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Everything posted by tvt

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by A10CALGAL Good for you Tara! That is so awesome. Maybe I should try WW....hmmmm. WW is seriously so great! It was hard for me at first. I love stuff like mac n cheese, pizza, etc. So it was a change that's for sure. But now I crave stuff like Kashi Bars and almonds instead of Milk Duds. Plus I still eat the stuff I like just a healthier version or in moderation.
  2. So great!!! I can't wait! Side note: is anyone else nervous about being to center of attention all day and all night, and then all the next day too?? With a camera always pointed at you??
  3. A few weeks ago, 3 or so, I took my measurements for the bridesmaid dresses that I need to order - in 2 weddings this year. Finally, today I decided to order my dresses but before I did I decided to doulbe check my measurements. I figured they would be the same since I haven't lost anything based on the scale. But somehow I lost inches!! I'm seriously so estatic right now I could jump up and down and scream! I lost an inch from my bust area, 3 from my waist, and 1.5 from my hips! I <3 WW! If they made that a bumbersticker I would put it on my car right now! (And I hate bumberstickers! ) I'm feelin' like this now
  4. I was the same way! I never thought I wanted a veil until my friend tried one on and it gave me goose bumps seeing the "whole" picture. It looked complete and more bridal to me. I say go for the veil!! You can always take it off if it bugs you.
  5. Hi! Picking a destination was definitely the hardest thing for me as well. We're going to the Dominican Republic to an AI resort - Gran Bahia Punta Cana/Bavaro. We chose that one because it's nice and reasonably priced for our guests. Many of the other girls are going to great AI resorts in Mexico too. You'll find tons of info here! Good luck!
  6. Welcome! Let us know if we can help you!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 I've done lo carb before and I have to say after the first week or so you do fill up really quick, are less hungry, and have less cravings for sugar. I liked lo carb because I LOVE sugar and doing this I couldn't have it, so it was a good restriction. the only problem I have every time I do it, is that after about a week or I start to have trouble going to the bathroom. I think its because of the lack of fiber, does anyone have a solution for this?? (sorry if its TMI) Other than that I like the lo carb diet because the pounds just melt away! Make sure you eat enough fiber. Have you tried Kashi bars? They are really good, 2 WW points (if you're doing that too) and should solve your problem. I learned the hard way. I ate 2/day for 3 days....
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild My files are too big to post & I suck at resizing so they're in this word document. Everyone's pets are soooo cute! This is my Honey, 1/2 beagle 1/2 daschund. We rescued her from a soul-less house in the valley where she was left tied up for who knows how long in the 100 degree heat after they used her for breeding. She is so sweet and I love her to death and I'll stop raving now.... check her out: Aww!! She looks like such a snuggle bug
  9. Welcome! I'm sure you'll find all the info you need on Cabo here! There are tons of cabo brides
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by kucka00 It's a little bit of both! LOL Acutally, these pics are a little old (when Jada, was still little) and disporportionalte! My dog is medium size (50-55lb) and my cat is a big fat cat (16-18 lb). LOL I love that they cuddle! So cute
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by kucka00 I kept looking for this thread once I figured out how to post pics:) Here are my furbabies: Tishka Jada and this is how much they love each other: Either your cat is really big, or your dog is small.. which is it?
  12. oh, also I have my fav pair of jeans that I can't wear in the front of my closet, and I bought this: Can't wait to be all skinny in it
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Wow. Honestly, I think the second girl actually likes like you! Crazy! I think the best look would be the first one though. I think it'll look best with your hair and eye color... and isn't too much. I agree that the first one would look great on you! And I totally think you can pull it off! I was reading in MS wedding mag that from a photogs point of view you should go with something understated and elegant as it's the most timeless of styles.
  14. WW is so great - but it's hard at first. The first thing I did was go to amazon.com and order 4 WW cook books. I have (probably not the exact name of the book, but you get the idea) Simply Italian, Take Out Tonight, Cook It Quick, and Simply Delicious. Of the 4 the only one I don't really use is Cook it Quick. I did the free trial also, and printed more recipies from there as well. And the most important part, was figuring out how many points I need to eat. I did WW half assed for a few months and lost some weight but then got side tracked. Now I'm on my second tour of WW and doing so much better! I write EVERYTHING down! Also, we plan our dinners for the week which helps TONS. A typical day for me includes: grean tea 0pt WW yogurt 1pt Banana 2pt Kashi bar 2pt Sugar Free Jello 0pt Lean Cuisine 6pt Kiwi (or some fruit) 1pt Some dinner from the cookbooks 8pt 1/2 cub blackberries or rapsberries .5pt Glass of milk 2pt fruit snacks 2pt also don't forget your activity points. We do a walk everymorning to that is 2 extra points a day. Sorry this is long and scattered! But I found planning meals and snacks and writing everything down was the most helpful. Made me realize that I was eating a doughnut for breakfast TOO much!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege OK, here are some easy ideas, which I don't think you'd need to buy a special program for. I think you could easily make these in WORD or any program like that. Please let me know if you'd like some help recreating these. Really like those... all of them! The black and white palms, the aqua starfish, the green palmtree... exactly what I was thinking! Thanks
  16. I hear ya! Money is going to be tight around wedding time. I think we're just going to engrave our rings and then save for an Alaskan cruise for our 1 year anniversary.
  17. Wow, you ladies are so great! I want to do something casual and vacationish... if that makes sense. Fun, simple, casual, beachy theme - starfish, turtles, beach, palm trees, whatever is beachy. As for colors... not sure. Just tropical colors. I'm not sure we'll have a color scheme since we're not doing bridesmaids and groomsmen. I REALLY want Photoshop! I'm trying to get a bootlegged copy from someone, or I might just buy it off of ebay! I LOVE that program and desperately want it. Oh, and I probably have to invite 200 or so people, but I'm open to spending some time on them. Can you tell I have no idea what I want? I really don't care all that much, as long as they are cute
  18. I was browsing more and for a DIY project it's still spendy! And I'm not head over heels about the designs I've seen so far. What about Photoshop? Could you use that to create invites??
  19. Hi ladies, I really want to make my own invites. I'm looking on mountaincow.com and they have software for sale. Are any of you using/used special software for your DIY invites? Also, has anyone gone through Mountaincow - Print Invitations At Home - Software and Printable Stationery
  20. Heidi, I thought you were decided on Jamaica??!!! You are too funny but I can totally relate!
  21. Sounds like fun!! Then you can get one of those cool pics with your thumb full of ink!!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by bride08 Can I have it too please?! and thank you What's your email address? You can PM it to me if you want.
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