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Everything posted by brecluse

  1. How high can you go and do you want really bridal or more fun?
  2. Thanks guys, you're all right. It's the right thing to do and after talking to the marriage license people yesterday it does seem like this will make the whole thing simpler for us when I go to change my name, etc. Besides, it will mean so much to them and to me and you're right the "real" wedding will still be special and wonderful too. And you're so right Kelly I am lucky to have someone so in touch with my feelings. Aww, I'm getting all choked up.
  3. We both did, but really he did most of it. He's the travel planner really.
  4. No it does help because I think of my initial gut reaction and I think we should get married here first, on the down low of course. I guess now I'm worried that her scans will come back bad and then I'm not sure how to handle that.
  5. So this is not really a vent or anything it's just a weird thing that's happening. My step-mom has cancer and because she is undergoing chemo right now her and my dad had to cancel their trip to the wedding. It's a total bummer for everyone because they were really looking forward to it and so were my FI and I. So FI has this really sweet idea that it would be great to surprise them and drive to Houston this weekend (she's there doing her scans and should be starting another round of chemo over the weekend) and basically get married in front of them. It's such a sweet idea that I was like "yes let's do it". However (you knew that was coming right?), now I'm feeling torn about it. Part of me thinks it's so sweet and it'll mean so much and it will make me feel a bit better about my dad not being there (not to mention a practice run might help calm me down a bit). Another part of me feels like we are compromising our vision of the wedding and diminishing what we'll do in the bvi and that makes me feel crummy. Then I feel guilty for thinking that because it's not like they want to miss the wedding. It's more complicated by the fact that if her scans come back today with no positive progress it may mean she skips chemo and goes home because if this chemo isn't helping I'm not sure if there are any options left. So then I'm not sure if the news is bad if we should try to still do this or if we should leave them alone or what. What do you guys think?
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by MoBride As for the crush thing, I told my FI I hope she doesn't have a crush on him and bust out with it in Jamaica, like speak now or forever hold your peace, lol! but seriously that would be a funny story, but perhaps a bit awkward
  7. So sorry to hear that, it must be hard to postpone the wedding especially when you've been working so hard on it. I think it will all work out for the best though, and it's good you are working through it together.
  8. So glad you like it, you really deserve something nice after all the sh** you've been through. I hope you guys totally enjoy it. And thanks for Christine for getting this together, this forum really is wonderful and I'm so happy I found it and I will totally be sticking around even after I become a Mrs.
  9. Hmm, I started Monday. Oh and good luck Christa, you are going to kick ass!
  10. So do you think this chick has a crush maybe on one of the guys that's going to be at the wedding? I honestly can think of no reason, other than that, that would prompt someone to just invite themselves to the wedding of a virtual stranger, but after reading the posts maybe it's more common than I thought. I can't wait to hear what you guys find out from her.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Hopels I didn't even know they had this! They have some great super-affordable dresses on there! I know, I think it's pretty new, like within the last month.
  12. TTD is "trash the dress" which is really about capturing the fun of having a wedding dress in an unusual setting/situation like water. Some people really do trash their dress, but most of the water ladies, it more like "clean the dress". Check out the site: Trash the Dress! Anyway, we are actually doing our TTD BEFORE the wedding. Ha, so I'm not actually using my real dress for it, for obvious reasons. We really wanted to do the session, but we had no time after the wedding to make it happen so this is our compromise. We're doing it on Wed before our Sat wedding and we'll a few guests at the hotel already but most are coming in that afternoon so they'll miss it. We'll probably go off and do some shots at various locations on the island then come back to the pool at the hotel for the underwater stuff (oh yeah I'm going under).
  13. I have a whole TTD saga. I got 2 dresses on Ebay (total about $100) but neither was really right so I ended up buying a dress from DB for $99 and then having the straps taken up or another $30 so total $129, and I'm selling the other 2 dresses. Here's the online/super affordable DB line: db Online Collection Bridal Gowns | David's Bridal
  14. Dear self, I know it's only a week until you leave but you really need to keep the squealing to a minimum, it's not professional. Dear dentist, Why is your office open if no dr's are in today? Are you running a business or not? I chipped my front tooth this weekend and it's driving me crazy and now I have to wait another day for you to look at it. Maybe I should just file it myself, it can't be that hard right? Dear oscar cat, I'm sorry I had to take you to the vet, but bud your face is a mess and we really need to figure out what's wrong with it. Dear FI, I know the thought of buying a new car is super exciting, but we are leaving for our wedding in 1 week, let's hear some obessive talk about that.
  15. That looks so beautiful on you, and I agree with Trisha...bottom line is that it's your day and you should do what you want.
  16. This is brand new with tags, and I think it's the Felice style, but I'm not 100% positive. It's an ivory strapless dress with a built in bra and it's fully lined. It's silk faille (? I think that's how you spell it). Here is a pic (I'll try to get a better one to show off the color): I got this on Ebay for $39.99 (no shipping) so make an offer (PM). It would make a great legal ceremony dress or dress for dancing after the wedding.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by CrystalVegas Hey Alisha, what size do you wear? Hey I am listing the 2 here in the Buy, Sell, Trade area. They're both J Crew and one's a 12 the other's a 14.
  18. It's brand new with tags, size 12. It's white linen with a silk lining and a silk cream colored sash. It's really sexy and pretty and pretty flattering. here's a pic: I got it off Ebay for like $50 + shipping and I'd like to get close to that if possible, but make an offer if you're interested.
  19. Ok here they are!!! together: top of his: inside of his (stone): mine: They turned out fantastic, I'm really so happy with them, and I've tried it on 5x's already, so even with only 2 weeks I think I might manage to get close to triple digits.
  20. Let me share a little secret...right now I have 3 dresses (yes 3) not including the 2 I'm wearing for the actual wedding and AHR. Yes, 5 dresses total. I'll be selling 2 of them, but still that leaves me with 3 dresses (1 for wedding, 1 for AHR, 1 for TTD). So don't feel bad, it happens and I bet once you see your dress again you'll remember why you chose it.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by redwards And I'd like to officially vote for Texas in the upcoming move! No reason...I'm totally un-biased...lol! ;-) I'll second that! Austin is actually a pretty place, especially for Texas, but housing is expensive. But if you really want beach living FL may be the way to go, I know I'd love to live on/near the beach so...
  22. What a total cunt (yeah I said the c-word, and she deserves it, but sorry to anyone that hates it). No you are so not overreacting and agree with everyone re: the FMLA, please at least check it out, and definitely start looking for a job. So sorry that you had to endure that on your first day back, and I really hope that she gets what's coming to her for treating someone like that (especially you!).
  23. You're not the only procrastinator, so don't worry. I've got 1 week 3 days before we leave and 15 days til the wedding. I just finished my paper projects (welcome letter/itinerary and boarding passes) last night. Now I gotta print them all and pack all the OOT/favor stuff. I still have a ton of little things (things to pick up, things to buy, things that should be delivered soon). I so waited til the last minute but like you, I feel like if I get it done great, if not great. I'm so hyped now though I can barely think straight so I better get as much done as I can this weekend.
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by PaulaV ~Scribble, scribble~ Taking notes for future reference... or I may just need to attend bootcamp at Maria's Tell me about it, sounds like some awesome parenting to me. Maybe you should start a school Maria.
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