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Everything posted by Heidi

  1. We're still trying to figure out what to do about our vows. We don't want the traditional ones, but we don't want to write our own separate vows. We're looking for vows we can write before we go, collaboratively, and the same! Here are 2 we found online that we thought were OK: (Name), I love you. You are my best friend. Today I give myself to you in marriage. I promise to encourage and inspire you, to laugh with you, and to comfort you in times of sorrow and struggle. I promise to love you in good times and in bad, when life seems easy and when it seems hard, when our love is simple, and when it is an effort. I promise to cherish you, and to always hold you in highest regard. These things I give to you today, and all the days of our life. I _____will love you ______ in the good times And the difficult times I will encourage you when you’re down, I will never criticize you to others I will listen I will support you in your dreams and goals I will be open with you Willing to share my innermost feelings, My secrets and dreams with you and to trust them to your care. I will grow along with you And celebrate the many changes of life As we journey together. Anyone have other vows they like?? CaliaA07 - do you have any answers to my previous questions??! Thanks!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by md_ocr Heidi, are you paying him to use your own photographer? How are you getting around this issue? Absolutely not! I have an email from Carolina, Wedding Sales Dept, saying explicitly that I am allowed to use a US photographer as long as the photographer stays the minimum stay at the resort. Michael can't tell me what the resort's policies are. He doesn't work for the Riu. I am confident in the fact that the resort has told me I am allowed to have an oustide photographer. These were the terms: 1. If the photographer is local to Jamaica, you have to pay the breach in contact fee to Michael, and pay for a day pass 2. If the photographer is from out of the country - they need to stay at the resort for the minimum stay (3 nightS)
  3. This is from MICHAEL, not the RIU. Until the Riu sends me something like this, I'm not worried. He can't bully us into using him!!!!
  4. Ha! I don't even want to page back to see what I originally posted for our budget, but I know we smashed it to pieces!!! I stopped tracking costs, for the same reasons mentioned above - it's a once-in-a-lifetime (ha, hopefully!) event! Little things keep coming up, we helped our sisters and my brother pay for the trip, I went a lil crazy on my BM gifts , and so on... We were hoping for $5k, realistically, I think we're more like $7 or $8k for the Jamaica part - haven't even started thinking about our AHR in July! Argh!
  5. I still don't have pics from my shower, but I do have a pic of a gift I got from one of my bridesmaids... I know I posted about my friend who does pencil drawings. Well, she did a drawing for me for a gift. Here's the actual picture: And here's her drawing (she added a shirt for Reggie, instead of the beater and schoolbag! haha): I LOVE it; it's amazing! She had the shower guests sign a matte and now it's framed with everyone's notes to us. It's fabulous!
  6. Just thought some of you could relate! haha! I have spent far too much time on this board when some of the first people I think of for my bachelorette party are BDW people... A. Is that weird? Do I just spend too much time on here? B. Would any of you Philly gals come?!? hehe
  7. Wow, we have some very interesting jobs here! My still new job (I'm in my 5th week now!) is as a Business to Business Marketing Manager for a Tour Operator. Very fun!! (so far!) Fancy title to say that I work with Travel Agents to promote our tour products and with Government Tourism Offices to engage in cooperative marketing tactics.
  8. I know this is completely against BDW policy...but I don't have pics yet. Obviously, I Wasn't taking the pics, so I have to wait until someone emails them to me. Some are bbbbaaaaddddd too! My sister picked out some fun games (well more fun than some of the traditional ones!). They had a raffle where people had to guess how many days Reggie & I have been together (their final calculation even took into accout leap years! haha - BTW, it was over 3,100 days!). They also did a toilet paper wedding dress thing I'd never seen before - picked 2 'brides' and broke the people up into 2 teams. Gave them 2 rolls of toilet paper & they had 10 mins to design a gown. They REALLY got into it! The last game, well darn they're just lucky I'm a good sport!!! They asked for a volunteer to be the 'applicator' and another to be the 'guide' - Reggie's cousin was the applicator and his sister (my BM) the guide. They blindfolded the applicator and pulled out a HUGE thing of makeup and hair accessories for the guide. The guide got to choose colors/etc and told the applicator where to put the makeup. OMG, I looked like a freaking scary arse clown! They put bright blue eye shadow ALL over me, and bright red lipstick ended up all over my chin, my cheek and a little on my lips! I'll be a good sport and post a pic of this once I get them. Oh, and my hair ended up in 4 pony tails. Good times... I should also mention that the bow hat they made for me is particularly hideous... you're gonna love those pics too! We got ALL of the fiesta ware we registered for (YAY!), all of our bathroom stuff, some lingere, our pots & pans set, and a TON of other things - I think our registries are pretty much cleaned out at this point! I can't believe his sister flew in for this! So completely unexpected! And awesome!!! I had a really fun time!
  9. Today was my surprise bridal shower! Very fun; will post all about it later - going to hang out with Reggie's sister now (she flew in from Miami just for this!) The games were FUN, alcohol was flowing and we got some INCREDIBLE gifts!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Lizz Ok, so I went to Mike's credit union today because he had to deposit a check. The teller said she was also a notary, so she could do it for us. So when I gave her the copies of our licenses and birth certificates, she said there was no way. She said you can't notarize them because (1) you are not allowed to make a copy of a birth certificate in PA (it says it on the certificate itself) and (2) the copies that I gave her were not official documents (they were copies of official documents)??!! So, I thought she just didn't know what she was talking about and we went to another notary. They said the same thing! But in the end I talked the second girl into doing it for us anyway, so I'm relived. I just can't believe I had such problems! Did anyone else have an issue with this? I JUST logged on to post this exact same thing! Wachovia said no, absolutely not to both the passport notarizing AND birth certificate. We ran into SOOOO many problems. I ended up sending my birth certificate itself (no copy) because it had a raised seal on it. The 2nd notary we went to see did the passport and Reggie's birth cert (b/c it's from out of the country) - but apparently I would've had to call the state to ask for a certified copy of my birth cert - which she said would take about 3 weeks. I have 2 copies, so I'm just going to send the 1 I have. SOOOO frustrating!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Lizz I'm going to try to go today too. We have our weekends booked for the next month and a half, so I want to get it done while we have time to do it. Do you think I can go to any bank or do I need to go to an actual notary place? We're going to Wachovia.
  12. Going today to get notorized copies & mail them to Chandlyn! Yay!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by kristendotcom Yeah I am expecting about 26 guests so I will probably order 30 mugs so we will have a few extra just in case. I am on discountmugs.com now looking at the clip art. Thanks for the coupon code! You have to order them in multiples of 12. We also have 26 (including me & REggie) - so we sprung for 36!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by kristendotcom Thanks for the suggestion Heidi...I will check that out too What kind of mugs did you get? I only ordered 36 - so I got some that wouldn't break the bank! These ended up being $2.99 each (ordered the green ones): http://www.discountmugs.com/us/index.php?c=2&p=85# Also, I found a coupon code for them - only 3% off but anything helps! Code is DM2007
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by JUSTUSTWO Anyone have any other codes for Discountmugs.com? I found one! A whopping 3% off, but hey every little bit helps, right? Code is DM2007, and it worked for me last night.
  16. I just ordered from discountmugs.com yesterday. If you play around on the site, they have their own clip art you can choose from (including palm trees). When you click on the product you want, on the right hand side, there are tabs for 'clip art' and 'fonts' - you can see what they have in stock and go from there. You can also design your own logo too; but they had some pretty good artwork in there. We chose a clip art under 'weddings' that shows a couple standing on the beach under palm trees with the sun. Very cute (It's clip art #T1057).
  17. I think you're causing all of us who booked the disco to change our minds! haha! Thanks for the review! Great info, and your pictures are perfect. Congrats!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB Most likely to attempt free-jumping off a cliff - Heidi HA! too funny!!! I did this in Jan 07 when I was in Dominica. We hiked to a gorgeous waterfall. There was an enclosed pool at the base, we swam in it and climbed up a cave to a cliff - just about 15 feet high. And yeah, I jumped off the cliff. Terrifying, but exhilerating! Thanks for the votes! hehe!
  19. WOW! What fabulous pictures! You look absolutely stunning! Congrats!!!
  20. Congrats again Jenn; everything looked fabulous!!! PS- your makeup looked PERFECT!!!!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by gwynemark That place is actually right next to Shaw Gardens so the view and scenery should be just about the same. Either way, if you are up on the hills overlooking the bay where the cruise ships dock, you are in a great location. that's great to know!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by AlmostMrsForbes I agree with you, Jonathan. I'm getting married at the Riu Ocho Rios, and have decided to hire an outside photog. By the way, Riu ladies, I would consider this - yes, I am paying more (about 2k) but he will be with me all day - and will come with me to my off-site reception, and he is fantastic. Anyways, I guess I will be the test case because I'm telling Michael and the resort that I'm not paying a breach of contract fee. I'm an attorney - and I write/review contracts everyday. What I do know is that I am not, and have never been, a party to a contract with Michael. His contract is with the Riu - not me. To charge me a "breach of contract fee" - with the alternative being Michael's interruption and sabotaging of pictures is nothing more than extortion. I won't stand for it. My guess is that when someone stands up to him/them, they'll have back off. The resort is already nickel and diming me for "included" options. There's no way I'm paying this ridiculous fee. Sorry - I'll get off my soap box ... I just can't believe that they're making people do this. I plan on doing the same...and I'll be there in April - so I'll let you know how it goes!
  23. we were thinking about having ours at the Coyoba River Gardens in Ocho Rios: Coyaba River Garden and Museum and Mahoe Waterfalls, Ocho Rios Jamaica
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