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Everything posted by lavalos

  1. lavalos

    New PV Bride

    Welcome! I'm a Cabo bride so not sure how much local info I can help with but your're definitely in the right place for ideas and info! Congrats and Happy Planning!
  2. lavalos

    Hello all!

    Welcome to the forum! I'm a Cabo bride so not sure how much help I'll be but you will definintely be able to find all the info you need to help you plan your wedding. Everyone on the site is FABULOUS!! Congratulations!
  3. lavalos

    Hello All

    Quote: Originally Posted by cheeks75 Thanks for everyone's help. I am definitely checking on the resorts that were recommended. Once you pick your resort, does everything seem to flow easier or is this just step 1? YES, picking the venue is half the battle. Trust me, it took me 8 months to decide on a local vs DW and where we would have it. Everything else will fall into place once you have the date and location picked. Good luck and happy planning!!
  4. lavalos


    Welcome and congratulations!
  5. Welcome back...I've been off of the computer for a few days and have a lot of catch-up reading as well! Good luck with the planning!
  6. Welcome to the forum! Your timeframe is definitely achievable. We're getting married in November of this year and have only booked the venue--you can do it! Best advice I can gice you is to figure out what your budget is before you waste time looking into places that may be over your budget. Your on the East Coast so Florida or an island in the Caribbean is, most likely, your best bet! Search through the various accomodation and site threads which will, hopefully, help you choose a location. Congrats on the engagement and happy planning!
  7. lavalos

    Hello there

    Welcome to the Forum! Picking the location is the most difficult part. You've come to the right site. Comb through the threads and review as much as you can. If you're still having difficulty settling on a venue, once you've settled on a city, you may consider taking a scouting trip (if budget allows). My scouting trip helped me tremendously! Good luck!
  8. Welcome to the forum and congrats on deciding on a DW! I was in the same boat as you. Planning the local, big wedding and decided on a DW. After exhausting 4 different destinations, we finally decided on Cabo! Good luck with the planning!
  9. lavalos


    Welcome to the Forum! I won't even admit how long it took me to stop the local plans and settle on a DW location. Good luck and happy planning! Lisa
  10. Welcome and congrats! You will find all the info you need on this board. What places are you scouting out when you go to Cabo? We went on a scouting trip in April and went to bunch of venues.
  11. You're back! Glad to hear you had a good time and I'm happy Sunset worked out for you (I was worried recommending it to you since we hadn't eaten there!). We finally decided on location and date--Sunset it is!! If you have time, shoot me an email--I'd love to get more details from you. Welcome back and congrats on hitting that 1 year mark! Lisa
  12. Hmmnm, you girls are making me think twice about a DJ. Honestly, between mine, and my best friend's music selection we would have plenty of song selection. I was just concerned about the announcements, entrances and transitions. Maybe, I could hire someone to be in charge of this all.
  13. Congratulations & Welcome! Let us know what you're thinking about--location, # of guests, time of year, etc.
  14. I was just talking about the postcard STD idea to my FI--LOVE this. Thanks for sending!
  15. Great pics and love your website. Thanks for sending your info!
  16. Welcome to the Forum and congratulations on choosing Cabo for your DW! This is the best board--especially for Cabo brides. You'll be able to plan your entire wedding with the great tips and advice from the brides on the board!
  17. lavalos


    Congrats & Welcome! Don't worry, you've made the right decision and I'll be the people who aren't attending will come around as the date draws near. You'll find plenty of tips and advice on this board!
  18. Congrats & Welcome to the site! So happy you've picked Cabo. We were in a similar mind frame as you and were too worried about others and not what we wanted. Well, we finally made a decision and are sooo happy. Try to envision yourself a few years from now looking back at your wedding day--what would you want to remember and what would be special for the two of you. Your family and friends will go, if that's what they want; you just do what you and your FI want. It's your day!!!!
  19. Congratulations and welcome to the site! I'm a Cabo bride but you will find a ton of helpful info and insight on this forum! Happy Planning!
  20. Hi Veronica--Congrats & Welcome! You've come to the right place for tips and advice for a Cabo wedding. This is the best board for Cabo! Check out the Cabo Accomodations & Sites page--tons of good info there! Happy Planning!
  21. Welcome to the site--you will find all the info you need here! Be sure to check out the the Cabo Accommodation & Sites page--lots of great info!
  22. Great review--sounds like your guests had a fabulous time! Thanks for the tips--I'm so inspired to get started with planning and some DIY projects.
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