Hi Jessica,
Thanks so much for clarifying the minimums/consumption fees; this makes me feel much better. The more I think about it, the more I feel like the WP we're working with isn't on point so I may be looking for someone else soon. I'll contact Emma, tomorrow, and so that I can get obtain accurate information. So the construction is an eyesore; it looks like it's in the beginning stages so a lot of it was concrete and metal. I contacted the company who's developing the property and they said planned completion would be the 1st quarter of '08. I'm sure by the time November rolls around, walls will be built so it won't look so raggedy. In all actuality, the ceremony view point is facing the opposite direction of the construction so it's not in your face, plus by the time your reception starts, it will be dark so you won't see it. Do not worry! Sunset is BEAUTIFUL and does not compare to any other site we visited so, rest assured--you've picked a perfect location! Be sure to check out the DG Lounge; it's located upstairs from the restaurant (separately owned) and is so very cool! If you're in the mood to keep the party going, guests can go upstairs for free DJ dancing. You may want to contact the owner to find out if he could reserve tables for you (I have his contact info if you want it). You may be able to find some pics online--I'll post our pics in a trip report very soon! Thank you, again! Lisa