Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek I've been going up and down with my dress. First I love it than i don't like it on me. It's like a rollercoaster. And when i posted the pic yesterday i was having a "the dress doesnt look good on me moment". I'm glad you girls like it that makes me feel better. I've had that same thing. Sometimes I look at the pics and I love it, other times I hate it. Oh, and I have wedding dress nightmares - where the alterations lady royally f's it up.
Quote: Originally Posted by chika
Tara - your welcome letter is really sincere and heartfelt. What a good idea to have a photo sharing site - I just might have to borrow that from you! Are you giving your bags out to people before they leave?
Nope, we're giving them out at the resort. OUr guests are from all over so it's easier for us that way.
I leave 3 weeks from today. That just blows my mind. We've been engaged forever, and I've always had the "wedding is so far away" feeling. And I still do, only now the wedding isn't far away at all!!!