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Everything posted by tvt

  1. I threw my make up brush at FI the other week. It was the morning after I'd received my see through wedding dress, and I just wanted to vent, and all I got back was "yep" "uh-hu" so I proceeded to chuck my blush brush at him and screamed that I needed him to listen to me and support my frustration - not ignore it! - and that it was time for him to go to work and get out of the house. He left, then I was so pissed that I had to call him and tell him how mad I was at him. So I call, start yelling that I need help with this wedding, then I break down sobbing. He came back home, I sobbed some more and then started laughing like a crazy person. Hmm.. I think that beats my latest bridezilla moment.
  2. it sounds like it was a wonderful wedding, hurrican and all! congrats, love the pictures!
  3. I LOVE this show too!!!!
  4. What's your worst bridezilla moment? I had a pretty bad one today. I was pissed at my parents for buying my dad a tie that would clash with my flowers. And then mad at my mom for wearing wedges to our wedding on the beach. Oops! Was I seriously mad that my dad's tie would clash with my flowers or that my mom would end up having to carry her shoes? Geesh!
  5. I wrote Los Burros back asking for Yari's menu. Haven't heard back. the 50 did include drinks but it was a set # of drinks, so it wasn't like it was totally all inclusive. So tonight I'm burning CDs of the first dance songs and such, which lead me to a questions. Girls that had DJs, how was the DJ?
  6. that sucks! i agree with Yari, DWs bring out some strange sides of people you never even knew they had
  7. tvt

    Meet Baxter

    poor baxter he's mighty adorable, cone and all
  8. Again, very cute!! Ha, this was funny! Quote: Originally Posted by Abbie erica, they look great dont strangle donnie, you need a groom at your wedding
  9. sounds like a really fun night! you better post those pictures! oh and I'm actually kinda jealous of your hangover day with movie watching. i love those days! (well when the hangover starts to subside!)
  10. as far as strapless bras go, i've always hated them. but then i found an AMAZING strapless at Target of all places. It stays up, doesn't give you funny boob shapes and it's totally comfy. It's a Briggs and O'maley i think. It definitely has the omaley in the name. it's what i'm wearing under my dress.
  11. Oh no!!!! That sucks! Ha, we tell our dogs it's a good thing they are cute when they are little trouble makers too! funny!
  12. well I bought the Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser and I've been using it for about a week now and I can already see MAJOR improvements in my skin! My puberty breakouts are almost completely gone and I don't (knock on wood) have any lurking around! Yeay! Thanks for the suggestion girls!
  13. oh I love it! both the hair and make up! you look beautiful!
  14. you looked beautiful! i love the pictures of you two looking at each other during the ceremony!
  15. very nice!! I love that blue top you have on in the first couple pictures!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE Can I make them with a picture on the front (I am totally copying yours Tara - I LOVE them)!! And have the back say their last name and name of the hotel? Ha, thanks!! I pre made the the names too, I did name, address and cell phone number. It was a PITA getting everyone's correct info, since so many people had moved since i sent invites out a WAY Long time ago. But I think name and resort would be great!
  17. I think i'm going to have to redefine my definition of fall now that i live in AZ. It used to be the smell if crisp air and changing colors. going to miss that! Hmm now, I think fall will officially start when I can turn off my AC... and that hasn't happened yet. It's still in the 90s here.
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