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Everything posted by Heidi

  1. our original $5k budget (ah, how optimistic we were!) is becoming more like $8k if not more.... some details are still being ironed out, so I'm sure that number will continue to rise
  2. oh Martha - I"m so sorry Hopefully little Jack starts getting better - we're all pulling for him!!!
  3. we can only pay in cash or traveler's check I had no idea!!!
  4. wonderful pictures; you look absolutely gorgeous! congratulations!!!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by twinkletoes The rep from RIU finally got back with me. I am 1st on a waiting list for my 8-8-08 date! Now I just have to cross my fingers that someone cancels, lol. In the meantime, I'm trying to come up with a back up plan. Thanks for all your help girls :~) YAY! well...not that I want someone to call off their wedding, but you know what I mean! fingers crossed for you!!!
  6. Hey Lizz, I'll give it a stab! But I can't do it till tomorrow (don't have the right programs on my laptop) Do you have any color themes?
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by pouchie Your awsome!! I was so exicted to find out the pricing. I don't understand how you get such fast replies from Chandlyn!! I am so glad we have this site I get more info from here then I do from the resort. I wish they had one big package with all the information you need. hahaha (that would be too easy.) I was SO EXCITED to wake up to an email from her this morning. As soon as I saw it, I just had to log on here & post it for all of you ladies!!!
  8. I say if you want a veil, go for it! I didn't think I did....until I tried one on with my dress. So now I have a veil for my wedding!
  9. Also - got pricing info on 2 arches I liked: $75US: $200US:
  10. Hi all! I updated my post with pictures on page 2 with pricing information for the upgraded bouquets.
  11. YES!!!! I got the prices! I'm going to update the previous thread with them, but they range from $111US- $234US
  12. how exciting that your big day is so close!!!
  13. congrats!!!! how romantic!!! I think you're seriously setting the bar way too high for all of our future husbands with that dinner - well done!!! and your song just randomly started? that wasn't planned?? how great is that?!?!
  14. oh congratulations!!! you look GORGEOUS! great pictures!
  15. walked with my mom yesterday a few miles & took a yoga class this morning!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by katm I still can't see the designs that Heidi posted? I really need help. PM me your email address & I'll send them to you through email!
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