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Everything posted by tvt

  1. hahaha, you girls are so funny! thanks everyone for the well wishes!!
  2. hi girlies! just checking in quick to say hi, we're married, it was the sweetest wedding i could have ever imagined, i loved ever single second, wasn't nervous and it wa BEYOND my wildest dreams!!!
  3. We're married!! Our LC wedding was beyond words. I woke up this morning and couldn't go back to sleep because I was replaying the night over and over. Some of the things we heard last night: "no one can ever beat this wedding" "you've set the bar really high for all of your cousins" "i want a wedding exactly like this" "how did you find this place, it's surreal" I'll write a full and very detailed review when we get back but I just had to tell you all how freakin awesome our wedding was. Perfect doesn't even begin to describe the event. Kelley at LC = love her. Wanted to pack her up and take her home with me. The DJ, Brad the minister, the fire dancers, Fernando the hair guy, the bartenders, everyone was so nice/friendly/happy/accomodating etc it could not have been any better.
  4. ha, i love that all the emails posted so far are all of us getting married in the next few days! we're all going to be gone together
  5. i think it's great! you can always get the train shortened if you don't like how long it is
  6. i am off of work! i just woke up from a great nap! haven't been sleeping too well lately. too excited. and somehow not anxious anymore so that's great! i'm 95% packed just a few thing left to throw in. I'm really impressed that we're making it in 2 large suitcases and one small. so. what do you girls think about exchanging email addresses? so if we get a change to log into email after the wedding we can send a quick update? might be faster and easier than logging into bdw. thoughts?
  7. i have nude bra and undies. i got my sample fabric wet - SEE THROUGH. common problem with this dress damn dress. why is the 1 dress that i fall in love with see through? i'm ttd anyway. screw it, if you can see my undies i don't care!
  8. and Shea, have you posted your TTD pics on here?
  9. Ah, thanks Shea! I knew someone on here had to have done it before. I assume just the skirt becomes see through? If you did it again, what would you wear under the dress? I'm not totally concerned about it being "trashed" but my mom is, and she bought my dress and it wasn't exactly a cheapo, so that's where my concern is.
  10. so i got my sample fabric wet last night. it dried fine, little crinkly but nothing worth getting upset over. however, it was totally see through!!!!!! crap, i don't know what to do. i'd consider david's but we leave tomorrow...
  11. I have a silk dress and am doing a TTD. Never thought twice about it until tonight when I went to pick up my dress and they told me to be sure my dress doesn't get wet because it will stain with water spots. I asked "what happens if the entire dress gets wet" to which he said "well then it's all one big water spot" Has anyone had a silk dress and either gotten it wet or done a TTD? Now I'm a little nervous about what will happen with my dress. My mom is going to be less than happy if the TTD actually trashes the dress.
  12. I'm sitting at work going crazy today. I have cabin fever in a bad way! We leave on Thursday morning! OMG! I want to go home and pack and relax. So, do any of you girls have silk dresses? I just finally put it together that my dress is silk, and will probably be see through if it gets wet.... a la TTD
  13. amy, i'll be back before you leave too, so between celina and myself we should be able to cover any support you need and, i wore jeans and a sweater to my legal day, oh and flip flops. it was SOO not a big deal. I didn't even let Joe kiss me when the judge told him to. i said "no we have to save that for mexico" i miss you girls lately, things are getting so crazy! hope you are all doing well! Oh celina! your make up looks awesome!
  14. oh no! just what you need the day before the baby! i'm glad he's ok though
  15. I'm so glad this is back! What a fun thing!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride08 I'm not nervous, I just want to get to Mexico already. No joke! We leave in... count them... on one hand.... 4 days!!!! Holy shisters!!! I cannot wait to be there all ready. Althouhg thinking about walking down the isle and everyone looking at me makes me anxious, so I just don't think about it! I got my mani and pedi this weekend. Love it. And I'm making my TBD welcome dinner invites as we speak. Then all I have to do is hair appointment, pick up my dress, and pack and then I'd ready. WOO HOO!! Amy your hair looks awesome!!! Celina must have had a fun bach party!
  17. wow michelle that is a crazy weekend! i love the way your hair turned out, the color is great!!!
  18. Steph your dress looks awesome!!! I love the sweetheart neckline
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