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Everything posted by tvt

  1. tvt


    Welcome to the club! The forum and having family that isn't thrilled with your choice for a DW. My Mom was ALL for a DW but just yesterday I was filling her in on my research and how much the resort would cost for a week ($1450 which I think is pretty reasonalbe for an AI vacation) and she says "you know a lot of people won't be able to go, right?" Heck yes I know this! That is one of the added bonus' for a destination wedding!! Joe and I just keep telling ourselves this is our wedding and we're doing it our way. Good luck!
  2. I like them all! But I would go with #2. My e ring is a semi solitaire (it has two sapphires set under the diamond so you can't see them from the top so it looks like a solitaire) with a plain band as well and I tried on some wedding bands with detailing like #3, and it kind of looked out of place next to my e ring.
  3. tvt

    New Here!

    Quote: Originally Posted by RaydensMama LOL, thanks for all the babysitting offers!! I try to get most of my planning during nap time now a days! The biggest problem I am having is picking a destination. I was really leaning towards Jamaica, but now seeing so many Mexico brides Im wondering if this is a better option. How did everyone pick their destination, because I am totally stuck!! I feel your pain! Picking a resort is hard work! We've been researching for a few months now...I was 99% decided on the Dominican Republic, then I found this forum and all these Mexico brides are tempting me to change our location! But I think we're going to confirm a resort soon... I hope anyway! Good luck! If you're interested in the DR I've done tons of research.
  4. So... someone needs to send me some self dicipline/self control. Or send me a newer version of Joe that has self control! I swear that boy would eat cookies until his stomach exploded. Which is not good for me because then I'm like "oh, a cookie does look good, maybe I should have 1...or 2" ugh. Getting Joe on the WW bandwagon is hard! Are you girls going it alone, or getting FI involved too??
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by mgreen EDYTA I love them!!! I was totally thinking about those exact invites too. Or the starfish ones. If you don't mind me asking could you PM me the pricing details? I've been meaning to email them and now you just reminded me Edyta- can you PM me with the pricing as well? I love those, they are so cute and beachy!
  6. So you ladies that are going to Ocean Blue/Sand, can you tell me why you chose that resort?? What were your decing factors?
  7. Good idea! We have so many creative people on here!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Welcome! I'm sure you'll find a lot of fun information on this site! Plus, Tara (another DR bride) will be very excited to see you here!!! Yep, so excited for another DR bride
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by MERRYME If you wanted you could make something very easily out of PVC and just spray paint it. That is what we did - only we misscalculated that it had to be burried in the sand and it was too short... pretty but short I actually wish I had used 2" pvc instead of 1" and made it slightly larger & taller. We got everything at a local plumbing store and the whole thing cost less than $80 dls. Fabric: we bought 20 yards of white tulle and cut and placed onsite ... no sewing just cut to fit and tied to poles with ribbon. This looks awesome! I would have never considered burring it in the sand. How tall was yours before you burried it?
  10. Here come the DR brides! I'm so excited that there are more of us We're going to the DR too... just have to decide on a dang resort. It's tough!
  11. Yeay! Another DR bride! We're trying to decide on a resort also and are thinking many of the same ones you've picked. So far Gran Bahia is in the lead... let me know which you choose! Happy planning!
  12. tvt

    New Here!

    Welcome! Careful with this site, it's completely addicting!
  13. sorry, I'm bad a getting pictures the size I want them, but if you click it, the picture opens bigger in a new window.
  14. Has anyone out there made a beach trellace type of thing for their wedding? I stole this picture from Christa and it's totally what I'm thinking, so how to I make it and get it there??
  15. I can't wait to see you in the second one. It looks beautiful! In my opinion I'd go with the second one - it's more DW weddingish. I like the first one as well, but it looks more formal. I guess it depends on what look you'd prefer
  16. Wow! You look stunning! It's so great to see these photos because I was always so nervous about doing that kind of photos. But seeing how nice and classy they look... I just might do them. Thanks for sharing! He's going to love the pics!
  17. You all bring up a good point. I never thought about sizing an eternity band.... is it even possible?
  18. You all are the hugest resource! I love it! I've found more on here in the last month than I've ever found on my own!
  19. great site! This has exactly what I had been imagining but couldn't put into words!
  20. I love these flip flops! They look comfy... I think I'm going to get the diamond ring ones!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by LALA The fireworks make it look like those ladies' asses just exploded. can't! stop! laughing!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by LALA I totally agree with spending a grip on the shoes - esp MB's. The best part is that you can wear them with anything after that and no one can give you grief - "They are MB's AND they were my wedding shoes dammit!" My best friend did the same thing for her wedding and she ended up wearing them to the afterparty in a guest's hotel room - and she was wearing a tshirt and pj bottoms!!!!!! Nothing classes up pj's like Manolos! Oh no girls! I'm all over this MB idea! I was thinking no shoes at all, but if I can justify getting some MB... I'm all over it!
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