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Everything posted by tvt

  1. Welcome! We're getting married in the DR too!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by host sarah, if your parents are paying i think it would be rude NOT to say something to this lady. just say you have maxed out the number of people in your budget so the invite is for her only. PERIOD! no need to explain or feel bad or feel like you are being rude. sheesh some people need to be smacked in the head. I agree!!!
  3. popping one multi vitamin and filling a water glass isn't exaclty diciplined! I don't have the diciplined gene in my body. It took work at first to force myself to drink lots of water, but I totally noticed a change in my skin so when I wasn't drinking lots of H20 I broke out. That was enough to get me to drink more. Now my body is so used to it, I crave water big time.
  4. All through highschool and what not I never got zits. It wasn't until I was in my 20s that I started breaking out. So I tried every face wash out there and nothing worked. I tried the rentin a stuff for a short time but I broke out even worse. Finally I decided to go the natural route. I started taking a dialy mulit vitamin and drinking TONS of water. I also got Dove Senstivie Skin face wash and Oil of Olay senstive skin face lotion and I'm free and clear. I really thing the water is the trick. I drink TONS, and I mean TONS of it everyday. I hope it works for you though! Breakingout is no fun :
  5. Ohh, yeah, keep us posted! They sound good! Hey, but aren't you like 1% away from being in the lean category! Like you need a workout DVD
  6. I say go for it! Also, I don't think your number of guests should influence your decisions so much Do the petal toss, and the live music and with 5 guests it will be awesome!
  7. That is a good one! I laughed I like the duct tape and wd40 the best!
  8. tvt

    Garrett & Tiffany

    Welcome! That resort looks amazing!! I'm sure you'll find tons of info here!
  9. Better late than never, hu We're having a DW wedding because we're both laid back and simple people. We don't want to deal with all the hoopla of a wedding at home because that means tons of guest and tons of stuff we don't want. We want a simple, fun, beach wedding that captures the essense of who we are as a couple. That said, to capture it, I want and NEED a great photog! To me the pics are a huge part of my budget. I could care less about big flower bouquets, decorations, invites etc. But I do care about being able to look through our wedding photos and relive the moment. On top of that I love photos/art in general and to me every penny that I pay whichever photog I choose will be worth it. There are certain things in wedding planning that will last a lifetime, our marriage, the rings and the photos!! And that's where we're sticking our money! Oh, and I voted 2000-5000 because 5000+ was unlimited. But we'll probably go for around 4-7, depending on what we find
  10. Hi Kellie! Maui is awesome! What a great place for a wedding. I've stayed at the Fairmont Kia Lani (spelling is probably off) and the Gran Wilea (again, bad spelling) and both were AMAZING!! One of them, I can't remember which now, has a beautiful little gazebo in the middle of the pools, and the other has a little mini church!
  11. I think we've finally decided on a location. So I emailed the resort this afternoon and when I got back from work there was already 2 replies! I was impressed!!! Now I have info for their "vow renewal" (since we'll do it legally before) packages if anyone is interested. I'm so excited to finally be making a decision!!!!!!
  12. Wow, that sucks! They better fix it for you for free and fast!
  13. Yay! Welcome to the forum, I can see that you're already totally addicted
  14. ohh pretty! I was wondering this the other day.... after being on here ALL day my eyes were going blind with the white, cream, and black combo! Thanks!
  15. Welcome to the forum! Lets see some pics and hear the story of your engagement too
  16. Laura, did you find anything usefull on that site?
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt I'm quoting myself, and it's sad, but aren't those drinking smiley faces funny! The one falls down and the other one picks him up! I like Jamaica too, but we really wanted AI for our guests. We just thought it would make it easier. Plus we have some people coming that don't have lots of $ and the DR was more affordable for them.
  18. Go to the DR!! I love having other people getting married there!! No pressure or anything
  19. Yep, here is it Debbie's Dominican Travel Forums - Weddings in the Dominican Republic
  20. It looks so nice!! Thanks for sharing! You and hubby look so darn cute together... not to mention tan!
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