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Everything posted by tvt

  1. i'm so sorry you are going through this right now. stay strong and i'm sure things will work out they way they are supposed to. i hope that you two can talk about this soon so you don't have to keep wondering what is going to happen.
  2. looks like lots of fun! what cool unexpected gifts!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak Tara, it looks awesome! I've always had this impression of you, as being down-to-earth and sincere--- basically, someone who "has their head on straight".... this dress perfectly matches my impression: stunning, timeless, and perfect to the environment where it will be worn. Excellent choice, and it looks awesome! aww thanks, that is so sweet!
  4. YEAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY LC wedding season! I love hearing about all the LC weddings! Hurry up October! Yari, 20 days! yeay!!!!!
  5. Hi girls! Celina, OMG your stories about your son are cracking me up! But the part about the wedding dress, OMG thank god your dress survived! No big plans here. I have to work for a while this weekend, and FI is back this weekend so I think we're just going to rent some movies and order in some pizza and chill. Aside from my fitting this past week I haven't really done anything wedding related for at least 3 weeks. Ooops. Oh well! I keep thinking "oh I have TONS of time" well that's not really true anymore!
  6. Thanks girls! I can't wait to see it on my next appointment - final. Quote: Originally Posted by SusanK Wow... the big day is really getting close. You will definitely be a beautiful bride! I know right! I've been a member here for a long long time and it's finally almost here!
  7. my ring can't be engraved which i'm really sad about. that was going to be our wedding present to each other, surprise ring engraving. but i'm thinking of a few things - basically personal ways we've said i love you (in weird ways) through out our relationship i <3 u - always wrote that in the begining love ewe iyau i think i'm going to go with "iyau"
  8. Not necessarly the best pictures but hey, what can a girl do?! So here it is in all of its wrinkled glory. Everything fits perfectly except that some how the boneing in the boob area turned into "madonna boobs" (the alterations guys words!) so they are taking the boneing out and then it should make my chest look more normal. Sorry the pictures are so bad! Here are pictures in the flourescent lights - and of the 3 button bustle that I was a little worried about but actually really like. And here's more of what it actually looks like in person - the ribbon and lace aren't as apparent
  9. go to a website like photobucket and upload and size (uploading them in medium size works well) your pictures. then use the IMG code and past that into the body of your post, and bam! pictures! can't wait to see!
  10. I wore a pink shirt similiar to your first shirt for our E pics and I love how the bright color looked in the pictures. SO i vote shirt #1!
  11. I'm going to have to disagree with the above and say wear a veil! I love the way a veil completes the wedding look, IMO. I wasn't going to wear one until my mom wanted me to try one on. Now I would never consider not wearing a veil.
  12. Michelle your dress looks awesome!!! Danielle, hmm brunch.... they could try to throw you off with the timing!!! you never know!!
  13. I think your natural style is awesome! People pay for that! I'd leave it the way it is now, I really like it!
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