YAY! I was offered a marketing position with a new company tonight! I've been ITCHING to leave my current job (as I"m sure most of you know...), and sooooooo happy to have an offer.
Here's the downside... the time off STINKS! Like REALLLLLLYYYY bad! Right now at my current job, I get 15 vacation days (since I've been there for 5 yrs), 10 sick days & 3 personal days. This new job has FIVE days off total. But that's just for the 1st year. They're fine with giving me unpaid time off during our wedding, which is great!
It's definitely a lateral move for me right now. New company's health benefits are better, old company's 403b is better, old company's time off is obviously better. But I'm desperate to get out of my old job & I can't freaking stand my boss (but LOVE my coworkers)
SO....I'm 99.99999% sure I'll be accepting, just need to go in tomorrow or early next week to finalize everything.
Oh, one more thing; this company had offered me this position back in May but I decided to stay with my current company. They REALLY wanted to hire me (obviously, hehe ). Since things at work are getting to bad, I contacted them again and told them why I stayed (felt an allegiance to my company and there was nobody to take over my work) and asked if there was an opening. 2 weeks later (today!), they 'found' a place for me. Essentially they're creating this position for me. It'd be nice to work somewhere where I would be appreciated...
So sorry for the long vent!
(Philly girls; this one's in Glenside, so I'd still be here! )