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Everything posted by Heidi

  1. I gotta go with Laura (RaydensMama) - we came to the forum just about the same time and I just love her! And there's always a special place in my heart for TammyB, Shelley, Carly, Lizz, Glenda, Morgan... I just know I'm fogetting a ton too!
  2. Ooo, if you do this again next month, I'm in! My co-workers and I are just finishing our season.
  3. In PA, you can't get a notorized copy of birth certificate. I ordered a certified copy. It was quick & easy!
  4. Oh, Laura - you are so gorgeous in these pics!!! And your family is just fabulous!!!
  5. We went to see this yesterday afternoon - I completely agree; INCREDIBLE! It was really well done; the acting was great and the story was superb! ...And I loved that Batmanuel (from The Tick) was in it! (also known as Eyeliner Other in Lost! hehe)
  6. My hubby was born in Trinidad; and his whole family is in Trinidad. From what I've heard that hotel choices on Trinidad are limited. Tobago is supposed to be 'better' and doesn't have the crime issues that Trinidad does right now. Go for Tobago!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Sarah We've missed you! Have you posted pics of your house yet? No - my camera died and I don't have many pics... the cord to recharge it is still packed somewhere...geesh! I'll post what I do have though!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by BeckyN So glad to hear!!! I really am trying to figure out where i can cut things out ... to save not only the budget, but the packing process. I keep looking at the pictures... and with everything going on... I'm begining to think the guests won't notice whether I have anything or not. hmm... now I just need to decide on assigned seating or a free for all. FREE FOR ALL! No need to add that stress on your plate either!!
  9. Oh, I'm definitely rocking the dress! haha! No doubt about it! Have I mentioned how much I missed you all?!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by kevsgirl I love my dress and want to get the most out of it possible! Plus, in a way, our AHR will be for those who couldn't come and want to feel included. I'm 100% in the same boat! We had 25 guests there, 15 of whom will be at our AHR. The other 135 guests weren't able to make it - so it's like our 2nd wedding, haha! Actually, we didn't ask the wedding party to wear their attire - they all wanted to - go figure!
  11. Our AHR is on Saturday. I will be wearing my dress, my husband will wear his suit and our wedding party will wear their attire. People have asked me/my mom/his parents what we are wearing. Some people are saying it's 'weird' for us to wear our wedding attire. I'm PSYCHED to wear my dress again... but it's interesting to me what people think. So, if you feel obliged - what do you think about wearing wedding attire to an AHR?
  12. IMHO, that table was FULL!!! No space for any type of centerpiece. We had 27 people. I'm glad I scrapped the centerpiece idea; just would've been in the way. Here's a not-so-great picture!
  13. we used the bouquet as my throw bouquet; and gave the bout to my now father-in-law. came in handy!
  14. We were all barefoot for the reception. Put flip flops on for dinner @ Mammee Bay (the floors can get very slippery!) and they ended up being off during reception at Pacha Disco.
  16. Have a WONDERFUL time!!!! OROBride1008 - they have those photo albums in the craft market in town - you can barter them down in pricing. I got a larger album to hold 4- 4x6 pics per page and paid $15USD.
  17. OMG!! Laura, have a WONDERFUL day! I can't wait to hear all about it!!! CONGRATS
  18. This is pretty much COMPLETELY dead on....kinda freaky how correct it is! You are resilient, and no doubt your resilience has already been tested. You've had some difficult experiences in your life, but you are wise from them. Having had to grow up quickly, you tend to discount the advice of others. You tend to be a loner, having learned that the only person you can depend on is yourself. Your strength: Well developed stability and confidence Your weakness: Suspicion of others Your power color: Eggplant Your power symbol: Spade Your power month: October
  19. Jamaica Casinos | jamaica-guide.info Most Jamaican casinos are part of resort hotels, which means nearly all Jamaican casinos are located in popular tourist areas of the island. Popular casinos include: Coral Cliff Hotel (Montego Bay) Hedonism II Resort (Negril) Hedonism III Resort (Ocho Rios) Holiday Inn Sunspree Resort (Montego Bay) The Jamaica Pegasus and Derby Rooms (Kingston) Jungle Negril (Negril) Renaissance Jamaica Grande Resort (Ocho Rios) Terra Nova Hotel, Monte Carlo Gaming (Kingston) Treasure Hunt Ocho Rios (Ocho Rios)
  20. I feel so un-traveled!!! 1. USA 2. Canada 3. Mexico (studied abroad in Orizaba - LOVED it!! best summer of my life!) 4. Ireland 5. Dominica 6. Jamaica Going somewhere soon with work too!
  21. I definitely will wear it again to our AHR. How many brides get to wear their dress more than once?!?!
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