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Everything posted by tvt

  1. I want to see these pictures so bad! But my stupid work computer keeps having an error on the page...
  2. I would go to Banana Republic. They have a GREAT tan suit. Wait, what kind of suit are you looking for? That will help.
  3. Ahh, I'm under 3 months now.... I cannot wait! Oh, I had a dream last night that I showed up to the wedding without any make up... must mean I need to go buy wedding make up soon. Also I asked Kelley about the tables, she said she likes to max them at 12. FYI
  4. we collect a magnet and a piece of artwork from every place we visit.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsRust Very cute! I have a question. How does the ribbon work to attach to the suitcase? I plan to make these and love the ribbon idea, but I was curious about that...do you untie the ribbon and then tie it to the luggage? Thanks for sharing! I measured the ribbon long enough so you can put slip the plastic part through the ribbon.... I'll take a picture tonight of how it's going to attach to a bag.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Kits55 these are awesome! I didn't know you could do the shirts yourself, that makes me so happy to hear! and thanks for the tip about buying the letters at Michaels. The luggage tags look so professional...where did the get the pictures that you used? I googled Puerto Vallarta pictures! Quote: Originally Posted by kleslie5 They look great, Tara! I'm looking on Amazon and there are tons of luggage tags...do you know which kind you bought? Again, great job!! I got these: 1 of Advantus 75451 Proximity badge holders, vertical, 2-3/8 x 3-3/8, clear, 50 per pack In amazon search for Proximity Badge Holders Quote: Originally Posted by Amarillis Super cute! I love the tanks - are they iron on rhinestones Yep! To get the letters straight I laid a ruler along the tank tops and alligned my letter that way. I tried it without a ruler first... ha! didn't go so well!
  7. I want to make my mom a ring with our family's birthstones... but I have no idea where to start. I've googled some and haven't really found what I'm looking for. I basiaclly want a small channel set ring, in white gold with 4 gemstones.... Anyone know where to do this?
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Kits55 these totally rock! did you have to order a certain number of every color or do they just come in random amounts? i.e. what i wanted all green? you can buy all the same color if you want. ie frosted to green. or there is a color cup.. can't remember which color, that turns to green. we ordered assorted so we got roughly the same number of each color.
  9. OMG, I'm so excited for all the LC weddings coming up!!!!! And shocked that mine is so close on the list....
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by bca33 Hello everyone!!! I am so excited- I am now a confirmed Las Caletas bride!!!! congrats! cute puppy in your avitar
  11. finally finished my DIY luggage tags! I bought the clear plastic holders off Amazon for 10 bucks, and ended up using regular really bright paper because it looked better than the card stock. Then bought 2 things of black ribbon for 3.50 each and a 3 dollar exacto knife. 20 bucks total. Easy peasy! OOps I forgot to take pictures of the back. I put everyone's name, address and cell phone numbers on the back - in the same font that says Puerto Vallarta on the front. And here are the tank tops I made for myself, MOH and my "flower girl" who is actually a very good friend who is an awesome florist (i'm going to redo hers in the silver letters eventually). Tanks are from old navy 2 for $15 and the letters are from Michaels, 4 dollars for an alphabet set (2 of each letter) and FYI buy these iron ons a Michaels. Joann fabrics are 10 bucks for the exact same alphabet set
  12. i'm not eating over the limit, but i found that my regualar diet did not contain as much fat as alli suggested. therefore i was adding things like PB and cheesesticks to my meals to get the necessary fat. so i'm loosing weight, 3lbs so far, but i don't know if it's because of my diet and working out... I'm going to take a couple weeks off. see what happens....
  13. i did post on the alli website, and one of the Drs said it can just take a while for your body to get used to being on it, and that a mulit vitamin can also cause some congestion. i stoped taking the vitamin. so i'm torn. do i stay on it? is it working? i don't have time to waste! and it's not like i'm uncomfortable, but i wonder what is happening with all of this fat that i'm purposefully putting into my body?
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by 09bride i LOVE these!!! looking at the options.. did you get the assorted frosted colors? Using them for an AHR was also a GREAT idea! Yep, assorted frosted colors!
  15. Is it too late to change my wedding location? I want to go to these. Thanks for posting! Great info! ... maybe a 1 year anniversary trip is in order
  16. i love the big bun look... but don't ask me how to do it! the dress is really cute! is it black too?
  17. congrats on finding a band! can't wait to see picures of them together
  18. I'd go all up, especially if your hair doesn't hold curl very well. I love love love the half up look, but if your hair is like mine, it won't look that sexy beachy curly for very long! Which is why I'd go for the all up style.
  19. that dress is totally cute! and actually something they can wear again! i'd leave the beaded part alone... that might be tough to duplicate without ruining the dresses.
  20. LC only has one wedding per day as well. This was an important factor for us as well.
  21. I think I have to change my opinion now that I've seen your dress. I think they are both too much for one another. But I agree that a fun bright shoe would be awesome, but I'd stick with a more simple shoe so it doesn't detract from the beauty of your dress.
  22. so.... i think i'm going off alli. I've been on it for almost 2.5 weeks, and while I have lost weight (3lbs) I'm not sure it's the Alli that is doing it. I'm working out and eating right. WARNING - POOP TALK AHEAD I wouldn't be going off Alli if it wasn't for my need to drink the special tea. My body may not be right for Alli. It was my understanding that I would be eliminating all this fat via pooping... but how am I supposed to do that if I don't poop at all? Seriously, it's bad. I have to drink the tea! That can't be right.
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