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Everything posted by Heidi

  1. Congratulations!!! As far as email responsiveness...I'm dealing with the Caribbean & boy are they S-L-O-W when responding! But just be patient, they eventually do come through with answers!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt Go to the DR!! I love having other people getting married there!! No pressure or anything HAHA!! I feel the same way about Jamaica!!!
  3. Congratulations on your engagement!!!
  4. Did you decide on the DR? Is Jamaica out for you??
  5. That is too funny!!! I grew up in the neighborhood across the street, behind the 7-11!
  6. you have GOT to be kidding me....that was my hairdresser when I was in Chalfont. So I'm guessing your fiance was a West graduate This is getting creepy....I wonder if I know you/him?! I LOVE your ring by the way!!!
  7. I grew up in Chalfont, and my fiance lives in Harleysville...we're pretty close!!
  8. Did you make it larger? Something that small will look distorted if you try to enlarge it.
  9. according to this map, it's in Ocho Rios! (I might be a little worried if my travel agent got that one wrong!!! Negril & Ocho Rios are 3+ hrs apart!!!)
  10. Hey Carly....I also had my heart set on SATP, but it also didn't work out for me. Good luck with Beaches! (I didn't go with Beaches just because that would be too expensive for many of my guests)
  11. Congrats on the engagement and welcome to the board!!! I'm also super addicted to the site...
  12. oh, and I live VERY close to you!!! I'm in Montgomery County! With so many Philly area members we should really consider planning a get together sometime!
  13. Hi! I'm so happy to see another Jamaica bride on here!!! We're getting married April 08 in Ocho Rios! Welcome!!!
  14. we are getting each other a beautiful wedding in Jamaica!! Since we're paying for 100% of everything wedding related, no gifts for us!!!
  15. The final book releases on July 21! I can't wait!!!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by BayBug I love HP!!!! But I read the books after I see the movies. I think it is better that way. That's probably a good way to do it. When I first see the movies, I'm always so disappointed with everything they left out... I end up liking them eventually, but I LOVE the books!!!
  17. I got some pricing for extras @ Riu Ocho Rios and thought I'd post for anyone interested: Steel Drum Band: $250/hour DJ: $150/hour Renting Disco for Reception (9-11pm): $250 Charge per person for 'open bar': $10 (charge is for wait service & using top shelf alcohol) Bridesmaid Bouquet: $30 each Boutonniere: $6 each (by the way...we FINALLY made a decision - Riu Ocho Rios!!! Don't have final prices yet, but assuming they're in the range for our guests it's a go!)
  18. Hi Amanda!!! Good to hear from you! If you will be making it on your own, create it larger than you ever think you'd need it to be. Then, it will be crisp and clear when you shrink it down to the size you want to use. I have a lot of layers when I create them...so you can put some layers to the back and bring others to the front. But I'd be happy to do one for you if you like! GOOD LUCK!!!
  19. oh, SATP was so where I wanted to have my wedding!!! but we're inviting more than they can accommodate... I'm sure you will have a GORGEOUS wedding!!!!
  20. I prefer the vegetarian diet myself!!
  21. Just wondering...are there any Harry Potter readers out there??
  22. oh, and just wanted to throw this out there... I had absolutely, 100% fallen completely in love with a dress after seeing it online. This dress: I tried it on and it looked HORRIBLE on me!!! so you never do know what you'll end up with!!!
  23. Hey Laura!! I think you should wear WHATEVER you want to!!!
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