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About jessicanparti

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  1. this year 2007. i think iwas at caletas the day Jamie got married--she's a blonde, right? She seemed so calm that day, i was amazed. thanks for the links, i'll check those out. where did you honeymoon?
  2. by the way, I'm trying to add a picture and ticker to my profile--any idea how?
  3. No, I haven't been on here in a couple months (oops), but i would love to see pictires, hear stories, ect. Were you surprised when you actually got there!? I didn't really need to go down to see it, but it made a good excuse to take a vacation! Congratulations, by the way!!
  4. Yup....November 10th!!!! I will ask Nicole about having someone come over to do my hair. Thanks for the suggestion! The only other person I asked flew her hairdresser out from Seattle ($$$). With only 25 people, it's not THAT big of a deal to me. I'm getting so excited, especially now that I saw the beach in person!
  5. Have you checked out what the other girls suggested? That's what I did (well I booked before I found this site) and we just got back from a site inspection. It's gorgeous! And unbelievably simple, with Nicole doing all the set up stuff for you. As for hotels, if you look at the two marinas that the boat can pick you up at, one is the Neuva Vallarta marina. A three minute cab ride fromthat one are some great resorts that are all inclusive (food, alcohol, drinks, etc) and are right on the beach for less that $100 per night. I would suggest the Riu (fancier) or Samba Vallarta (more intimate). Good luck! Let me know if you have any questions....
  6. Hello ladies! We just got back from our site inspection---GORGEOUS!!! But...I didn't realize that the salon had no services other than massage. What are you all doing with your hair? I can't really afford to fly my hairstylist all the way down, but i can barely put my own hair in a pony.....Ideas??
  7. My FI and I were really hoping to go to Thailand over Xmas (most days off), but I hadn'tnoticed all the news. Does anyone know if it's really too dangerous to go? Or if it's too crowded to even consider?
  8. How much is this obagi? Can I get more details, PLEASE!!! The Proactiv does not work! Could you personal message me--I get lost..
  9. Ok Ok!! I found what Nicole was trying to send me! I'm a 'Las Calcetines' bride, and I asked her about the rain back-up plan: she said they have a covered area on one side of the island (has concrete floors tho), but she's had brides say their vows in the rain. Not me!! Anyone been to check it out yet?
  10. I'm going with a company in PV called Adventure Weddings...Anyone heard of it? I'm looking for some pictures, advice...well, anything!!
  11. We are geting married in Puerta Vallarta...The flight isn't bad (price-wise), and a company I chose to go with takes care of all the little details, leaving you with a private wedding on a private island (with a spa) and little to no worries. Their website lets you budget everything down to flowers. I think it's adventureweddings.com. Las Calcetines as a keyword works too.
  12. What do you have planned for the reception with only 15 people? I am in the same situation...and a little worried that it won't be as exciting as people are used to at bigger weddings..
  13. jessicanparti


    Hi, I am new....And was suggested this site by my (sort of) wedding planner in Mexico. We decided to do the destination wedding thing in Puerta Vallarta in November this year, and I have no idea what I need to do!! My biggest fear is that with such a small wedding (10-15), the beautiful reception on the beach will be a bore! What do I do?? Jessica
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