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Everything posted by JessicaM

  1. Welcome to the forum!! You will find some great information on here for Cabo!!
  2. No I do not think that is too far in advance. I wanted to give my guests as much notice as possible, we sent ours out a year before and then followed with more formal invites about 2 months prior to the date! I sent out my AHR invites at the same time, I was lazy and just wanted everything out then!
  3. Welcome to the forum...there is a ton of information on here to help you with your planning, enjoy!!
  4. JessicaM

    New here

    Welcome to the forum Emily!!
  5. JessicaM

    Im A Newbi

    Welcome to the forum! You will find so much information on here to help you with your planning!!
  6. Welcome to the forum. I think all of us were overwhelmed with the planning when we first joined! This place will help you so much with your planning!
  7. JessicaM


    Welcome to the forum!!
  8. Welcome to the forum Ayanna, you will find great information on here to help you with your planning!!
  9. Welcome to the forum Katie!! You will find great information on here to help you plan!!
  10. I think I spent around $100 for my boarding passes (with all the supplies and printing--there we a lot!) and probably around the same fore the invitations for my AHR, I sent about 80 of them. So yes jenny I did the same thing, send invitations to those who were going to mexico and then a seperate one for those going to just the AHR, most knew what we were doing and did not care if they were just going to the AHR.
  11. Welcome to the forum Nancy!
  12. JessicaM


    Welcome to the forum! Your wedding is quickly approaching!
  13. Welcome to the forum Marc. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. You will be happy you found this forum!!
  14. I got married at Dream in Cabo, just down the beach from the Hilton. I went barefoot during the ceremony and the sand was fine, not hot at all! I kept my shoes up by the reception area and just put them on there, it was also a lot easier taking the pictures in the sand without shoes on too!!
  15. Welcome to the forum Michelle, you will quickly pick up on the function of the forum and begin addicted to it! Happy Planning!
  16. JessicaM

    newbie in ny

    WElcome to the forum Karen!!
  17. Welcome to the forum! There is a lot of information on here on the Dreams resorts!
  18. JessicaM


    Welcome to the forum. Vegas its great!!
  19. JessicaM


    Welcome to the forum Andrea! There is so much information on here for Cabo, Happy Planning!
  20. JessicaM


    Welcome to the forum Natasha!!
  21. Welcome to the forum jennifer!
  22. JessicaM


    Welcome to the forum. No worries, I think a lot of us started our planning early!!
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