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Everything posted by Heidi

  1. I'll be getting married at the ROR on April 4th!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by CaliaA07 WENTWORTH IS GAY??!??!? NOOOOOOOOOO....I love him. When I lived in Dallas I auditioned to be on prison break. So did my former boss. He actually got 2 roles. I got a call to be a nurse in the infirmary with him and I couldn't go b/c I would be out of town. I cried forever. But I didn't know he was gay. Now I might cry again. So sad. Oh congratulations on paying it off. Jamaica here you come!!!!!! OMG!!!! I'm soooooo jealous! I totally would've altered my plans to be there, hehehe.
  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAMMY!!!! Hope you have the perfect day!!!!
  4. Make sure you enter the coupon code: VALE to get 15% off! I used it tonight and it worked!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by twinkletoes Yaaay Heidi! I feel like you have been MIA since the new job, or I just havent been on the same time as you. I'm so excited for you and Reggie! You would be right! I can't go online (YET!) at the new job... probationary period for 3 months. So as of April 14, I'll be on more during the day, I HOPE!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by StephanieMN As far as Wentworth Miller I agree he is hot but ONLY when he isn't smiling! He's a hottie no matter what he's doing! Him & Josh Holloway (from Lost) are my 2 celebrity crushes! If I meet them, I have a free pass.... and if Reggie meets Kristin Kreuk (from Smallville) he has a free pass. hehe
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by jen&tyler Congratulations!! You must be so pumped! I'm still in the beginning stages...of picking a resort. It's kind of stressful. I can't wait to be at your stage in the process. Oh, you'll be here before you know it!!! I feel like I JUST got engaged, and that was way back in Dec 2006! Choosing a resort is stressful though, but you'll get through it. When we started the search, all we knew is that we wanted our wedding to be in the Caribbean. I gave Reggie (fiance) a list of 4 places, 2 in Jamaica and 2 in Aruba, and he chose our final place. It worked for us! Good luck with the search. I know it seems stressful now, but it really is EXCITING!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Ange LOL! I just went in and paid the balance of our trip today too! I was so excited I wanted to post a new thread but I didn't want the mods to get upset with me, so now they can get upset with you hahahah LOL! I'll take whatever they send my way.... It is so very exciting though, isn't it?
  9. Have I ever mentioned how badly I want to attend everyone else's DW?? That would be SO MUCH FUN!!! I've never been to St Thomas before.....
  10. I know this new thread I am starting is not helping anybody, and that I am just taking up valuable forum space (SORRY TAMMY!!!!), but I just paid the balance on our trip and I'm PSYCHED to get hitched in Jamaica!!! My ticker tells me that we are officially 2 months, 5 days away from wedded bliss, and I couldn't be happier. I am marrying the PERFECT man (OK, the second most perfect man... but Wentworth Miller is gay, so it just wouldn't work between us anyway) and I can't wait to start our life together!!! YAY!
  11. Customized Girl: 15% off purchase. Enter code: VALE (I just used it, it works, yay!)
  12. Great write-up! I'm glad you liked the zip line; Reggie & I are VERRRYYY excited about it! Did you use Chukka? Thanks again for all of the info; sounds like you had the perfect time there!
  13. I get Barbara Streisand a lot... what do you think?? (I don't really take it as a compliment...it's my big nose! I know it!!!!)
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Lizz Congrats I can't wait to hear all about it and of course see tons of pics!!! Exactly what I was going to say! CONGRATS!!! Welcome home!
  15. We have quite a few people who are saying they will come who haven't booked a darn thing yet. Out of the people who did book, we have 24 guests. 9 are family, the other 15 are friends (our family is seriously sucking on this.... SERIOUSLY disappointing ) Unlike a few of you who have posted, our friends have always said they're coming, so have our family. Our family have backed out A LOT (Reggie's parents are each 1 of 9, ONE of his aunt's is coming... I'm VERY close with my aunts (2)/uncles (3)/cousins (4), and only 1 aunt & 1 uncle are making the trip) but the friends are staying true to their word.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by jmhein I wonder what happened with all of our January brides, we haven't heard back from them!? They had too much fun and decided not to come home!
  17. Heidi


    I'm worried that I'll have to for my first. I'd prefer to wait too...but after we got preggo for the first time, I just had this intense desire to be a mother. Plus, I had a fantastic experience with Big Brother/Big Sister during college that has completely changed my mind about adoption. I was matched with an 8-year-old 'little brother' who was in foster care. Ever since that experience, I've KNOWN that at some point in my life, I will adopt a child. Ah, I'm rambling now!!! But I love ya Tammy!!! We will survive!!!!!!
  18. Heidi


    ...we started reseraching adoption too (just research for now!). And we're even toying with the idea of fostering a kid first. I'm in a rut too Tammy, doubting I'll ever carry a baby past 10 weeks Hopefully, we're both just depressed about the whole thing and will be pleasantly surprised in the near future (*fingers crossed!*). You definitely won't hear 'don't worry, everything will happen for you; you'll have your baby; etc' from me... I'm just saying that I haven't given up hope on your situation yet. As one of my friends recently wrote to me "always keep hope in your heart." (easier said than done, I know) So if you can't hope right now, I completely understand...so I'll do the hoping for you. Take care of yourself chica, I'm always here.
  19. I refuse to click on that link! I LOVE lemons & limes in my water...... Nothing has made me sick yet, and until it does, you can't make me click on that link!!!
  20. Heidi

    Headed to Jamaica

    Hi Angeline! I'm getting married 4 days before you at the ROR! Who knows, maybe our paths will cross while we're there! hehe to the forum!
  21. Just got in. In my PJs and about to turn on TV. haha!
  22. Like the others have said, definitely check out the Jamaica section. Between everyone who has posted in there, we've answered an awful lot of questions, from the photographer to flowers to what the updgades are... just about everything!
  23. Hmmm... if anyone can find an article about soy being bad when preggo, I'd really appreciate if it you could post/PM it to me. Since I'm a veg-head, a VERY large part of my diet is soy. My Drs have assured me that my diet choices had nothing to do with it, but hey my Drs sucked!!!
  24. Aw, I really appreciate the nominations, but I haven't been too active on here since I got this new job. Plus, I already won this once! Great nominations so far...there are too many fabulous people on here!
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