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Everything posted by lovefreddy

  1. Thanks guys! I finally just downloaded a newer version of adobe and converted it into that. Yikes! But at least they are ordered now!
  2. Okay I am soooo ready to pull my hair out! I am trying to make postcards on vistaprint and when I upload my document (from publisher), it creates 2 pictures and puts it on the same postcard. So basically, one postcard has 2 little tiny pictures of what I want. I don't know what I am doing wrong!! Please help! THANKS!!
  3. I want to order stamps for invite and rsvp card...they are a little pricey. Anyone got a coupon? Thanks!
  4. I made so many friendships from being in a sorority. I was an Alpha Sigma Tau. I was the president as well and learned so many leadership and time management skills. It also was something that right out of college looks good on a resume. Shows a well-rounned individual.
  5. Here is my dilemma-I am still using the DJ at Azul, but just wanted him to use my computer/itunes play list. Is attaching speakers to computer fairly easy? I am just worried they are going to say okay to that but then when I get there they will say oh that can't be done. Have any other brides done this? Thanks!!
  6. Everything looks beautifull!! Congratulations! Makes me even MORE excited to have Elizabeth photograph my day!
  7. Oh Darn that is the date of my shower! I can never go to these!! I'm sure you guys will have a great time!!
  8. I almost had a heart attack today when I heard this, but it only applies to future bookings: I just got an e-mail from US Air that effective yesterday, you now have to pay for your second checked bag. They are charging $25 for the second bag. Any travel booked on or after 2/26 with a flight date on or after May 5th, will be charged. I know a lot of you girls have guests invited to your weddings - just in case you wanted to let them know. So, if you have booked travel already, you will be okay. Just an FYI!!
  9. Okay here is my dilemma, we want to order the plain canvas tote bags, the issue is I just want to have them do the screen printing as well. I know you can do the iron ons but I really don't want to have to do that. Has anyone else done that, any recommendations?? THANKS!!
  10. The tine I bought at Michaels Crafts, and the hankerchiefs I bought on ebay seller was linenclassics.com. They came very quicky too. As for the soaps I got the mold at AC Moore, and bought both the clear and white glycerin soap and bought lavendar drops for the scent. (I originally bought vanilla but it did not smell good at all!!) Thanks everyone for the complements! I bought labels from myweddinglabels.com for the soap boxes, as soon as they come in I will post photos.
  11. Here is what I have been doing the last few days. **These are photo albums I bought at AC Moore for 1.00, and then took this travel saying and fixed it onto the book ** These are hankerchiefs to give day of wedding, I was thrilled with the way they tuned out! **These are little candy tins for OOT bags **Bridesmaid bags from lands end. They came super fast and I was really happy! They are huge too! ** My homemade soap project. Each OOT bag will get 2. ** My starfish brooch just came in for back of my dress. I am really happy with the size! Sorry all of these photos are so large...I don't know how to make them smaller!!
  12. My FI and I would like to do a private catamaran trip for our guests the day after the wedding. Just curious who else has looked into this and what they've seen with the costs. We will have about 45 people. Thanks! Jen
  13. Welcome and good luck with your planning! I am getting married at Azul so let me know if you have any questions!
  14. My Daughter Wants A White Sweatsuit With Her Name On Back For Wedding Day. Can Anyone Recommend A Company That Makes A Nice One, Reasonable Price. Most I've Seen Are Around $100- That's A Bit Of Overpricing To Me Thanks For Any Help.
  15. I AM PUTTING PART OF MY DAUGHTERS INVITE TOGETHER AND NEED A SHEER ORANGE AND PINK RIBBON, 1 1/2 in. wide. i HAVE SEARCHED everywhere. Any suggestons out there Thanks ladies
  16. Welcome from another local! Happy planning!!
  17. Britt, Things have been going well. I deal with Fabio there, and he typically get back to me in a day so with my answers to questions. Yes, I heard they are renovating the hotel next fall. Best of luck with your planning!
  18. Awesome photos! You guys look like you had such an awesome time! Congratulations!
  19. I am getting married at Azul Beach, and so far so good! They have gotten back to me in a timely manner and seem to have alot of what you are looking for. Great beach, menu looks wonderful. It is not adults only but many people who have stayed there so you do not see many children. It is a smaller boutique type of hotel which only has 98 rooms. I wanted our familes to really get to know each other which is why I choose a smaller resort. Check out tripadvisor.com, there are MANY great reviews from brides who were married there. Feel free to email me if you have any questions at [email protected]
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