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Everything posted by tvt

  1. Andi! I am cracking up over here. As soon as I saw the dogs with their "Please marry our mommy today" signs I could not stop laughing. I LOVE that idea so much, I so would have SOOO copied that! By far one of the best things I've ever seen on this forum! Can't wait for your big day! It's going to be amazing!
  2. we had the same problem with our dog Kody. She would pull the carpet up an rip out the individual carpet fibers, pull the cushions off the couches and eat the padding by the springs - MAJOR stuff. Not a CD or a flip flop. We were in the same situation as you - gave her lots of attention, walked her, etc. When we started walking her in the morning and/or letting her run at the park before we left for work we noticed a HUGE difference. We also started saving water bottles and putting her dog food in them before we go to work. She will work at unscrewing the cap off the water bottle and then throw around the bottle to get the food out. A fun game for her, keeps her occupied and gives her a job. I was home sick the other week and still did that with her and I realized how long she actually works on those bottles - I was amazed! I swear those two things alone have saved our furniture and the rest of our carpt. Now, if I could just get her to stop barking when I tell her to! If anyone has any advice for that I'd love to hear it!
  3. so you just have 2 that you wanted removed? did you take before and during pictures?
  4. haa, it's funny but not all at the same time. cute that she's so excited, but geez lay off the emails!!
  5. are these girls married? my guess is no. honestly i think a lot of people have NO CLUE about weddings and what happens until they get married. i know i personally had no idea! i know you feel let down, but have a glass of wine and take it for what it is. i'm sure they care about you a ton, and it's sad but some people just aren't good at planning these kinds of things. so maybe they need your help but don't want to ask? also, at the end of the day, when you're at LC and you and martin are married this will all just be a little blip on the road to one of the most wonderful days in your life. hang in there!! and we're always here to listen!
  6. your stuff looks great! have a wonderful wedding!
  7. Andi!!!!!! I can't believe it's time for your wedding already! Have the best time and remember to take a minute to look around and take in the amazingness of LC and your wedding! Can't wait to hear all about it!
  8. there needs to be a 'nothing' option. Mine was rinsed out after our TTD, crumpled up in the suitcase on the way home, and now hangs, in all it's wrinkled glory, in our closet
  9. i just saw the Tony Horton 10 minute work set. I'm really temped to try it. Apparently you do a 10 minute all over body, and the another 10 minute workout that changes by the day.
  10. I voted for Benton. I've never heard it, but really really love it!
  11. you'll want to tip brad after your ceremony, trust me. he does an AWESOME job.
  12. we did! we were so exhausted but we promised each other we wouldn't skip it, so we did.
  13. very cool! the link didn't come through in your post - for me anyway, so here it is Welcome to Indah Designs
  14. oh man that sucks so bad! poor guy!
  15. you stuff looks awesome! i love your dress and your wedding colors. Everything is so well put together - very impressed! Your wedding is going to be beautiful!
  16. just saw a tipping question. we tipped Kelley, the bartenders, the firedancers, and brad. I swear, by the end of the night my dad was going around tipping everyone! He was so crazy impressed by the whole entire production. Total extra tips I think we ended up around 450 - 500, but I can't be totally sure as it was my dad passing most of them out.
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