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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. Whoa. I seriously think Kelly is nutso. She acted like she had no idea what Bethanny was talking about when she brought up the whole incident where Kelly made the "I'm up here and you're down here" speech. Girl is crazy.
  2. I'm not a big fan of Kristen. Plus her and LC weren't friends so I'm not sure how she would even tie into the show. All of a sudden she's going to be hanging out with Audrina and Lo? Heidi and Spencer? I don't get it. Or are they bringing her in through Brody because of their past relationship? Interesting.
  3. Heidi did look very pretty. I couldn't see her dress too well, but it seems pretty. It's too bad her husband is a first class douchebag. I seriously hope he's just an awesome actor and not 1/2 the ass we see on tv. Re: Audrina. I don't think her hooking up with Lauren's ex Brody is that big of a deal because I think Lauren is pretty much over him and didn't particularly care if they hooked up or not. I however do think it's disgusting that she went after him knowing he has a girlfriend and is just "whatever, it's not my problem if she (girlfriend) is upset" about it.
  4. Why was Kristen Cavallari even there? I didn't think she was friends with Heidi? Weird.
  5. Aww, I'm sorry! I had to go through this with Aiden as well. I admittedly didn't completely read all of Jacilynda's post but I sort of did the same thing in downplaying it. When he would start crying I would give him a hug but then just say things like "Mommy's going to work now, I'll be back later today! Bye!!!!" and I'd wave bye to him. He doesn't understand it means to go to work or what later is, but the point was that I kept my tone of voice in the same manner I usually do as opposed to frustrated or upset or whatever. And I did this for whatever I was doing. If I wanted to take a shower I did, if I needed to go into another room without him I did. I just told him what I was doing and did it. Even if he continued to cry I wouldn't change my approach until I was done. I know it's hard to find that balance between establishing the idea that you can't cater to him 24/7 but still retain that parent/child trust of being there for your child when it's needed. It's hard but hang in there! Eventually they will learn that you are coming back. It does take some time, but it does happen!
  6. Oh no! That is so sad. I love the Golden Girls. I was just watching a bunch of episodes last night when I had insomnia. I think it was on WE.
  7. You guys will have so much fun in DC. I love all the museums there! A few of my in-laws also live in Silver Springs, MD and it is super close, but I agree with the Old Town suggestion. It's a very cute area. And I hate driving in DC so good call on using the Metro.
  8. I did like Donna much more in last night's episode than in the previous one. It definitely felt more like the old Donna.
  9. I enjoy it. It's definitely entertaining. That girl Arian (I think that's her name), is too much. She needs to calm down with the "sexy girl" routine.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride08 I wanted to punch her on the episode where her maid came back from the Phillipines and she acted like she didn't know how to do laundry. Give me a break, she used be a nurse so I can't imagine she had a live in maid cleaning up after her then. She needs to get off her pedestal. Isn't that funny! Half the time she's acting like she doesn't know how to do all the "common" things, then the other half fo the time she's trying to be all inspiration with her "I am Native American and grew up without much money and was a nurse, blah blah blah." I don't get it. She is so annoying.
  11. I did enjoy the funny Donna Martin. It was just... different. I don't know. I remember the old 90210 episodes, like when she had that huge prom (I think it was prom) dress, or when she had that mermaid costume she couldn't walk in. I liked those awkward elements of the Donna character. Maybe the next episode will be better. I guess it's just the different dynamic of the characters. I forgot about the new Melrose Place! I remember hearing a mention about it. That's nuts. What else are they going to revive? Dynasty?!
  12. I can't wait for the new season, hopefully it switching networks won't impact it too much. I noticed Bravo's replacement for PR is called "The Fashion Show." I'll probably also watch that one because I'm curious.
  13. I agree about the weird Charlie getting in Heidi's face scenerio. Now that alone would make me break up with a guy. Why would you let your friend not only talk to your girlfriend like that, but stand up and get in her face about it? Spencer is such a douchebag. I'm not exactly a new fan Heidi since she morphed into this surgically enhanced made-up girl, but I think even she deserves better than Spencer. Either Spencer is some sort of prince when the cameras are off or Heidi is a masochist.
  14. What did you think of the episode Christine (or anyone)? IDK. I've come to like Tori Spelling since reading her book and watching her show. I was never a big fan of her previously. I did like the "Donna" character on original 90210, but there was something slightly annoying about her on this episode. I can't put my finger on it, but I just couldn't get into her character. Or maybe I was just annoyed that they waited until the end of the episode to reveal the Donna/David status when they pretty obviously alluded to what it is towards the beginning when Kelly asked about David and Donna hesitated and gave a generic answer.
  15. I listen to music on my computer (with earphones) in between clients.
  16. I have a 16oz iced french vanilla latte on my way to work. I very, very rarely make my own coffee just because I'm lazy...
  17. That is really cute! Great find.
  18. LOL. I did feel bad for Stephanie on that interview. Kelly is harsh. Did you see that episode of The City where she pretty much called that one model chick anorexic? True, the chick is super skinny, but still... geez.
  19. Thank you Tammy for running this forum and thank you vendors for helping to sponsor the forum!
  20. Cute pictures. Looks like lots of fun.
  21. Welcome and congratulations. I used Janelle for my May 2007 wedding and she is AWESOME.
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