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Everything posted by Heidi

  1. Thanks everyone!! Alyssa - it's just like Fez, but in the suburbs. This place was called Little Marakesh and it was fabulous! For the most part I'm sleeping - just having weird dreams about the wedding. Like I forgot to bring my dress on the plan so I just wear my bikini, and I forgot to bring the sand ceremony stuff so we just don't do it, and we never write vows so there's just complete awkward silence... weird stuff like that!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by carly So the paperwork from Beaches says that all Matt and I need to be legally married in Jamaica is a notarized copy of our offical birth certificate. Neither of us has been married before, or had any name changes that requires additional paperwork. Matt said he just went to a notary that he knows and the guy told him that we need to write a letter. Does that sound right? Beaches didn't say anything about needing a letter and I suck at writing them... Carly - I learned this the hard way - in PA you cannot get a birth certifiate notorized. I sent a copy of my actual birth certificate - it just needs to have a raised seal. You can order them online. They wouldn't write a letter for us either - we tried our Wachovia bank and a notary at an auto tags place - both told us the same info.
  3. Ha, I've got you beat! We were dating for 8 years, and it'll be 9 right after our wedding. We started dating right after we both graduated from high school!
  4. Hola chicas! This weekend was my Bachelorette party. We went to a Moroccan restaurant for their special 7-course feast (we were there for 3+ hours!) - VERY fun! Plus we all got up and danced with the bellydancers. Then, we went to a Martini bar within walking distance from my apartment, so could all get sh*t-faced! Here are some pics for ya: Me & my sister: BM#1: BM#2: Everyone at dinner: Dancing! Drinking: More drinking: Striking a pose: (Anyone else think I look funky with my hair straightened?! )
  5. I haven't bought it yet....I stink, sorry! Hopefully today/tomorrow!!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Betsy totally a night person - i hate waking up in the am How do you put things in quotes on here? Seriously I don't know how to do that! There's a corner at the bottom right corner of each post that says 'Quote' There's also a button next to 'Quote' that says 'MQ' you can press that on each post you want to include in your post - it's the Multiple Quote button, very cool! Red wine or white wine?
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari What is your favorite book? Lord of the Rings / Harry Potter - it's a toss up. Bikini, Tankini or One piece?
  8. Do you guys read the Lost writeups on ew.com? They're GREAT! Check out this week's: 'Lost' recap: The loves of Juliet | Lost | TV Watch | TV | Entertainment Weekly | 1
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Betsy What is your fave movie? LORD OF THE RINGS!!! Spend more on a house that's ready to move in or buy a fixer-upper and do the work yourself?
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by xJuicyJx I saw his name at the beginning of the show.. it's gotta be michael lol lol he's definitely Ben's guy though.. he took a bullet for him to get walt off the island Yea, he's been in the credits since this season started. It's only a matter of time!
  11. I just think Michael is way too obvious... that said I've thought it would be Michael as soon as there was someone on the boat! This is how Lost makes me feel sometimes: BUT I LOVE IT!!!
  12. Here's a thought...they keep saying all this about Ben's Man on the boat. And we're all thinking of MEN. Lost likes to throw curve balls at us. I say it could be a woman. Possibly Ana Lucia or Libby? That'd be crazy!! Then again, isn't Michelle Rodriguez in jail now?!
  13. THE CEREMONY: We're either getting this arch: http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i2...1/DSC_0116.jpg or just going on the beach. I want to get freeze dried rose petals to line the aisle - but not sure if they'll just blow away! THE RECEPTION: We recently changed our reception plans. Dinner is still going to be at the Mammee Bay Restaurant. I got some pink & green candles that we'll put along the table. Afterwards, we're paying for a private beach party at the Seagrape Bar! We'll have a DJ and dance on the beach. Oh, and the beach will be lined with tiki torches! I can't wait!
  14. Bridesmaid Attire - just the pics off of David's Bridal's website! My sister (MOH)'s dress - http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i2.../lisadress.jpg Reggie's sister's dress - http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i2...nassadress.jpg My other 2 BMs - http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i2...cathydress.jpg http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i2...libbydress.jpg
  15. for the ROR newbies! This thread has TONS of info about flowers, photographers & more. It includes what arches, flowers & centerpieces are available for upgrades, and how much they cost. Also has detailed info about Michael & Photoshop and bringing in your own photographer. We have worked very hard to get all of this wonderful info easily accessible for all ROR brides - enjoy!!!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Mariah, she has a killer hairstylist and her pad is sweet! Q: pancakes or waffles? he, I'm eating pancakes right now... OJ or apple juice?
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Debs Electric isn't so bad. My apartment and townhouse were electric, and we just put the heat on low in the rooms we didn't go into often and it was cheaper than gas. We are paying a rediculous amount for our gas in our house right now, $160/month. BOOOOOOOO! That's good to know! We're seeing 3 places on Sunday, all of which are electric. All I hear is my mom in my head telling me to never buy a house with electric (I don't know why, because her house is gas!?!?)
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP Q what is your favorite musical artist? Goo goo dolls Q If you were going out to breakfast, what would you order?
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Q: Do you believe in love at first sight? ...or should I walk by you again? I beleive in LUST at first sight, not love. Q: Jamaica or Mexico?? hehe!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari Chocolate Chip or Oatmeal Raisin? Totally Chocolate Chip! YUMMM!!! What is your exercise of choice?
  21. Does Sunday, April 20th work for everyone? Here's a poll for location. I say whichever gets the most votes wins!
  22. wow, that's just terrible!!!! gosh, it just blows my mind how closed-minded people still are out there... And actually, if I knew that about Jamaica I probably would have picked somewhere else. geesh!
  23. I heard a while ago (like years ago) that Sandals does not allow same-sex couples to stay there. So, I've never considered supporting them financially or any other way. Today, I heard some people at work talking about Sandals and it got me wondering if they still have that policy? Does anyone know? I tried some internet searching that gave me mixed results. Just wondering! Gracias!
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