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Everything posted by Heidi

  1. CONGRATS!!!!!! and have a great time!!!
  2. wow, that's great! I was also in NYC this past weekend... I love that city!!
  3. Heidi

    newbie here

    Hello & to the forum! Congrats on the engagement!!!
  4. There are so many cool fonts to choose from too! It gets a little overwhelming sometimes!
  5. ooooh, I like the top one you just posted, with the organge dotted border - very nice! you're doing great with your designs! It's so much fun, isn't it?!
  6. I like the 3rd, and I like the font - keeps it casual looking! I wouldn't change a thing, it's perfect just the way it is!!!
  7. I just logged onto our registry to change some things, and someone's already started buying stuff.... how exciting! We didn't tell people about it, it had to be parents!
  8. Along those lines Glenda... I also have great credit, and my fiance does not. Once we're married, does his low credit score affect my high score? Or could I still get a mortgage on my own without him bringing me down?
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha Of course you all can post the ones you made for me. I would do it now, but they are saved on my other computer. Let me know if you want me to post them tonight....or you can do it yourselves! Amy, Heidi and Paula all made great logos for me! I can't decide which one I want to use for my bags......................and, we may have gone back to our original colors of the turquiose and pink. aw, I like your pink/green/orange combo!!! (maybe cause that's what I wanted, and the orange got vetoed by Reggie! haha!)
  10. um, yeah, I need to get in on this conversation too.... I'm right there with you Glenda!!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by sheaa I love those! Is everyone planning on doing their own center pieces? How do you get everything to Mexico or the destination? Can you box everything and ship it? With the OOT bags, favors, my dress etc. I won't beable to carry all of it. For those who have shipped, is it expensive? Someone posted about centerpieces with 3 pic frames put together with a candle in the center.... that's what I want to do. Here it is: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...nterpeice.html I'll probably just bring it all with me, but then again at the Riu Ocho Rios it's just one BIG table for the reception, so I only need a few centerpieces.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP Dont you just hate Heidi. I have not a clue as to what she said but I am glad that she did what she did. They are cute. Purple flowers with yellow rocks will stand out nicely hahaha! You crack me up Catherine!!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride yes, I do have publisher, that would be so awesome of you! Send me a PM with your email... I just threw something together really quickly with my stuff, two-sided, very simple. You can just plug & chug with your stuff & change the colors to reflect yours. Oh, and thanks, now I have my luggage tags designed!! haha! I'm gonna try to attach a PDF of what I did, just to help anyone else! luggage tags.pdf
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride yeah, I agree, and I can do it, but I am not so computer savvy, so I just like to have templates. I really love your boarding pass std's I saw on another thread, Heidi! you are so talented. well.... do you have Publisher? I can email you something real quick that might help... And thanks for the compliment! I work in Marketing, so I do a lot of the design stuff here...which translates well with my STD's/invites/etc! Plus, it helps that I really like doing these things!!
  15. OK, here's my way to 'cheat' when pictures don't show up on the forum... click on 'reply' on the post you want to see the pic. Then the URL code comes up & you can just copy & paste the URL into your browser to see the pics! Here's Jaime's two URL's: FLower1.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Flower2.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
  16. Personally, it seems like doing a cute luggage tag that is business-card sized with your logo yourself is just too easy to pay someone else to do! I'd be happy to help if you need it....but you can do this one!!!
  17. oooh, very pretty!!! and simple! I like them a lot!
  18. Can I just say I've read your review several times, and I CAN"T WAIT TO GO TO THE RIU!!! Thanks again Jamy!!!
  19. oh, YAY! Have a WONDERFUL TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by amyh If its okay with Martha, I'll post the sample I made for her tonight. ditto!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride and thanks Heidi for these, I love them. I used them a while ago... I'm glad I could help - I get so much help from everyone else; it's nice to be able to help someone else in return!
  22. ...or not - can't get the file to upload. I can email it to you if you PM your email address.
  23. aah, the attachment disappeared... I'll edit the 1st post and add it again - give me 30 seconds...
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