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Everything posted by tvt

  1. hmmm this sounds interesting. so the guests have to pay to attend this?
  2. oh I can see them now! I voted for #2, i love that one!
  3. they look nice! the linen paper, is the blue i'm assuming. that is the same color i have, and i have an aqua in linen as well.
  4. i tried the linen over linen at the store, but it seemed... heavy. if that makes sense. maybe if i get linen text paper it would work out better. you don't happen to have a picure of your invites do you?
  5. i can't see 2 or 3. it says photo is unavailalbe.
  6. Hey girls. I just need to get it out that I am so sick of my seating chart, welcome letter, place cards, and wedding purse. These things have been hanging on my DO NOW list for the past month +. I want to check the f'ers off the list!! I am totally lost in the craft stores and had no idea how many paper otions there would be. Little overwhelmed at the moment. And how hard do you think it would be to find a cute blue/aqua clutch for the wedding? apparently very hard. grr.
  7. The metallic white I bought was cardstock. But i don't have a manual feed on my printer so I wonder if that was part of the problem. The colored paper I have is the linen texture.... now i'm wondering if the metallic would even look good over the linen paper. too many paper choices!
  8. I bought this beautiful blue and aqua card stock for my welcome letters and name cards, and now I'm trying to find a white paper to print the material on. I got a metallic white, that won't go through my printer because it's too thick. Then FI suggest thicker white paper, so I bought "presentation paper" 32lb white glossy paper, and I don't like the way it looks. For all you gals that did the white paper with a color background, where did you get your white paper?
  9. well... i have 3 thoughts after reading this thread 1. interesting location for a brooch 2. but i do like the one with the red stone 3. aunt flow
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha Tara, your make-up looks great! Did you buy any of it? I used the bronzer for the wedding and I really liked it. Someday I will post my review with pictures.....I have only been married for like 3 weeks and I have been promising my review 2 days after we got back. I am such a slacker! I sure did! I bought 326 dollars worth! I love it. I've been practicing my eye make up a little bit each day. Nothing crazy, but the other day at work my coworker goes. "OK, did you get new eyes? Why are they so green!" Yeah, it was totally the eyeshadow, so that was promising!
  11. Michelle, that was so sweet of them to surprise you with a shower! I love that you were totally clueless! Danielle, I LOVE your BM dresses. The color and style are both amazing! Very very cute! I just got a call yesterday that my dress didn't ship this week like it was supposed to. So i have to change my 1st alterations appointment... which was next Thursday as I won't have my dress by then. Bummer!!
  12. Do you think a swimsuit is a weird bridesmaid present?
  13. I need to download this tonight when I get home. I really want to see it! I love to do lists
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari I am still waiting on pricing from Los Burros. I got one email saying they will answer me shortly. I am excited about the bar though, I think it will be perfect. Let me know if you hear from them... Ha! I got the same email a few days ago. I was going to follow up today. I'll let you know if I get anything from them.
  15. I am getting more excited than nervous. Sunday night I could not fall asleep because I was so happy that wedding things were finally coming together! However, I am nervous to get my dress..... I hope it fits!!!!!!
  16. I love it! I love houses with all the beautiful woodwork!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek Tara you looked pretty thin in your makeup pics yesterday, I'm sure you look great already! Thanks. I've lost almost 20 lbs since my heaviest so I'm happy about that, but I'd love to loose those stubborn last 10 lbs. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek My fi has the unconditional love thing for me too but I made it clear to him that I really want to look Great for my wedding and be happy with the pics, I always hate pics of myself. i want to love my wedding pics. So now when I think about cheating he'll say to me "Someone's not going to fit in their dress" which at any other time I would be offended but I know he's saying it because he wants me to be happy in Punta Cana. FI does that to me all the time! He'll be like "so where does that cookie go? on your arm?" and I'll be like "UGH you are such an ass" but then I won't eat the cookie. Steph, good luck tomorrow!
  18. Yari, I'm with you. Barcelona is way more than we want to spend. Plus we want something totally kick back and relaxed. I think we might do Los Burros Bar. I'm waiting on a menu and info from them. But I love the SUPER casual look of it. I would think by evening there would be way less vendors on the beach. I'll just put the fear of god in one of them and I'm sure the rest will stay away La Palapa. Joe and I sat down at this restaurant while we were in PV a couple years back. we didn't eat there becaue we couldn't find anything on the menu that we wanted. Granted we're picky eaters, but it was too modern/trendy of a menu for us. And the menu was pretty small if I remember correctly.
  19. Wow Alyssa, everything is amazing!!! I love these threads.. I can't wait for your day!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Opice34 Tara - Love, love, love your earrings! I must head to Dillard's soon! We got invites out last week and 61 people have already booked. Holy crap! We picked out wedding bands on Monday, too. Thanks, my mom and FI don't like them, but I love them so I'm sticking with it! 61 people, that's crazy! Where are pictures of your wedding bands? Quote: Originally Posted by Opice34 Are you guys exercising? I had grand plans of being in super shape, but as the day draws near, I'm just hoping to be in better shape than I am now. I need to get on a serious workout plan...have you guys started? So did I. We've been engaged for over a year and a half, and I always was like "I'll be so skinny by then!!!" ha, right, that hasn't happened. I've only begun to work out and diet.. maybe 3 weeks ago. My scale isn't going down but i'm loosing inches so I guess I can't complain that much.
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