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Everything posted by tvt

  1. I vote for highlights!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by akh Tara - those are SOOO cute! i love the snuggling picture! Thanks!! We joke that they are soul mates. Let see more fur babies!!
  3. Hi, I know there are others out there getting married in the DR... which resorts is everyone choosing?? We're thinking Gran Bahia, Majestic Colonial, and Palladium Punta Cana. But it's so hard to pick!
  4. Tucker @ 4 months - his first week "home" He was a rescue dog (I fell in love with his HUGE ears!) Tucker resting after chasing snow balls on his 1st birthday And finally, Tucker and Buddy snuggling after a day of playing!
  5. This is a dumb question, but what does OOT stand for? I'm not to good with all of the acronyms yet....
  6. Wow, that is seriously messed up! I can't believe someone would take your wedding photos. What's wrong with people? It reminds me of the thread regarding inviting co-workers....
  7. I can't believe I missed a thread with pictures! You look stunning!
  8. I love this forum! You all are the most helpful bunch out there You're right, they are adults and they can take care of themselves! I'm less stressed, thanks
  9. Kooko for coco puffs. I like that analogy!! I'm the same way - damned if I do, damned if I don't. I'm very close to a few select aunts/uncles and not close at all with the rest. But I know if I invite some and not all people are going to be upset. I am leaning towards "the more the merrier" and inviting them all. My main concern is what happens if only Joe's immediate family shows up and they make up 4 of 30-40 guests. I know people say that DW guests get to know each other fast, but his parents are VERY quite and pretty much the opposite temperment of the rest of my family. I'm mostly worried about them and feeling left out....
  10. Hi ladies. I need some help. We are having trouble deciding if it's better to invite everyone or just those close to us that we really want there. What is everyone doing? Joe and I would rather have it be a small wedding. Just close friends and family. We both have pretty large extended families who we rarely see. So, do we send invites to all of our extended families?? Or just those we are close to? Also, another aspect to this is that I have a feeling that a lot of my extended family would come (as most are pretty well off and like to travel, not necessarily because they would be devestated if they missed my wedding). It would be great for them to come, don't get me wrong, but Joe thinks many of his extended family will not come. I don't want it to seem like the entire wedding is a family reunion for my family and I don't want Joe's parents/family to feel outnumbered and left out. Am I crazy to worry about this? It's stressing me out! Also, if you don't invite everyone how do you tell those not invited that they didn't make it into the "close" category. Ugh, I need help
  11. Congrats on the upcoming wedding! We went to Riviera Maya/Cancun and stayed at Moon Palace. The beach was beautiful and the water... ahh amazing! However if you want a small resort I wouldn't recomment Moon Palace... it's huge. But the service, rooms, food, staff, everything is amazing there! Good luck with the planning!
  12. tvt


    Welcome! You'll find so much info here! There are tons of Mexico brides... sometimes they make me rethink my location with all of their great stories and pics! your beach party will be as fun as you make it. Get some good music or a beach fire would be fun too. Good luck on your planning! PV is so great!
  13. Thank you so much Maria! I love the DIY instructions, and it's fun too! Thank you so much for your help!! Probably not going to be too productive today at work
  14. We're not doing a video. The reasoning behind it is how many times to you watch old videos of Christmas or birthdays?? For us that answer is basically never, so we're skipping it. We're going to hire a photographer (not sure who yet) and I'd rather remember it through great pictures over a video. Just my two cents though. On the flip side my friend who was married in a huge traditional church wedding watched her wedding video over, and over, and over, and over, and over. You get the point.
  15. Thanks for sharing this info! Joe is going to LOVE it. He's always said "I want to give away beer koozies at our wedding" now he can have his wish!
  16. Oh, also, congrats on those of you dropping pounds! I'm impressed! I've been slacking lately and need to get back on it.
  17. Hi ladies! I'm also half way on the WW band wagon. I don't pay for it or go to meetings but I have 5 WW cook books at home that have AWESOME recipies. The stuff I find the hardest is snack stuff. I have a total sweet tooth so mid day at work I'm dying to hit the vending machine. Anyone have any good snacks that are WW friendly??
  18. tvt

    Almost engaged

    congrats on the upcoming news! We're going to the DR also! So exciting to have another DR bride on here Do you know which resort? We still haven't figured that out....
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak I've made about 12 so far and have a bunch more that I could do, but I'm trying to keep my monogram addiction in check. I have the instructions on my website and there's about 5-6 ladies on here who have downloaded the instructions. There's a few templates I have in the instructions where you can use the design and just change the name/date/location info, just to get started. Then the actual instructions tell you where to find some clipart images and how to download them to powerpoint, and from there, with some simple adjustments, you can have a monogram. Very simple, very straight-forward. I'm actually a technical trainer as a profession, so the instructions are very easy and come with screen shots showing you exactly what you'll see/do with each step. Let me know if you want access to the site and I'll email you the password... Hi, I'd love access to this site. I'm very jealous of all the super cute monograms our there!!
  20. I can't believe your coworker had the balls to ask to be invited! That's some nerve. How is it that people can be so rude?? I don't know what I would have said. I probably would have stuttered a lot and got all nervous! I was worried about the same thing happening with the people I work with... so far so good. I'll keep my fingers crossed I guess.
  21. Those pics are all so great! Thanks for posting them! Like the other gals said, you two look soooo happy Congrats on the wedding!
  22. Wow, what a sticky situation. I feel bad for the girl. But, like everyone else, I would def send seperate thank yous.
  23. WOW!!! Those are wonderful! I can't believe you made those yourself. I can see why they have taken so much time
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by Jen Thanks Ladies!!! I appreciate all of your feedback This is where I run into problems....trying to please everyone else I think that I sort of feel guilty about doing a DW because not everyone will be able to come (for financial reasons) and I'm trying to make it reasonable for everyone.....but again, I don't want to stay at a sub-par resort or have a crappy wedding....AHHHH!!! I guess people will complain no matter what, so I just have to do the best I can and make sure its something that I am satisfied with Jaime--My sister's mother-in-law is a TA and she highly recommends Iberostar resorts.....we hadn't even really looked into Iberostar b/c alot of people we know have been to them....BUT/....we might have to rethink that! Hey Jen - If you're staying at Moon Palace you will not be staying at a subpar resort. It is great! I paid 1900 to stay there over New Years and it was worth every penny! While I agree with keeping guests costs reasonable, I also believe that you're guests will walk away from the experience feeling like they got their moneys worth. It's like a two for one deal - wedding AND vacation! What could be better??
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