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Everything posted by tvt

  1. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !
  2. Moon Palace is in Riviera Maya... and SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO great. We stayed there and it was A++++++
  3. My brother graduated yesterday so I spent most of my day at graduation. But it was nice... and SUPER warm here yesterday - 91!!! Joe kinda sucked up my birthday though... not even a card! But I'm giving him slack with all the Buddy stuff going on. I'm sure he'll make up for it eventually!
  4. Wow! They have to be one of the cutest couples ever! Love the pics Congrats Edyta!
  5. Tlseege - where do I save the font to
  6. Just my 2 cents, but I like your first dress more... For whatever that's worth
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by RaydensMama OK, I may be the only one to say this, but if it was me I could never spend that much on a dress I am going to only wear once. But thats me. You have to decide if its worth the extra money for the dress. It is very goregous though. Any chance you could post a pic of the other dress to compare? I'm with Laura. I can't see myself spending that much on a dress. However, it is georgous. Can you post a pic of your other dress too?? So we know what your options are?
  8. Carly they are all sooo cute!!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by carlymcmullen Here is my baby, Sugar. aka - Sug, Wigglebutt, Stinkerbear, Sugarbear, etc. Cuteness! Is that a little doggie chair?
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by kucka00 That's why we crated Jada when she was little. It also helps that all of our furniture has metal legs or a glass top! LOL She did chew up a few pairs of my shoes and several baseball hats of Mine. Only mine! Not Michael's, mine. She actually recently chewed up a pair that I never even worn!!! Very upsetting:) But also very funny; mommy should know better:) Funny! Same thing with Tucker - he would dig in laundry baskets to get to my stuff then he'd carry it all over the place. He wouldn't chew it, but just bring it to a different part of the house. So I'd come home and find bras everywhere (his favorite clothing item to carry around) and shirts, and socks, all over. Funny!
  11. Oh no! Tucker did that to part of our coffee table. Oops!
  12. Do these have to be things on you?? We thought our location would be either our something new/something old since we're either going to a place we'ven been or haven't been. My something blue - will be my ring since it has sapphires something borrowed - probably a necklace from my mom, or earings
  13. Are his eyes blue?? So georgous!
  14. Yes go to Universal! I was there last yeat and it was so awesome! You can do a behind the scenes tour when they bring you around to all the rides and show you stuff you normally wouldn't get to see - like how the spiderman ride is made and fun stull like that. Plus then you get to jump to the front of the lines and never wait. And if you want to be in the back row on the dueling dragons ride - sure as heck you will be! then you go right back and ride the front row on the other ride. It was the most intense ride i've ever been on and I screamed my brains out (on the one where we were in the front) And i'm totally not a rollarcoaster screamer. FUN FUN FUN!!!
  15. Oh no, that sounds stressful It sucks that he's not helping you make these decisions - especially the construction stuff that most girls have no idea about! I wouldn't have known to place the showerhead high because the tub had to be elevated.
  16. Courtney you crack me up! Maybe it was the knot! i did JUST sign up for it the other week. Not that I've even been over there since I signed up. Ahh well
  17. tvt

    Hey girls!

    Looks pretty nice! Thanks for the info and welcome to the forum!
  18. That stuff looks fun! What shade did you get?
  19. Thanks for this info! Have you decieded which you are going to do?? I really like the idea of sailing and snorkeling. Maybe a sunset cruise or something were people get to know each other more.
  20. In the mail today I got a lovely (ready ugly as sin) letter from our local Holiday Inn telling me about their wedding services!!! As if I'd choose Bloomington's Holiday Inn over Dreams PV or Melia Caribe! I cannot figure out how they got my address, but regardless it made me laugh.
  21. Sorry I can't help you, but I'm glad you started this thread!
  22. Martha Stewart says to send the host a bouquet of her favorite flowers a day or two before the shower. That way she gets to enjoy them AND use them as decoration for your shower.
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