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Everything posted by Heidi

  1. I have a question...I've never had to pay for my own heat - always been covered under my rent. Anyone have any idea the cost differences between oil, gas & electric heating?? My mom keeps telling us to not even consider a home that uses electric heat, but it seems like everything we like has electric!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP Heidi 25 days. It seems like yesterday we were doing luggage tags and stds I KNOW!!! I'm freaking out (in a very excited way!!!)
  3. So April in Cherry Hill or Phila (Maggiano's)? I'm in Jamaica till April 8th...WOOHOO!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by lscilley As a kid what did you want to be when you grew up? A veterinarian (from Zobmondo game:) Would you rather be one of ten engineers who designed a bridge that one day collapses, resulting in 100 fatalities or be the only engineer of a bridge that one day collapses, resulting in one fatality?
  5. I really need to do that photoshare thing! Thanks for posting all of your stuff - great job with the planning!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by amandatheo Does anyone know if they have a vegetarian (non fish) option at mammee bay? I've seen the menu and there is nothing to cater for my vegetarian guests. I've emailed chandlyn but as of yet i'm still waiting for a reply. I am a vegetarian, and asked Chandlyn that question WAYYY back. I didn't worry about what the dish was, but she assured me that they can indeed accommodate us veg-heads
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by lauren c. which would you prefer: have a job you hate and make $$ or have a job you like and make diddly squat (like a teacher..........)? Have a job I love & make poo-y money! Would you rather choose to see your future (without being able to change it) or know everyone else's future and not be able to tell them?
  8. Renting around here is the same if not more than what a mortgage payment would be. It just doesn't make sense. Plus, we really want to buy!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by amandalovesryan Heidi, what about looking out by me? Things are cheaper out this way. Especially out by douglassville and that area. Or pottstown. Maybe try places on the 422 corridor. Or, if you want to rent, we rent an awesome townhouse right now that is great. There are a lot of great townhomes out this way that are not too bad and then you could maybe buy next year. That's TOO far for us! We work in Ft Washington and that is too far of a commute for me! haha! The furthest we're looking is Telford... but really, closer to Glenside/Ft Washington/Ambler/etc would be ideal!
  10. Reggie and I have been casually house hunting for um like about a year now. CASUALLY. Always thinking we have loads of time before we NEED to buy. I have 2 vents - 1: Even with a budget of $200,000 - we can't find anything that isn't a piece of . It is so frustrating... The Philly suburb area housing market SUCKS unless you have $400,000+ to spend. 2: We're RUNNING out of time! Last night, our realtor was showing up a serious crap hole - I swear it looked nice online! The back yard was train tracks. It sucked... anyway, we realized LAST NIGHT that we're not going to have anywhere to live once we're married. He's still living at home with parents, and I'm in a TINY 1 bedroom apartment that is far too small just for me, my 2 cats & the bird. He stays over a lot, but it's cramped and not exactly comfortable. Seriously, it's like 200 square feet. It's a bedroom that barely fits my bed & 1 dresser; a living room/eating area that fits a table, my couch & a chair, and a kitchen with no counter space. Ah, I feel better now. Vents rock... Oh, did I mention that the ONE house we liked and were seriously considering putting an offer on was sold YESTERDAY?!?! We were supposed to go see it again last night to make our final decision and it was GONE! Grrrrrr....
  11. Congrats!!! Have a wonderful wedding day!!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by lauren c. what do YOU do that grosses your man out? I burp. LOUDLY. When we were kids/teenagers, the family would have burping contests. I could outburp anybody (uncles, aunts, cousins - anyone) - I'm a champoin burper! Q: What is your favorite type of weather?
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by becks News? Is there news? I'm dying to know what I'm reading next!!!! ME TOO!!!
  14. It's in NYC. There will be a TON of Caribbean islands represented there. And the Mexico Tourism Board will be giving away sombreros, bags, etc. Lots of destinations & tour operators, etc giving away free trips. Also, a lot of European destinations and places in the US.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by CaliaA07 I just emailed the first girl and when she emails me back I"ll post the book here! YAY! OOO! I hope she checks her email soon! I'm psyched to see which book we'll be reading first!!!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by lauren c. do you have a college degree? if so, in what? Yep, I double majored in Management & Communications, minored in Spanish. I also have my Masters in International Business Do you like where you live?
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Betsy What are you most afraid of? Losing the people I love. If you had to watch the same movie every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  18. Ooh, overlap!!! Quote: Originally Posted by DLyteful Q: Would you think differently of your man if he told you he DID have a 3some at one time or another? Yes, I would. I'm just not cool with that Quote: Originally Posted by Saraha When was the last time you kissed your signif. other? like an hour ago!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP Q: Would you have a 3some if your husband asked you? Hells NO!!! Totally not for me! Question: Would you rather immerse your naked body in a bathtub of cockroaches -OR- dive naked head first into a pool of chewing tobacco spit? (from the would you rather game - I'm not THAT creative! )
  20. We did post card RSVPS and sent a bunch to Canada & Trinidad. I took one to the post office & asked them what I'd need to send it to Trinidad, and to Canada. They gave me what I needed (Trinidad was like 80 cents or something!). Just needed to add the airmal sticker to them as well as the stamp.
  21. Anyone going to the NY Times Travel Show this weekend? I will be there as a vendor with work on Sunday - so if you're planning to attend, stop by Gate 1 Travel's booth and say HI to me!!
  22. What do you think? Should we shoot for sometime in March? April? Later? Never?? (I voted March, because I want to see y'all again before I'm a married woman!!!)
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