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Everything posted by tvt

  1. haaaa, christa you are killing me today.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari I am off to eat Chinese Food...don't have too much fun without me. I do have to thank Jac for starting this thread, it has been my entertainment all day. Yumm, I LOVE chinese food! And I was just thinking the same thing. I actually just sent Jac a beer.
  3. that leads me to another question, which i actually tried to search to find the answer to (amazing hu?), how do you get karma?
  4. speaking of points, what happens if you theif them from someone?
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE Tara, I got the custom trays done at my dentists office and they were like $300. The dentist gives me some bleach in a syringe and each syringe costs $20 but is good for two whitenings. Oh that's not a bad deal. Have you tried them yet? I had these a REALLY long time ago and the bleach stuff hurt my gums so bad. But I'd think the formula would be improved since I had them 10 years ago. Let me know how it goes for you!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari You need to change your user name to **Tara** or Tara#1 Quote: Originally Posted by carly OMG, Tara #1 would be so funny, yet so wrong. I don't think you should do it, but it would crack me up if you did! HA, Tara #1, is so funny yet so wrong. I might as well change it to "I'm So Vain" as my user name, then my title could be, "yes i think the song is about me". I almost changed it to TaraVT. but that just looks funny. if i would have jumped on the name bandwagon a long time ago tara would have been available.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Christa NICE ladies!! This is just what I needed...I feel like I've accomplished something now! Whoop whoop! ha, me too! we need a new task now....
  8. oh i missed this the first time but i like #1, so I'm glad that's the one you picked!! i can't wait to see pictures. i'm jealous of your engraving, i can't have mine engraved
  9. I can't speak for everyone on here, but I know we are doing a lot of stuff DIY or just skipping it in general to watch our budget. I can't remember who it was, that planned their whole wedding for 5k....
  10. i'll join the licious club in a sec!! yeay, i haven't been part of a club in so long!
  11. hey, in Canada don't people have Buck and Does? (which I just learned about on the forum!) Could that help you raise some wedding money?
  12. oh that is totally a bummer!!! i can totally understand why you wouldn't want to push it back another whole year. What if you pay for part in cash, and get a zero % CC to put some on as well?
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari Tara I love them all! I could never pick a favorite. Ha, thanks! Not to be vain (but hello she made me look pretty darn good if i must say so myself) but I can't pick a favorite either!
  14. Got our proofs back already! Took Stephany (of EyeSpy Photography)...4 days! Sweet hu? Here are some of my favorites! (oops, turns out I have a crap load of favorites. Sorry for the me picture overload!) more to come
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari Do it! Change it to your first name...join the first name club! Tara is already taken
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Christa Yari - I love your new Yarilicious tagline! I think I would like to change mine now too. I like Chief Investigator!
  17. ahhh, so now i'm contemplating changing my user name all together. the things the boredom makes you do.
  18. ahh, thanks! now i want to change mine too. hmm will have to think about this. it's a good thing i've got plenty of time today!
  19. I think Yadzilla is hilarious!!! BTW, how do you change that name?
  20. Kristy, I love that dress!!! I'm so glad you're going to show us a pic with you in it!! Yari, cute cake!! And I'm sure I will get a lot of stuff done without FI there! A little part of me is glad he's leaving for a bit, but don't tell him that! I am looking forward to some solid me time! But I'm not looking forward to cutting the grass
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