WE’RE HOME!!!!!!!!!
I have SO MUCH to write, share and post….but for now, I just wanted to log on and share some pictures…because let’s face it – that’s the most important thing, and I need to prioritize!!!
I kept a journal during the whole week, so you ROR brides are in for a FULL review once I get around to writing it!!!
Everything was PERFECT! Some things here & there didn’t go as planned, but we’re laid back and went with the flow and things turned out great for us! Every-tings IRIE in Jamaica mon!!!!!!!
A FEW quick notes:
- We were UPGRADED to a full suite! OMG! AMAZING!!!!
- The ROR is beyond gorgeous… we’re so happy we chose it!
- ROR seriously sucks for vegetarians though. . .
- The Semi-Private reception at Mammee Bay is FABULOUS! Screw semi-private – it was 99% private!
- Plantation was also very nice! (Both restaurants have open walls to the beach)
- Nights were cool; beach reception would’ve been too chilly for me with my strapless dress – glad we chose the disco instead
- We did our first dance shortly after the ceremony on the beach with the steel drum band. They played ‘Angel.’ Ironically, they played the EXACT same song when we got into the disco. Weird, eh?!
Gosh, I have so much more to write, but I can’t do it now or I’ll never get to sleep!! I wanna go back right now; and we just got home less than 2 hrs ago!!!
Prep pics (on our balcony):
Shot before walking to the ceremony:
When I first got to the altar/gazebo:
Ceremony pics:
Sand ceremony: