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Everything posted by Heidi

  1. Heidi


    How great that you're on here for your sister;s wedding!
  2. Jennifer is also fabulous. Very attentive, quick to let me know when someone has booked, and - most importantly - NICE!
  3. We haven't decided yet...but we are getting the steel drum band. So maybe we can do it then, with them? I think that'd be extra memorable having our first dance on the beach to a steel drum band! We're having the Mammee Bay dinner too, since it's semi-private I don't think we'd be introduced. Are you renting the disco? Maybe that's where you could do those things.
  4. Heidi


    to the forum!
  5. Every time I think I have something figured out, an episode like tonight comes along and, well... makes me feel LOST! I LOVE this show, and I keep getting more and more addicted to it. Can't wait to see where all of this is going...
  6. I LOVE that dress!!! You're going to look so fabulous!
  7. I LOVE your idea though! I'm definitely considering it...
  8. GREAT idea, though I wanted stadium cups, not travel mugs... but maybe...depending on price!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by naga0066 and bring back lots of pictures!!!! yes, that too! But that's just understood! hehehe
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by jmhein No idea! I think I'll discuss that when I meet with Chandlyn, I'll just go with her suggestions. For me the dinner is not TOO big of a deal, I think we'll all be busy eating! We've rented the disco from 9 PM to 11 PM and this is where I envision more "wedding-y stuff" happening like speeches and first dances... I cant WAIT to hear about your day! We're doing the same - Mammee Bay for dinner & disco for reception. Don't forget to take copious notes!
  11. ooooh! Me too! this is a fabulous thread; we had NO idea how to do this... thanks for posting! Reggie is from Trinidad. We weren't going to even start the process until we get home. He is a permanent resident though; maybe that makes the process easier? I mean, he's been here since he was 3, has a social security number, etc.
  12. That's fabulous Sarah!!! I'll definitely be contacting you when we get our pics back!
  13. Reggie and I are in! PA or NY are fine with us.
  14. Everything looks GREAT! Can't wait to hear all about your trip (and of course can't wait to see all of your pics! )
  15. Wow, I can't believe your day is finally here! Congrats Paula, we're so happy for you!!!!
  16. 2 of my bridesmaid's husbands have offered to video. Reggie did my brother's & my cousin's wedding videos, and they both turned out GREAT, and are exactly what I want! So we're thinking of having the 2 guys video and Reggie will take the raw footage and make it look fabulous. Plus, if we did video, we'd have to hire the resort photographer and we're not using him for pics, so it could get nasty! But thanks a lot for all of the feedback! Very helpful!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Beachbride2B We'll probably see you there Heidi! We don't leave until the 5th. We probably will see you then! Drink at the pool bar
  18. OMG! this is too much fun; Love this idea!!!
  19. We're trying to figure out what to do with videography... so, if you already had your wedding, did you hire a professional, have friends do it, or skip it? Would you change anything? For those of you who are still planning, which do you think you will do?
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by drhubby Hey everyone, I dont know how well this will line up but heres the pricing on photography. Note that this photo shop has EXCLUSIVE rights over the property so you cant bring anyone else in Just to clear this up... because it's coming up a lot often... Photoshop DOES NOT have exclusive rights... this is what PHOTOSHOP says. The RIU says you can bring in other photographers. You have two options: 1. Hire a local Jamaican photographer - in this instance, you will need to pay Photoshop a fee; I believe that it is the day pass PLUS a $250? fee to Photoshop 2. Hire a non-local photographer - in this instance, the photographer MUST be at the ROR for the minimum stay, which is 4 days/3 nights You do NOT need to use Photoshop. If you don't you're either paying the 'breach of contract fee' if you use a local, OR you pay for 3 nights lodging to bring someone else in. You do have options. Please don't let Photoshop bully you into believing you have no choices!
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