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Everything posted by Heidi

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by carlymcmullen Heidi, I didnt even read anyone elses response yet, cuz I wanted to say WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I am so glad that you found something! I hate your boss and I know Jen will be happy she doesn't have to come down and kick any ass. Congrats on the exciting news! HAHA!!! That's awesome! I love you guys!!!
  2. ...only one tiny thing. I'm entitled to unused vacation time at the discretion of management. So I kind of need to tread lightly...
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by NYJen Holy Crap, that's AWESOME!!!! Man, I wish I was a fly on the wall when you tell your boss you're leaving. Hey, better yet, don't tell her yet - use the rest of your vacation days (if you have any) and then just don't ever show up again. That would be SWEET!!! I know you wouldn't do that, but how great would it be if you did haha, that WOULD be freaking AWESOME! She flipped last time I was going to leave, I expect nothing different this time. She's leaving for the DR on Dec 21st. I'm going to drop the bomb before she goes on her nice little vacation.
  4. ...one more question... is time off something that can be negotiated? I've been at the same job since I graduated from college, so I'm really not sure what can & can't be done!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by CourtneyV Is this the same job you did the telephone interview for?? So, you're going in tomorrow to get more details on the job? Nope, this isn't the phone interview company. I didn't think I'd get that one anyway! I don't know if I'm going in tomorrow or next week... we'll see tomorrow! Thanks everyone for the congrats! I feel all warm & fuzzy
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Is there any way to post a clip of that? haha GREAT idea!!! I'll see what I can do, hahaha!!
  7. Thanks everyone!!! Quote: Originally Posted by twinkletoes When do you start? Would you be doing the same thing? I don't know when I'd start! TBD once I go over there! I don't know EXACTLY what I'd be doing yet either! It's for a travel operator, and last time I interviewed with them they were interested in having me work on internet marketing campaigns or marketing communications pieces (brochures, etc). Who knows now?! But I"m excited to do SOMETHING new; I've been doing the SAME thing for 5 years now! Plus, I left out the BEST benefit they have... once I've been there for 1 year, I get a free trip. First anniversary trip?!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride Now you got hobbit ho skankiness all over your ring. Heidi you are quite possibly marrying the funniest guy in the world! HAHA! too funny!!!! And yes Glenda, he is a funny guy; always keeps me laughing! You should hear his Arnold Schwartzenegger & Sean Connery impressions!
  9. YAY! I was offered a marketing position with a new company tonight! I've been ITCHING to leave my current job (as I"m sure most of you know...), and sooooooo happy to have an offer. Here's the downside... the time off STINKS! Like REALLLLLLYYYY bad! Right now at my current job, I get 15 vacation days (since I've been there for 5 yrs), 10 sick days & 3 personal days. This new job has FIVE days off total. But that's just for the 1st year. They're fine with giving me unpaid time off during our wedding, which is great! It's definitely a lateral move for me right now. New company's health benefits are better, old company's 403b is better, old company's time off is obviously better. But I'm desperate to get out of my old job & I can't freaking stand my boss (but LOVE my coworkers) SO....I'm 99.99999% sure I'll be accepting, just need to go in tomorrow or early next week to finalize everything. Oh, one more thing; this company had offered me this position back in May but I decided to stay with my current company. They REALLY wanted to hire me (obviously, hehe ). Since things at work are getting to bad, I contacted them again and told them why I stayed (felt an allegiance to my company and there was nobody to take over my work) and asked if there was an opening. 2 weeks later (today!), they 'found' a place for me. Essentially they're creating this position for me. It'd be nice to work somewhere where I would be appreciated... So sorry for the long vent! (Philly girls; this one's in Glenside, so I'd still be here! )
  10. I like that hobbits & pimp slapping are winning...
  11. I second the Elfster recommendation!! Our family used it this year and I LOVE that you can ask the person questions and remain anonymous!
  12. It's Jamaica, mon! If you have the money for it, I think the steel band would really add to the whole ambiance and make it EXTRA special!
  13. I don't have final counts, but I'm thinking 5 of #IS0015 (green) and 5 of #IS00FS (pink) and 5 of #IS00IV (ivory; though right now they're out of stock)
  14. I happen to know a few hobbits who may be available for the journey...
  15. I concur! Somewhere over the rainbow by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole
  16. Personally, I'd NEVER give my bank account passwords, etc... but sounds like a helpful site!
  17. Dear Snapfish.com, I ordered EIGHT 4x6 PRINTS on November 24th. I need those pictures to finish a Christmas present for my family Secret Santa. I can't MAIL the gift to my cousin in Texas UNTIL YOU FREAKING SEND THEM TO ME!!! Seriously, 8 tiny little prints are just TOO much to do and send out?! Come on!! You're K-I-L-L-I-N-G me!!!!!
  18. WOW! Crazy story Tammy!!! So neat!
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