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Everything posted by tvt

  1. I'm starting Jenny tomorrow. I have 2 coworkers on it and they both love it. I'm so excited!!!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Turtlebaybride Hi Tara, where abouts did you get that ribbon? And those tags.....are they the kinds that are laminating or do you slip the paper in them? Did that make sense? Cause i'm thinking of leaving the paper blank, so my many guests can fill it in themselves. And how are you going to ship them to your guests? I've been thinking.....ooohhhh what's that going to cost? In a regular envelope, in a package, etc....yikes. I got the ribbon at Michaels. And the plastic part is a verticle badge holder that i slid the paper in. I'm mailing them with a brochure at the end of september in a regular envelope. i have a bunch of $1 stamps left over from the invites and I think that should cover the postage of the tags and a brochure.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by catandcleo I have this, but it totally won’t work because you would see the flaps and how weird would that look?! Victoria's Secret - Adhesive underwire plunge bra Does this one work? I have a dress that this would be perfect for! I got this, and I have tried it on with little success (it doesn’t seem to do much LIFT-wise) – am I doing something wrong? Do I need more practice? They just sit there, stuck to my boobs – but not doing much else. Victoria's Secret - Invisible shaping bra I bought this once and I had the same problem, it just looked like a squishy thing stuck to my boobs. So, has anyone tried these? Victoria's Secret - Adhesive invisible lifts I had something like those once, only the sticky came up and covered the nipples. they were ok. however one night i wore them out dancing and the sweat and the alcohol and there i was sticking my had down my shirt ripping them off. and i didn't think they provided much support at all. oh and for the record i'm a c, so it's not like there was a ton to support. Does anyone have any other suggestions? You may have noticed by my profile that i need to find something SOON! Thanks ladies! Good luck finding something that works. Can you alterations person sew in an underwire like the first link you posted, and then chop off the little side sticky parts?
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride08 My TA suggested packing the clothes suitcases with half my stuff and half of Mike's stuff so if for some reason one of the suitcases gets lost we'll both have clothese. I have never done that, but thought that was a really good idea. Knowing my luck it will be half the wedding stuff that gets lost! I probably just jinxed myself. thats a great idea! on that note, are you guys carrying on FI's wedding wear? what if that was in a bag that didn't make it. that would suck!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by amyrak Oh also girls...my dress isn't even in yet..should I be worried?? Or they haven't even called either..haha I called awhile back and they said 2nd week in Aug. Hmmm...seeing as it's 2nd week in Sept maybe I should call again. Do you guys all have your dresses?? I would definitely call about your dress. I'd think you'd want to get in for alterations really soon, and I know here this is a busy time of year for alterations people!
  6. Oh, very nice!!! Last weekend FI and I went out to dinner and I said "lets be married!" so we both wore our wedding rings out to dinner then took them off when we got home. It was pretty fun being married
  7. YEAYYYYYYYY!!!! I cannot wait to see/hear about your LC wedding!!
  8. hmm i just realized i didn't read your post right. it was a link to a website.... hmm anyway, i'm going to give you links to 2 really good to do lists in case that was what you got off the website http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t20049 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t23302 Also, did you post a reply to the thread you're looking for? if so go to Quick Links, then Subscribed Threads and that will narrow your search down quite a bit
  9. hmm I know that becks and yari both have posted to do lists. i'll see if i can find them
  10. bummer! i was expecting some pictures good luck on finding a photographer!
  11. i would personally have my dad call all of the non rsvpers and see if they are coming. since it is his side of the family and all i personally, wouldn't want to be a BM in charge of the task of calling all those people!
  12. daniellie, i really like that second hair picture you posted!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari Get this my full name is Yadira...um why is there a "d"?? I swear I got jacked with my name. ok so I knew it was ya*dee. but how do you pronounce your full name? yeah i'm just plain old t.v.t. my real name is Tara. like you tear*a piece of paper!
  14. OMG! on my wedding night if my DH took off my dress and saw that i think he'd die from laughter. that why they make no show panties and bras!
  15. ohh i can't wait for your pictures!
  16. i feel like i have pretty much everything too - from LC anyway! i basically have random little things left, like printing welcome letters and such. no final decision on a WD either. Los Burros came back with 50 bucks a person and we said a big fat no to that. I'm not sure what we're planning now. We'll see if los burros comes back uner 25 and if so then we have a deal. mainly because i just want to have it decided!!
  17. WOW! cetaphil it is! going to buy some tomorrow!
  18. I had been using Dove Sensitive Skin face wash, and was even buying it online because a lot of stores didn't sell it. Now I can't find it online, so I tried Dove Gentle Exfoliating and my face is breaking out like crazy! Any suggestions?
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