snow, so much for easter bonnets:) Anyway my fellow snow bunnies goodluck digging out of the wonderful winter weather:)
  21. I believe 47 and 36 are the closest to turquoise, 11 is pretty but definitly teal. Good luck.
  22. I said $10,000 or less because even though it is a small group of people the cost of a good photographer will cost you regardless of how big your wedding is.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild That's what I'm talking about Yari! I want to see that BC movie...10,000 BC I think? Q: Since it's Friday, any date night plans? Nope, not tonight just hanging out with the kids, spring break just started (spring my ass we are being dumped on with aboput 30 cm of snow again) What is your favourite peanut butter?
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