Quote: Originally Posted by JaimeLynne I want to put "You're my rock"
The story behind this:
One evening my Dad and I were sitting in the art gallery my family owns waiting for customers (we do that every Fri. from 6-9pm). It was a rainy night, and not a single person had been in. Out of the blue, this lovely couple comes in and we end up talking to them for hours. The guy is a little older and French and she is Spanish. They both speak a ton of languages and are extremely cultured and well traveled - very interesting people. Well, the man asks me if I am in love - and I reply "yes" (At this time I was dating my ex-boyfriend of 3 1/2 years). He says, "Is he your rock?" and I say "I think so" and he replied "You will know it's real when he is your rock, and you are his." So later that night I go over to my ex-bf's apartment and I ask him if I am his rock and he says "No". "NO?!?", I say, and again he says "No". I told him the story and he said that was silly. Well needless to say we ended up breaking up. Fast forward a few years to me and Martin. I ask him the same question and without hesitation he says "Yes. I am your rock and you are mine.". I was so excited to hear this ~ I had found my rock! I told him the story and he loved it. The rest, as they say, is history...
I asked Reggie last night if I was his rock. He said 'baybee, you are my Gibraltar!"
Jaime, I love this story!!!!!!