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Everything posted by tvt

  1. she needs to hurry back from her honeymoon and tell us all about it!
  2. i quit it. it wasn't right for my body. i lost 3lbs on it. But i was also working out and eating right. since i've been off of it, i've lost another 7lbs with just diet and excercise.
  3. haha Celina! The tickers are a crazy reality check! We really need to check our dates and see if we can meet up, even if it's just for a quick drink. I'll email you what dates we have open, and we can see if any of them work for you too!
  4. the metal is silver, my camera has an amber colored light that goes off before every picture so it gives the picture without a flash a little different look than it actually is
  5. my mom ordered the M&Ms. but i think she got them on the m&m website
  6. oh celina that sucks! my face reacts to everything too and i usually use cortozone cream, but if you use it, use it sparingly. i'm so sorry that happened, that sucks BIG time!!!! so FI and I had "date night" last night. he wouldn't tell me what we were doing, all i knew was that it started at 6:15. turns out my "date night" was actually a surprise bachelorette thrown by my work girls. it was tons of fun, but now I have the worst headache! I will post pics soon!
  7. sounds to me like he wants to be reassured that you love him, want to be with him, etc. and this is his way of calling out and asking for that affection/attention.
  8. oh that dress is beautiful! i love the sash to add some spark for the reception!
  9. OMG I wish I could return my dress and get this one! My dad would be so proud!
  10. i know several other girls have had this happen too. me included. something about being engaged makes them THINK they want you. You know the saying "want what you can't have"? but you're engaged to your FI for a reason, and not to this EX for a reason as well. just remember that, if his text is stirring up emotions.
  11. Omg.omg.omg wait... why does he grab the brides feet?
  12. i love Yari's pictures!!! also, i was browsing your blog, and you said such nice things about BDW.. awww! And my favorite Yari picture is the one of her and brian with the crazy sky in the background. love it! and ps, love your blog! you're awesome!
  13. wow, you have so much great stuff! your wedding is going to be awesome!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by amyrak Well, I'm going for my 2nd hair trial today at a different place so we'll see how that goes. Trying my hair a different way. I think I may go for this Reese Witherspoon look: Reese Witherspoon with Hair in New Low Formal Bun at 2006 Oscars - Beautiful Hairstyles maybe a little more volume in front though..we'll see. Took my dress in to get the bustle and cups sewn in and she said it will be done on Nov 17th. We leave on the 21st so I hope so!!! Got our legal day set for the 31st and FI applied for the marriage license so we should get that on Monday. Everything is coming up fast!! LOVE that hairstyle! Of course, pictures!! thanks girls for your input, I've decided against seeing the doctor for the anxiety. FI really put it into perspective last night. Instead of being anxious about all the people being there, I should feel loved that they traveled all this way to be with me on this special day. Made me feel so much better! And if the anxiety comes back, me and tequila get along pretty well, so I'll just have a margarita!
  15. thanks for the great suggestions and person stories. i talked to FI about it, and he's supportive of whatever I decide, but he seems to think 1 good margarita should do the trick for me. tequila and me... we're best buds! so we'll see
  16. FI ended up ordering this humidor: Personalized Cherry Wood Cigar Humidor - Monogram Design
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Samantha S Tara, I'm SO excited for you!! Your wedding will be amazing, everything is stunning and perfect. I have series of questions for you... :-) Where did you get the humidors from? Where did you get your FI’s flip flops from? Is anyone in line for buying the table number holders from you? Thanks! Cannot wait for the review. FI's flip flops are from Kohls. he loves them. I had to hide them from him because he wouldn't quit wearing them! Nope, no one in line for the table number holders. Alyssa gave them to me, and if they all come home with me, I can definitely give them to you! Remind me though, I'll probably forget I have to check on the humidor.... FI bought it
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