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Everything posted by brecluse

  1. Ha, nope like Carly I'm trying to avoid that (at least for now). I just noticed we have lots of pregnant peeps and kinda thought it was funny.
  2. Hope this is ok, but saw your new ticker and wanted to give you congratulations on the new addition! So do you guys think this board has pregnancy vibes, because it seems like a lot us are with child.
  3. I voted for 1000-2000, but I was only counting my actual wedding day dress. If I count my AHR dress it's $2001+. I originally thought I'd spend $200 tops, but when I started trying on dresses I liked the more traditional ones (strapless, a-line, etc.) and I really liked all the shantung silk dresses I tried. Soooo, I did find one dress that fit the bill for $650 at a really small bridal shop in Austin, but then I tried on this two piece Romona Keveza dress during a trunk show and it made me cry so that was it. I think the Romona dress was about $1700, I got a 10% discount for the trunk show and they custom made the dress into one piece for me at no extra charge. I also got a good discount on my second dress which I ordered from the same place so total for both with tax, veil and pearl headband it as $3300. I'm paying about $700 more for alterations on both dresses. It's a lot more than I thought I'd spend or want to spend and frankly if my mom hadn't insisted on paying for it I wouldn't have done it, but every time I do a fitting I just get dreamy. I love that dress.
  4. So are you feeding the envelopes like this: __ or like this | ? And does your printer roll the paper or does it feed straight in? If your printer rolls the paper I'd try putting the envelopes flap up laying this way: |. You'll have to adjust the settings in whatever word processing program you are using as well probably on the document and on the print settings. If this doesn't help let me know.
  5. Congrats Anny, here's to an easy pregnancy and healthy, happy baby.
  6. Yeah, they take a fee I think it's like under 4% of the what's given and I think they charge $1 to each person giving. But it's free to set it up and if no one gives you money on there you don't get charged at all. I'm really hoping most people will send us checks, but it's a way to let people know our preference.
  7. Don't think I ever added my website to this so here it is: Wedding Websites - Alisha & Matt - Welcome I liked the weddingwindow set up. I was slightly frustrated by how little you can customize, but then I had to remind myself that I was trying to save myself time and didn't need to be monkeying around with the code.
  8. I like the starfish one as well (both of the double starfish ones at the end), but I also l like the 2 that Heidi picked as well. If you are doing at home stuff those might be nice if you want something less beachy.
  9. Woot, I think I found you a good substitute though it's still a bit pricey: Diamonds by the Yard CZ Necklace - Sparkles Forever - Detail This site was mentioned on a another thread about jewelry and I had to check it out since I'm also looking for a necklace.
  10. And I wanted to suggest Etsy, tons of stuff for any budget on there. I did some searches for you: Etsy :: Search Results Etsy :: Search Results You should just play around with the search, most stuff is pretty reasonable. I don't know what your budget is, but you might want also to check ebay and maybe sundancecatalog.com (just because I love their stuff).
  11. While I think both dresses are pretty on you I really like #1 better. Love the asymetrical ruching, and the shape of the top (the slightly sweetheart neckline). Looks great on you.
  12. Congratulations Trisha! That's such a fantastic story and the ring is gorgeous. And how fun that he had Leigh there to capture it all.
  13. I'm been dealing with migraines for the last 10 years and I finally went to a neurologist last year. In my case I have a nerve/muscle problem in my neck (can't remember the term for it) that causes regular, nearly daily headaches and these contributed to my migraines. I did acupuncture, physical therapy and massage and did 2 nerve blocks (I don't recommend these), and now I still get hormonal migraines, but they are much less severe and many times caffeine, a hot shower and some eucalyptus oil on my scalp gets rid of it. I did try prescription medicine, but I also had too many side effects as well. I agree about drinking lots of water, stretch a lot especially if you do computer work all day. I started doing pilates and I try to take several classes a week. I've also heard yoga is great. The headache diary is something your doctor will encourage you to do if you begin regular treatment and can help if food/drink are the culprits. I know if I feel headache-y that I have to stay away from beer & wine, and believe it or not yogurt is a horrible trigger for me. Headaches suck because it is hard to figure out what causes them and to treat them without prescriptions is also hard. I was lucky that I found a Dr. that is really into traditional and alternative treatments. Good luck!
  14. Travel and Leisure just had an article about Caribbean travel during hurricane season. I think you can help yourself by looking at historical data for your location (Aug-Oct are generally worse for Caribbean, but in different part of the Caribbean different times have better/worse odds). You still have to recognize that no matter what you are taking a risk, there are no guarantees so trip insurance is a must. I guess you have to ask yourself what your threshold for risk is in this situation. I'll take a look at the map in the T+L tonight and post the odds for Mexico in October. Personally, we went to the Caribbean last year during September and we're having our wedding there in late October this year. Historically August is the worst month for the BVI, and for us there is a significant difference in cost to go at this tail end of low season so it's worth the risk to have our wedding in the BVI.
  15. Hey chrisnessa, I think there was some talk about passport invites on this thread: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...ions-anny.html Not sure if there is a template, but it's a place to start.
  16. Thanks Jessica, they are really nice. I'm going to try to use these to get some ideas, but I may be back in touch if I really get stuck. Thanks!
  17. I might have answered this before, but in case I didn't... We are definitely having an AHR. We could only invite about 30 people to the wedding (immediate family and a few close friends each), so we have a lot more people we want to celebrate with and that want to celebrate with us. We intended to do something casual but ended up picking a great venue (Green Pastures) in Austin that's not casual, so it'll be a little more like a traditional reception than we originally planned, but I think it'll still be a blast.
  18. Hi Jill, I know we are so excited! Ohhh I love Peter Island. We thought about it as well, but too expensive. I've never been to Biras Creek, it looks nice on the web site though. So why did you end up not doing an island wedding? I can't wait to share my photos with the boards so don't worry you'll see some pics!
  19. I think I'd encourage the cocktail hour type of thing personally though I guess that can be almost as much $$ as a dinner. The other option if you really want a welcome dinner and you have parents that are able to help out is to ask them to pick up the dinner or split it with you or something like that. May not be an option, but thought I'd throw it out there. So I have a question about this as well. We are taking all our guests on a sail the day before the wedding and we're picking up their dinner that night. I thought it might be nice to get people together before that to meet each other (the sail is on Friday, and most people will be on the hotel by Wednesday). So if I suggest that people meet at the hotel bar for a drink on Wednesday night should we pay for that as well? And if we then go to dinner afterwards?
  20. Ok, so I really want to use the boarding pass template to create little "tickets" for our guests to the catamaran cruise we are taking them on the day before the wedding. The problem is that I see all the super cute uses of aylee's basic template, but when I open it and look at mine my mind goes blank. I have no idea how to make it "cute". So those of you who used these templates to create something for your wedding, what fonts, colors and clip art did you end up using? And where did you get the fonts and clipart if you didn't have them already? Any other advice or tips for those of us who are not "design" oriented? Also, I don't suppose anyone has made a Pages version of the template have they? If so pretty please PM me, because Word is killing me. merci beaucoup ladies!
  21. I know what you mean about packing, I don't want to have like 4 bags. I think the koozies and paper stuff will be easy to pack though so now I only have to worry about the frames!
  22. We sort of doing both. We are taking all our guests on a day sail on a catamaran the day before the wedding, and we're considering that the main "gift" to them for coming. We're also going to do custom koozies for each person with one of our logo's on it and we'll put those in their room along with the wedding itinerary, info on the catamaran trip and another excursion for those there Thursday. Oh, and we have a favor for them for the dinner after the wedding, a little flip-flop picture frame that will be their place card holder. That's it.
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