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Everything posted by Kassia

  1. Hey Lisa-- Another lucky bride to be that get's to see the resort before the wedding! If you can, take some pics. I got some pictures from Nicole too...the resort does look beautiful. Everyone here has already been so incredibly helpful! I feel like I've accomplished more in one day just reading this site than the last 3 months of putzing around trying to make some decisions. I think everything will start to fall into place now. Hopefully!
  2. that's crazy! our color is a "north carolina" blue color too. we're also going for the tropical look i think, but with orange as an accent (because i LOVE those orange bird of paradise flowers...they are really expensive though.) i love little lanterns too! maybe we could split the price and josh and i could use them too....i'll have to check things out with him first. not sure how much we've budgeted for decorations. i'm jealous that you get to see the resort before you get married there!! the first time we'll be in cabo is for the wedding in december. we've been to mexico about 3 or 4 times, but never to cabo.
  3. You're date's coming up quick! We also decided just to get married in Cabo. Has anyone ever heard that the paper work is difficult to translate once to get back to the states?? I hope it's not a problem. I'd like just to get it all done in one place.
  4. What kinds of decorations do you have by the way Kate? Just curious. I wouldn't even know what to bring down to Cabo!!
  5. I'm still trying to learn how to navigate this site! Haha! I don't have many other details....the wedding will be (hopefully!) around 5pm on Dec 20th, 2007 at Dreams---we haven't gotten a contract or deposit done yet. They just said the date's been reserved for us. For those of you getting married at Dreams too, Did you guys decide on the beach or the gazebo for the ceremony? I've been kind of going back and forth, but now I'm leaning towards the gazebo. Do you guys know if they do multiple weddings on one day at Dreams? I think I told the coordinator I wanted the beach, but now I think the gazebo would be better. AND--I'm glad to hear Melissa and Jarrod that we're not the only one's doing long distance while planning a wedding!!! At least it's nice to hear you're making it work too. Josh and I use the video-call's to talk once and a while too.
  6. Thanks so much for your responses already. The one other thing I've done is order save the date cards, but mainly for our reception back home in MN. The STD cards won't get here for another 3 weeks though. We're having our wedding website on the STD cards. Luckily, Josh's been in charge of the whole website thus far and done a good job with it. We're keeping the ceremony in Mexico really small, only about 14 people, then having a reception for about 150 people at home. The travel agent we hired in MN will be sending out info to the guest travelling to Mexico about Dreams and how to book flights/rooms, which is very helpful. I guess at this point, the thing that worries me most is working with the wedding coordinator at Dreams (Yesica). I have been unable to get a hold of her AT ALL, and the travel agent has done all my talking for me. It's getting frustrating. But, as long as I hear from other brides that say they have been able to communicate with the coordinators there, I'm sure everything will be okay. That is VERY helpful to hear your date was reserved for you until you booked rooms. I was kind of waiting for the opposite...I wasn't going to book rooms until I had confirmed date. But, as long as I know the date will be saved while we make travel arrangements, then hopefully the 14 people or so that are coming to Cabo can go ahead and make travel arrangements soon, then we can lock-down on our date. I'll check out the olio.style site you were talking about. It helps to hear I don't have to do SO much stuff, but I'd like the day to be very special none-the-less.
  7. Hi everyone- I'm a newbie to the site, and I've only been poking around for about an hour or so total. I'm getting so overwhelmed! I'm getting married at Dreams in Cabo on December 20th, 2007. (We finally heard back from Yesica after 3 weeks--and I had to get a travel agent at home to start bugging her just to get a response. I was getting really worried, but I'm glad to read that other people say it takes a while to hear back from them. I know Dreams is a busy place). I have just a few questions, and really appreiciate how well you guys do at all these responses! 1) Do you have to sign some sort of contract at Dreams to save your date? Yesica said we're all set for December 20th, but then I get no response when I ask how to sign a contract or put down a deposit. Do you have to have your deposit in, and will my date be reserved with out these things?? It makes me worried! 2) I'm totally busy with school and have SOOO little time for planning. I have no idea what to even think about decorations at Dreams, menu's, site locations for a ceremony or dinner, and what to do in Cabo. Does any one have any quick responses on this?? 3) We have Juan Carlos Tapia booked for the date, a travel agent to arrange flights/reservations for guests, and I have ordered my dress. That's about it! Is there anything major I'm missing?? Josh (fiance) and I live about 11 hours apart and only see each once a month maybe. We're both so busy with school, and figured a destination wedding would limit the planning. I'm getting a little overwhelmed reading all of what there is to do! If anyone has any advice to give at ALL, I would appreciate it SO much. (Like, how's the hair and make-up at Dreams, is the coordinator easy to work with, is there anything I should be looking out for??) Thanks for all your help ladies! You guys must have a plethora of information, but it's just a matter of me sorting through all this I guess! Thanks, Kassia Oh, and how do you guys post all those cute pictures of yourselves??
  8. Yeah, after long consideration, we finally went back to just having our wedding at Dreams. We thought about Villa's and having a ceremony at Sunset De Mona Lisa restuarant, then considered just about every resort imaginable. We were almost set for Casa Del Mar, but the prices around the holiday's were crazy! Dreams seemed like such a great option, to minimize all the busy work and extra planning. There's so much for me to read on this site, it's kind of overwhelming! Josh and I are both busy graduate students, and also living 3 states away. Makes the planning tough sometimes.
  9. Hi everyone- My name is Kassia (groom's name is Josh) and we will be getting married at the Dreams Resort in Cabo san Lucas December 20th of 2007! We're very excited. We're planning a reception back home for December 29th in St. Paul Minnesota. Should be exciting! We just booked Juan Carlos Tapia as a photographer the other day for our ceremony. Plans are moving along! Lots to do before then however!!
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