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Everything posted by tvt

  1. yup, one blue eye one brown eye love that about him!
  2. andi, i showed DH that card you made and we were both laughing so hard! i love that! here's a recent one of my dude Tucker. He's 3. We always joke that he poses for his senior pictures!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Helen_S81 My daughter was having a problem with her wedding and engagement ring (white gold, not sure what karat). When she got the engagement ring she wore it for a year and a half with no problem. Then they purchased the matching wedding band and it didn't quite fit so both rings were taken by the jeweller to be remodelled so they would work as a set. When Katie got them back she couldn't wear them for more than a couple of hours before she had a problem pretty much like the one you describe. She tried a couple of things - one of them coating the gold on the rings with clear nail polish - with no luck. Her husband was upset as she wasn't wearing her wedding ring. She went back to the jeweller again and had the rings sized up, just a small amount, and soldered together. We think what was happening was that 'stuff' (soap, glue, paint, etc.) was getting caught inbetween the two rings and causing a reaction of some kind. Now she can wear them no problem and everyone is happy again I don't know if you have one or two rings so I just mention this as a possibility. so making the rings a little larger helped her problem? I have 2 rings - engagement and wedding. I've also worn mine for over a year without any problems. So strange!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by erika j oh yay, my new favorite thread! I am a nutty dog lover and here is my dog child otis. He is a 3 year old lab mix, about 75 lbs. We adopted him from the denver dumb friends league when he was 10 weeks. He still looks so much like a puppy that people ask all the time. Here is his puppy pic: here is otis now: otis and fi evan: omg cutie pie!!!!!!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by CTall119 If your band (especially if you have diamonds other then the centerstone) have a piqued roof - so to speak - when you wash your hands/shower/sweat, etc. moisture can get trapped in there...and voila - a ring rash you will get. There are meds to treat this (Clotrimazole and betamethasone dipropionate lotion, for starters) where you place it on the rash...and it will clear right up. This is exactly what my Derm said when I went in. That I got some harsh soap and water caught in my ring (i have diamonds all the way around and thus have those little holes all the way around my ring too - perfect for stuff to get stuck in) So I haven't been wearing it the past month and have done Cortisone cream and it's still not better. Maybe i need a prescription strength?
  6. they are wonderful! i love the one that you have as your siggy right now. you look so beautiful and happy!!!
  7. Is anyone out there allergic to gold? The skin under my ring is really irritated - itchy, red, flaky, and if i wear my ring it opens up into an open blister like area. As such I haven't been wearing my ring the last month. Today my coworker saw that it was still irritated and said that I'm probably allergic to gold? I guess she is allergic to gold and her skin gets this way. Anyone know anything about this? I have a call into my derm, but thought I'd throw it out here!
  8. i LOVE number 1! It is super flattering on you! Not that number 2 isn't, i just like number 1 more - shows off your figure more
  9. wow, i'm totally shocked by your review! that sucks big time!!! i can totally see why you're unhappy with your pictures. they are so dark. i'm so sorry, that totally sucks! however your attitude about it seems pretty good. either laugh or cry right?
  10. kinda getting a little teary over here just looking at the dinner set up pictures! geesh!
  11. andi you need to get your review as a link in your siggy! it's the former LC bride thing to do
  12. andi you better not cut it down! we relish LC wedding reviews, we all sorta relive our weddings when we read them, so gush on and on and on, we'll love it!
  13. congrats Andi! Saw your teaser pic thread... seriously what a tease!! cannot wait to see more and hear all about it!
  14. I did not wear a slip! I wanted the least amount of layers... considering the location, ha! I'm glad I skipped the slip! HOWEVER, I think it really depends on the style of your dress. I believe the poofier dresses require slips to keep the fullness.
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