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Everything posted by brecluse

  1. woot, so we're picking up the rings this afternoon so I'll be posting some pics tonight. I'm so excited, I can't wait to see them. Sorry, the post is a little premature, but I just had to squeal about it a little.
  2. Not sure if you guys not about indeed.com, but it's an aggregated job search (searches tons of sites) and usually has tons of stuff. You might also try using LinkedIn for networking.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak Be even more thankful that you aren't my child because when Audrey fucks up this bad in school, I make her write apology letters to her teachers and stand in front of the class to read them. omg, that's both so funny and so mean at the same time, but I bet it gets the point across.
  4. Oh, and Christa's right this really is a time for your family and friends to bond and become a support network for you and your FH and people love hearing that so I'd spin it that was as well (in fact I did on my site ).
  5. So, I didn't really get too much flack for this even though I only invited 30 people to our wedding. We had a strict cut off though (immediate family, my grandparents, and then closest friends) and we agreed no second round invites. I did have one aunt make a comment before the invites were sent out that she hoped she was considered "immediate" family. She wasn't and I didn't hear a peep about that. We purposely chose a small place and on our wedding website we said something like "unfortunately we could not invite everyone we wanted to the wedding due to the small size of our location, but that we planned to hold a reception at home so that everyone could celebrate with us". You can see my site if you are interested in the exact wording (alishaandmatt.weddingwindow.com). And everyone that asked about the wedding I also told verbally that we would have an AHR and my mom and his mom and our siblings passed the word pretty well on that. We also sent out STD's for the AHR and our invites our out now too, so everyone knows. We are/will be directing people to the wedding website though because it's for both the wedding and reception so hopefully no one will be insulted. Honestly though, at this point I could give a sh** if someone is, I mean I've done the best I can and that's all I can do. You can't make everyone happy, and you shouldn't try.
  6. Ha, exactly! I think that's what really made me lose my temper.
  7. It's very weird and I don't really understand what the point of that was, you know what his agenda was so it makes me really feel like he's a total ass. I really hope the wedding trip will provide her with some time to think and maybe get her sh** figured out. I can hope at least.
  8. I think you are being reasonable by allowing them their pick of color and dress. I agree with the other ladies, maybe by going shopping with them or by picking a handful of styles you like and you know would look good on them it will help them focus.
  9. Thanks guys, you're all right I don't need to be involved in this, especially right now, so I told her I'm sorry for being blunt but this is how I feel, but it doesn't change our friendship. She told him not to bother me anymore so that should be that. I really felt like I was being bitch mostly because the whole situation made me seriously lose my temper which always makes me feel like the hulk or something. So wasn't sure if I went overboard with the honest. Anyway, the whole thing just makes me incredibly sad and I have no time to be sad right now, I have way to much crap to do!
  10. She met him at work, she and her husband own a bar and he "owns" the pool league (I don't really understand this) so they met that and then they played in the league together as well.
  11. My BFF is married and this summer she had an affair with someone and she told her husband because they were basically busted and he was going to find out anyway. Her husband is telling her he's going to kick her out after my wedding and she'd worried she's going to lose everything and she says she doesn't want to end her marriage even though she has feelings for this other guy too. However she and the other guy keep seeing each other (and yes screwing when the opportunity presents itself which isn't often I guess but still) and she really wants to keep her "friendship" with him, though she admits they can't be just friends anymore. He has made it plain that he doesn't want to lose his wife and he's doing what he can (lying basically) to get back into the good graces of his wife. I've been telling my BFF that she needs to walk away from him because he's using her, and that if he truly cared for her he would either make a commitment to be with her or he'd let her go because what they are doing is just prolonging the suffering for everyone involved. I also tell they can't go on sneaking around to spend time together forever, they'll get caught again and that isn't going to help change her hubby's mind about divorcing her. She agrees with me yet has failed to separate herself from the situation. So he starts texting me today (got my # off her phone). I have no idea why because I basically let him have it. I told him he needs to either leave my BFF or his wife, and that he and my BF need start acting like adults. His come back is that it's so much more complicated than that and really marriage is evil. WTF? I totally unload on him and my BFF and tell them both they are just making excuses and they need to take responsibility for their actions. Am I being totally unreasonable?
  12. Nope, you definitely aren't the only one. I think since I hit the 1 month mark all I've been doing is searching for last minute stuff. Work? What's that?
  13. We average once a week, sometimes it's less, sometimes it's more, and we both have had our highs/lows in terms of sex drive throughout the relationship 3 1/2 years). Right now I'm coming out of a funk that I was in so I'm all revved up, but I've been traveling a lot and we're both working out so that's tiring, and he's freaking out about his work. We are both looking forward to the honeymoon as a time to really get back on track. When we're both firing on all cylinders it'll probably jump back up to 2-3xs a week which would be nice because I honestly think having more sex makes me want more sex and feel better about myself and sex is fun.
  14. So sorry that this happened to you, it's totally unfair and my heart goes out to both you and Reggie. Anything you need please ask, and know we are all here for you.
  15. I second the wine tasting thing. I had a lingerie party at a local wine bar and we did a tasting (really drinking) of 5 different champagnes. It was awesome. The spa weekends and camping sound fun too though, and I'm totally with you on the non-traditional thing. I think everyone invited was relieved as well.
  16. I LOVE this thread, can't believe I just found it this am. Sorry this is so long, but clearly I had a lot to get off my chest. Dear self, Please give Alisha a break, and stop telling her negative things. She has worked really hard all summer and it does suck that she hasn't lost that much weight, but she will still look great on her wedding day even if she didn't meet the ridiculous goal you set for her. Also, her face is not fat and she can't help it if eye bags and dark circles run in her family, that's what make up is for right? She'll look great in her pics because that's what photoshop is for right? Dear FMIL, I know you are trying to help when you make suggestions, but seriously do I look stupid? Don't you think I know I need to put pics of our Dad's on the Rogue's gallery? I just have about a million other things going on and your son has yet to provide me with a pic of his dad. Dear FH, You are going to rock the shit out of this new job if you get it so stop worrying and constantly verbalizing about it. I will always be there to listen to you vent, etc but really at some point you gotta do it and quit talking about it. Also, quit staying up late to play video games I feel like you are ignoring me. You talk, talk, talk about your problems but then when I try to talk it's like "ok, gotta go play games, later". So suck it up and listen to my worrying about my weight, eye bags, and wide face because basically it's the same as me listening to you worry about if you can do this job. I love you. Dear Mom, Thank you so much for your generosity, I feel so guilty that you are contributing so much to this wedding. I know you wouldn't do it if you couldn't, but really I don't know if I can ever thank you enough. I'm sorry I was such a pain in the ass when I was a teenager. I love you. Dear Dad, I'm really sorry that you can't make it to the wedding and while you have a good reason part of me feels like it's par for the course since you have rarely made it to my milestone moments. I really hope everything goes well with Linda's scan and I'll be thinking of you guys. I love you. Dear Stepmom, I'm so sorry that you can't come to the wedding. I know you were looking forward to it so much. I can only hope (and maybe even pray) that your scans will show improvement and that you will finally beat this cancer so we have something else to celebrate. I'm sorry I can't visit you more I feel like I'm being a bad daughter, but I know you understand. I love you. Dear sis, You rock and I want to thank you for the great shower and for being there for Linda so much. I know it's hard to bear the burden of that on your on so much, but I appreciate it (as I know she does) and I hope after the wedding we can start sharing that responsibility. I love you. Dear BFF, Girl, I love you, but you need a reality check. You aren't ever going to put your marriage back together unless you stop seeing that other guy, period. You cannot be "just friends" with any more, you guys f*d that up the minute you started having sex. If you want to be together then you need to leave your spouses and make it real, if not you need to let go of him. If you seriously want to work things out with your DH then you need to drop the other guy, talk to DH about why this happened and understand that he has a right to be pissed, and to not trust you. I hope being away from both of them at the wedding will give you some perspective. Dear co-workers, I can see your lips moving, but seriously I have 2 and half weeks til I leave for my wedding I don't give a crap about work right now. So check back with me in November. And yes it's true (though none of you realize it) I only do about 8 hours of work a week right now because all I can think about is WEDDING, VACATION, WEDDING. Dear BDW, I love this board and I want to thank everyone for their advice, help, and funnies. I wish I had some girlfriend's like you guys in Austin! You all rock.
  17. I voted #2 because I think it's beautiful on you and I think you feel more comfortable in it. I think the 1st dress also looks great on you, but if you are worried about it accentuating your hips (not that you need to worry) then I think you may not be as comfortable in it. You need to pick the one that you feel the best in because it will show.
  18. We're not doing a rehearsal, but we are having a dinner after our sailing excursion the day before the wedding, so I guess that's kind of a welcome dinner.
  19. I'm in the same boat including us we have about 20 people. I think we're sort of hoping that the nearby club or the hotel itself will have a band that night and we can just do that. We'll play it by ear I guess.
  20. Everything looks wonderful, I hope you have a wonderful wedding!
  21. I spent about $250 including postage for mine (my sister did the addressing) and I got them from eInvite.com (mermaid) and I got 25 I think and they threw in 5 extra of everything. I think just the invites were 180 (lined outer env with our address preprinted, invite, response card with env and preprinted address), the postage was about 30 and it was about 40 to print the insert we sent. For our AHR I got 150 invites (lined outer env with addy, invite, inner env, response card and pre-printed env) for $360. We are printing the addresses, and haven't printed our insert yet our bought postage. I got these at Jean M. They have some really nice/affordable stuff.
  22. I am excited, I tell you once you hit that 2 month mark it goes by so FAST! I can't believe I leave in 3 weeks!!!!!
  23. I had space issues since both our parents are divorced so I did almost the exact same thing: Ms. Vicki ***** and Mr. and Mrs. Richard **** and Mrs. Rosemary **** and Mr. Vincent ***** was how we did it. I did search high and low for examples of this, but found nothing that covered it, so we did our best.
  24. Congrats, you look great and it is nice to hear the successes. I think we sometimes forget to celebrate the victories, large and small. Now I'm all fired up for my run tomorrow, only 29 days to go!
  25. Hey, I'm thinking of doing the same thing for my AHR shoes. I think you have to take them to a shoe repair place or store that does dyeing, like maybe a bridal place that sells shoes.
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