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Everything posted by Heidi

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by chicklet congrats girl. I loved your dress and you look wonderful. Looks like you had super time. did you do many upgrades to the gazebo It looked really nice. I'll post all of the details later...but we did absolutely NO gazebo upgrades. The white material with birds of paradise was one of the FREE options! Woohoo! We also chose to have the table for sand ceremony/certificate in the gazebo. We saw it next to the gazebo for some. I NEVER thought I'd choose the gazebo. I thought we'd go either plain beach or the bamboo chuppah - but in person, those two were VERY disappointing and the beach gazebo was fabulous! That bamboo chuppah with white fabric that looked so fabulous in pics - completely NOT fabulous in person! Plus it was right in the lounge chairs and very close to people. Oh, and I completely think the steel drum band is TOTALLY worth it! Everyone should hire them! (though they did screw up my song for walking down the aisle, even though Chandlyn told them Canon in D. I have no idea what they played - didn't recognize it - but hey, no problem mon!!!)
  2. I"M BACK! We actually came back today - and as soon as I walked into the door, I turned on the computer and logged on with pics just like a good BDWer!!! Robin is shooting 3 more weddings at the ROR, and then her husband goes to the hospital...so our pics won't be up for a bit, but teasers will be! Robin was really great there, a real sweetheart - and of course I'll do a full review once I get pics, etc from her. BD pics were FUN! Weird though...it was like hi Robin, nice to meet you. Oh, naked time? OK, let's do it! haha! TTD was AWESOME!!!! We walked up and into a waterfall and took pics there and on the beach. Very fun!
  3. With Reggie's parents my brother my sister my new sister-in-law cake and another dancing one
  4. No, we didn't have a single problem with the resort photographer. Then again, we changed to the free package at the resort, which doesn't include his servicces - so he wasn't notified about our wedding so he couldn't interrupt!! OK, I couldn't resist...here's some more pics! Walked down the beach by my mom & little bro We're legal! The marriage certificate! My bro made me cry here when he hugged me...I held it together the whole ceremony until this moment! With my bro & sis (a few more to come, then I really am stopping!!!)
  5. First dance on beach: Champagne toast on the beach: Wedding party pics: Parasol pics: First dance in the disco: Garter: OK, I must stop now; I’m getting too carried away! I hope these will suffice for now…but we had 27 people there; all of whom had camera and took literally hundreds of pictures each. Can’t wait to share all of the pics/details with you later!
  6. WE’RE HOME!!!!!!!!! I have SO MUCH to write, share and post….but for now, I just wanted to log on and share some pictures…because let’s face it – that’s the most important thing, and I need to prioritize!!! I kept a journal during the whole week, so you ROR brides are in for a FULL review once I get around to writing it!!! Everything was PERFECT! Some things here & there didn’t go as planned, but we’re laid back and went with the flow and things turned out great for us! Every-tings IRIE in Jamaica mon!!!!!!! A FEW quick notes: - We were UPGRADED to a full suite! OMG! AMAZING!!!! - The ROR is beyond gorgeous… we’re so happy we chose it! - ROR seriously sucks for vegetarians though. . . - The Semi-Private reception at Mammee Bay is FABULOUS! Screw semi-private – it was 99% private! - Plantation was also very nice! (Both restaurants have open walls to the beach) - Nights were cool; beach reception would’ve been too chilly for me with my strapless dress – glad we chose the disco instead - We did our first dance shortly after the ceremony on the beach with the steel drum band. They played ‘Angel.’ Ironically, they played the EXACT same song when we got into the disco. Weird, eh?! Gosh, I have so much more to write, but I can’t do it now or I’ll never get to sleep!! I wanna go back right now; and we just got home less than 2 hrs ago!!! Prep pics (on our balcony): Shot before walking to the ceremony: When I first got to the altar/gazebo: Ceremony pics: Sand ceremony: Kiss!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by becks Oh that's right!!! Someone pick a book quick!!! Heidi - if you want, PM with your cell number and I'll text you if we get a book picked between now and your departure time! sounds good! PMing you now!
  8. I say pick on in the next few hrs so I can pick it up before we go to the airport!!!
  9. We're heading out to run last-minute errands, so I'm not sure if I'll get a change to log on again.. but I wanted to thank all of you on BDW for everything! My wedding wouldn't be the same if I hadn't stumbled across this fabulous forum way back in March 07. Thank you for EVERYTHING - for wedding related stuff, for supporting me through other things and for being a virtual shoulder to cry on. I can't wait to get back on here and write ALLLLLL about my Jamaica wedding and share as many pictures as is humanly possible with all of you! Have a great week - I'll be back on the forum April 9th! Don't post too much while I'm gone! HAHA! .................................................. ................................... And now from Reggie!!! PEACE OUT HOMIES!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by misstoya Wow, Heidi your pics look great! I'm so excited for you. I'll be looking for that wedding of yours (I'll be out there because my ceremony is on Saturday). Have a question though: I love the sand ceremony thing! Where'd you get the sand? Great! We'll be on the beach (no gazebo) at 4! I got the sand at AC Moore - a local arts & crafts store.
  11. Just heard from Robin (photographer) and our proofs will be up end of April/beginning of May. But no worries - you'll have lots of non-pro pics to hold you over until then!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Have a great trip Heidi. I hope you have SO much fun! Enjoy every minute of your trip!!! YOU TOO!!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by J&M Hi Heidi We arrive on the 5th around noon or so...maybe we will run into each other..as I don't know yet which bar is which and when we have to meet Chandlyn and Micheal not sure if we can really set up a time but.... I'll be wearing a tacky crown "bride to be" I'll keep my eyes out for you!!!
  14. aw, thanks everyone!!!! I'm SOOOOO excited! Got pedis and manis today with my mom and sister - fun stuff!! Quote: Originally Posted by lscilley Everything looks so good your MOH is the same style that I was looking at for mine did you get it at David's Bridal? yes, it's from David's Bridal. I posted all the BM dresses in one of my blog entries if you wanna see them all!
  15. I knew I could count on BDW to help me make a decision!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Jackie I dont see any pictures I was posting a poll...you should see them now!
  17. HELP! Which hairstyle! I like them both!!! I won't have computer access after tomorrow, so vote ASAP!!!! THANK YOU!!!
  18. Ha me too! I need to get my gift on before I LEAVE!!
  19. Happy moving Maura. Talk to you when I'm a MRS!!!!
  20. to the forum TA Jennifer is a Sandals expert if you have any questions!!
  21. Wow, thanks for the heads up! I LOVE Kohls! I got my BM necklaces from there - silver starfishes... got them when they were half off so they were only $12.50 each!
  22. WOW! Awesome pis! HOT HOT HOT!!!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by BarefootBride Did you figure out how you are going to do your hair? NO That's my biggest stressor right now. Going to my BMs tomorrow and we're playing hair. I'll come back with pics posted on Sunday for a poll and you all can choose for me!
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