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oh and the bach parties were canceled for 2 reasons - #1 - DRAMA!!! #2 - The crazy swine flu crap. Figured a strip club wasn't the best place to go when the flu was at it's height
Quote: Originally Posted by Abbie well, its quite a list, but good thing is youve got a lot of it crossed off already! the 2 things i would ditch (altho cute ideas) are the tanks and the koozies. how long would they take to arrive? i mean, REALLY! you've only got 2 weeks, why stress? The appliques from the Etsy dealer would take 3-4 days, and I can pick up cheap tanks at this little shop nearby. The koozies - well, I just really wanted SOMETHING to commemorate our "RAIN OR SWINE" motto since everyone has been so supportive! Quote: Originally Posted by Abbie oh and why was your bach party cancelled? was it supposed to be down there? or because of the lyme? which gives me another idea for a silly tshirt or koozie: Jamie & Martin go together like Corona & Lyme sorry JL, you know i love you, i couldnt resist and i figured it would make you giggle Oh gawwwwwd. LOL Martin would love it. I probably would too, except he CANNOT STOP making Lyme puns!! Seriously, every time we see a freakin' lime he has to make a pun... It would match the card I gave him for vday tho "We go together like pain killers and alcohol"
WHOA!!! Seriously, where did the time GO!? LOL! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm feeling very excited, a little nervous and a little overwhelmed all at once!!! The Swine Flu crud caught us totally by surprise and time seemed to JUMP ahead by like 2 weeks! WHat the....?!? haha 19 days until the wedding, and only 14 until we're IN PUERTO VALLARTA!!! Holy moly!!! OK, breathe... What's left to do?? ~ Scheduled to pick up my dress on May 13th ~ Scheduled w/my hairstylist friend (who will be with us in MX) for May 12th to go pick out my hair (that sounds funny - hah!), and then color it to match (fun! think I'm gonna go a shade or two blonder) - Martin's ring is in, check. - My ring we're just gonna go with for now, so check. - Already done some MX/Jamaica clothes shopping, so that's pretty much a check. - Our room is reserved for us, check. (Flight too, check) - Have my something new, something borrowed, something blue, sixpence (on my garter belt, not in my shoe ). So still need something OLD - Need to get a cotton slip to wear under my dress - Need to confirm with photog. (already sent email) - Need to pick out music for DJ! - Need to get Martin's tie and whatever that hankie thing is they put in their pocket (lol) - Need to order "Bride", "Bridesmaid", "MOH" and "Just Married" crystal appliques and get tank tops for them. - Need to collect all my lingerie gifts from my friends since my bach party was canceled! LOL - Mani/pedi/eyebrow wax right before I leave - Send BM her luggage tag + little necklace - Pack (will wait until a few days before to start that) - Call AA re: bridal gown on airplane - Get Pepto/Immodium for OOT bags - Try to find Soduku puzzles or something similar for OOT bags - Maybe order Kustom Koozies saying "Rain or Swine, Puerto Vallarta MX, May 24th, 2009" - Figure out what else I need to finalize with Las Caletas WC - Get a few more tanning sessions in before we leave (tan is turning out nicely, btw!!!) uhhhhhmmmmmm, anything else blatantly obvious that I might be missing?? Since we didn't even know if this was on for sure as of the other week, now I'm like "OH! Sh!t!" ***And I don't think Martin has ANY concept of time in all of this which is bumming me out/ticking me off cause I need his help and SUPPORT! Anyone else feel this right before?? Surprisingly, I'm not nearly as bad as I was at the 3 month countdown though! LOL Help me ladies - "Operation P.V.- Rain or Swine" is in FULL EFFECT! I repeat, FULL EFFECT!!!! *EDIT- OH, and can anyone help me think of a relatively inexpensive (under $100, less is better!), heartfelt little gift to give Martin the day of?? I did buy his wedding band, but I know he's getting me a little something and I'd like to give him a little something to remember our day by. Originally ( a long time ago) I had planned on buying him this REALLY nice watch and having it engraved but well, life got in the way! But I really would like to get him something special... I'm a gift type of person He loves watches, but most are too expensive... he just recently got a new wallet... kinda clueless on this and running outta time.
Quote: Originally Posted by Andi Also on another note...yes everyone I am a SLACKER! we have been back since saturday and I don't have any pics yet! I am hoping to get some loaded tonight...also my review too...it is started but is SOOOO long and i need to cut it down a bit because I dont want to bore you guys! so should have it all tonight! Quote: Originally Posted by Abbie andi, dont cut it down! the details you leave out may just be the info a future bride is looking for!! but please hurry SERIOUSLY, don't cut it down!!! You know I want ALLLLL the details, chica!!! Speaking of which... AM I NEXT?!?!?! 19 days, ladies!!! With all this swine flu B.S. I haven't gotten many chances to work on final details. We leave exactly 2 weeks from today!! HOLY CR@P!!! That just hit me!! 14 days to get ready!! WHOOOOOOOOOAAA!!!!! See, Andi, you have a reason to hurry up with that review now! hahaha
Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda also ladies Mexico has lowered the H1N1 alert level from red-high to orange-elevated. They believe its dying off in Mexico but think it may start up again this fall, POSSIBLY!!!! Good news for us summer brides! Mexico lowers swine flu alert level - CNN.com Yippeeeee! GOOD NEWS Quote: Originally Posted by yamille I am feeling agitated right now but I am happy that we are going because even though I am not feeling happy right now I cannot postpone this any longer. I can't focus and we have already been engaged 15 months. We are done. kwim? Plus I want to get all this wedding swag out of my too small apartment. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl yup! we will have been engaged two years this month ... the time has come! not to mention i turn 37 this summer (and yes this is my first wedding) ... honestly i think i have waited long enough!!! Yamille & Mummer ~ I'm right there with ya! Martin and I got engaged June 10th, 2007 (my bday) - so almost 2 years! And we were already planning for about 3 months before that LOL! Ready to get this show on the road!!! Quote: Originally Posted by rliddle If you have Koozies - this was on the Kustom Koozies Facebook page Subject: Swine Flu and Koozies Has the Swine Flu caused you to detour your event? Dear Kustom Koozies Friend: We are aware that the current threat of Swine Flu has caused many planned destination events to be relocated or rescheduled. We, at Kustom Koozies, don’t want you to be without correct Koozies! Therefore, if you ordered Koozie from us, we will reprint a new set, with the new place/date for what it costs us to print, ship, etc. If you have a friend who had them printed at another company (because we know you wouldn’t go anywhere else), have them email us a picture of what they have, and we’ll print new ones at 20% off our already low prices. Let us help make a bad situation a little better! Please email Linda at [email protected], with your previous order number or picture, and she will contact you about reprinting. Your friends at Kustom Koozies Leaving Facebook... | Facebook Oh how cool! Very nice of them! I think I just may go order something from them just because I think they're being super nice, plus I think "rain or swine" koozies would be fun Quote: Originally Posted by Jojo Thanks so much for sharing your note to your guests. My wedding is Nov but already, his mum has shared some concerns with us b'cos in 1918, a flu killed many worldwide. So, my fiance was thinking of writing an email to our guests. THANKS! FYI - there is evidence that this flu is much closer to the 1957 strain than the 1918 strain... if you dig around somewhere Jacylinda (I think it was her?) posted an article explaining this, and also explaining how it's missing an essential amino acid or protein which makes it not as "deadly" as they feared. OK - and now for my big UPDATE I got the OK from my doc yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He wrote me a script for Tamiflu (holy crap, $122 without insurance! Eeek!), and also a brief note stating that I have Lyme with fevers <100 degrees. (He didn't want to get too detailed, just in case I did get sick he did not want them to ignore me because of his note, if that makes any sense... Also, at the end of the visit I told him "we're going to Mexico, Rain or Swine!" with a big grin - he backed away in his chair and looked a cross between humored and CONFUSED, he started to say something else and then said "OH!!! I thought it was the Lyme messing up your words (Lyme affects your memory, you often mix up words, etc.), and I was about to correct you!" Then he realized the joke.... HAHAHAH! I have a good treatment plan set up to start heavy duty treatment after the Honeymoon, and meanwhile some good meds to help with the pain, etc. (God it feels so nice to not be in agonizing pain for once!!!). All in all, I felt very well taken care of. A HUUUUGE weight has been LIFTED off of me now!!!! I mean, how can my guests argue now that *MY* doctor has given *ME* (the sick person! lol) the go ahead!!!! Bwahahaha jk OPERATION P.V. RAIN OR SWINE IS A GO! ALso, just to keep y'all updated, this is what I posted on our wedding site today: Quote: **UPDATE May 5th** Good news - According to CNN.com, yesterday Mexico lowered its National Health alert from a Red ("high") to an Orange ("Elevated"). The situation is Mexico certainly appears to be stabilizing. We continue to send our prayers and good thoughts to the Mexican citizens (including several close friends of ours) as they continue work through this tumultuous time. Also, Jaime "passed" her doctor's visit yesterday with the "OK" to go to Mexico ~ the doctor gave her an Rx for Tamiflu (just in case or for preventative measures). She will begin antibiotic treatment after we return from our Honeymoon on June 5th! Operation "P.V. - Rain or Swine" is definitely a GO!!! So, pack your bags! We'll see you SOON in Mexico! And a big "GRACIAS!" to all who have helped in channeling positive energy as well as those who have sent encouraging and inspiring emails, phone calls, etc. It has been wonderful to experience your outpourings of support! We are once again reminded of what wonderful friends and family we have, and truly look forward to spending an incredible weekend with you all in the lush, tropical paradise of Puerto Vallarta! Hasta luego, Martin and Jaime
Hmmm, tough call. I do not have anyone in the military so not the best person to ask! But, if it's worth anything, #1 I would see just how much it means to them, truly - if it's 50/50 I'd say go forth with your regular outfits. But that's just me! I think it's your wedding, and that takes precedence. Sounds kinda selfish, but that is what I would do.... OR, if you do have them end up in their dress blues, have those two walk down the aisle together - that would be kinda cute. And maybe have them both stand at the end of the line or something?? Would still look good for pics...
Help Please! Re: "Palm Beach Tan" Salaries
JaimeLynne replied to JaimeLynne's topic in Random Thoughts
Thanks He is just filling out a form online though, so he has to put a number in. That helps though... keep 'em coming, ladies! -
Hi all, Please help! Martin has already applied for several jobs in his field (Construction Management) but most say they're either not hiring, or one has said they will be hiring in June which works out great for us (just after our HM), however I know we can't count on that!! So, I saw that Palm Beach Tan is hiring in our DFW area for Managers in Training/Asst. Managers. (He was unfortunately laid off NYE Day from his previous job as an Assistant Project Manager, so a management position would be great for his resume!) Martin went to go fill out the form today and it asks what is your EXPECTED salary/wage? It gives options for hourly, bi-monthly, monthly or annually. Do you or anyone you know work for this company? Any idea what he should try and ask for, salary wise? I don't want him to low-ball himself, but also don't want him to ask for too much and not get the job, KWIM? He tried Googling this, but couldn't find anything so I said I'd call in the BDW Ladies!! Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated!!! He is still in school (for Construction Management) so does not want this as a permanent job, however with us getting married and all of our financial responsibilities he has to get some sort of job soon. They offer what looks like good insurance plans plus Dental and 401k, etc. Insurance is a MUST for us with my Lyme disease as such a liability, and I probably will not be able to hold down a full-time job for about a year (have to go through treatment for that long). Again, I REALLY appreciate any input you might have!!
Vikki - by the small one are you referring to the 3 cup (already registered for) or the 7 cup? The 3 cup seems super convenient for little salads and whatnot. We don't spend a ton of time in the kitchen, but are starting to get more interested in it... K, so maybe I should try to decide between the 3 and 7 cup now! Is the 3 cup too small? I agree, I don't want to waste space either! But there are some things that a FP would totally come in handy for!
Harty - figures!!! Stupid U.S.... *grumble, grumble* Oh well, I ordered the Psi bands for us and they shipped yesterday! Will let y'all know how they work out. Also - how does ginger candy TASTE?? I just had a ginger shot put in my smoothie the other day and EW GROSS!!! LOL Maybe I'll just look for the capsules..?!
Quote: Originally Posted by jocelyn fotiadis I am getting married on may 9th at Velas Vallarta, and we were moving fwd, but I just found out Continental cut 50% of their flights leaving PV because the planes were empty. We all are stranded in Mexico for 3 days!!! Anyone else having this issue, and if so what was your resolution? I've obviously not yet experienced anything like this... curious to hear the answers! We're supposed to come back May 27th, stay one night back home in Dallas, then leave the next day May 28th for our HM in Jamaica. Hmmmm.... not sure! I'm gonna email my Jamaica TA and see what might happen if that's the case...
Hi ladies, We already registered for a small 3 cup food processor. Now we're trying to decide which of the bigger sizes to get ~ 7 cup or 12 cup? Or do we even need to register for one bigger than a 3 cup? What do you use the most? It will mostly be just for the 2 of us, though occasionally I'm sure I'll make larger things for dinner parties... TIA!
Photographer ~ Mark Romine
JaimeLynne replied to Mark Romine's topic in Destination Wedding Vendor Marketplace
Welcome Mark! I have to giggle at the name of your town Love your siggy pic, beautiful colors -
WOOOW!!! How cool to be in the Penthouse suite!!! That hotel is GORGEOUS
Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda Here it is girls in bold: CDC H1N1 Flu | Interim Guidance for Screening for Swine-Origin Influenza A (H1N1) by State and Local Health Departments, Hospitals, and Clinicians in Regions with Few or no Reported Cases of Swine Influenza A (H1N1) oooh, thank you thank you thank YOU for that!!! My temps never seem to go above 99.9, and like I said are generally in the mid 99 range. Pass some of that anti-swine wine!!!! Oh, and mummer - GOOOOOOD LUCK to YOU!!!! Sorry you're dealing with this Anti-swine wine should help some...
In answer to your question... YES! lol However, do I want to marry him.... YES!!!!! Martin and I have been together for about 4 years now, and have been in counseling for about 3 years, and very regularly for the past couple of months. The other day in counseling we had a HUGE breakthrough - we fought it out, I yelled, he cried, I cried, I got pissed at both of them (the therapist too, lol) but you know what - we came out of it stronger than ever! Our therapist says we're very healthy. It is a constant work in progress. Do NOT ignore the little things - that is my advise. Financial issues are a big deal - my advice is to attend marriage counseling. If you're afraid to do that, then I think you may secretly have more issues going on... I don't know, I am just being very frank here. It is so hard to take a look in the mirror, both at ourselves and the relationship, however it has been a tremendous amount of help and we have both grown SO MUCH!!! Hang in there, and definitely keep the lines of communication open. Here's a GREAT book, if you're interested: "The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work" by John Gotman. We've been taking the book chapter by chapter and doing the exercises together - they're fun - and ever since we started it there has been a huge shift in how we interact with each other. GOOD LUCK!!!
Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda jaime its only certain flights and some are just not going everyday etc. Here it is for any girls flying United! United Airlines - United Airlines announces changes to Mexico service Go back to work on your VB!!! Don't panic hun! Jacylinda - thanks I can't believe I am freaking out... I seriously need to take a chill pill!! Hell, I think in this case a mid-day glass of wine is TOTALLY JUSTIFIED!!!! LOLOLOL I sent an email to Tammy (our TA) asking the questions, and I guess that's about all I can do that's under my control for now! Then, I think I'll get Martin to join me in a mid-day "anti-swine" glass of wine (haha, that rhymes... lol ), and then finish my doctor's packet and then work on our Visionary board, and then RELAX ~ we rented Bride Wars, hopefully that will be funny and take our minds off this b.s.
Quote: Originally Posted by smf47 Jaime, I apologize if you already posted this idea, but can your doctor give you a note to keep with you to show anyone who gives you a hard time? Hi smf, well, I am seeing a brand new doc tomorrow so I have no idea if he'll freak out on me for wanting to go - and if he does feel strongly that way, I'm not sure if he'd write the note, ya know?? That was my original plan. And I have a friend in MX City who has offered to translate it for me just in case...
Quote: Originally Posted by Andi Hi Everyone....DH and I are back safe in the US today (Booooo! I wasn't ready to leave PV ) Anyway, just wanted to share some details of the PV airport and what was happening there. As I reported earlier in the week we did go into downtown PV one night, I think Wednesday and all was fine, sure there were a few wearing masks but really nothing out of the ordinary at all. At the airport yesterday, before you were allowed to proceed to your airline check-in counter ALL passengers had to fill out an extra form. the form basically said who are you, where have you been, where are you going, how do you feel (body aches, fever, yadda yadda). Then you got into a line and had to have your temperature taken by a doctor that they had there. now don't freak by this...it really was nothing at all! the thermometer was one they just put close to your forehead and the temp popped out on it within seconds. the dr. wrote your temp down and then you had to take the form to another lady who reviewed everything (very quickly mind you) and then stamped it and sent you on your marry way. this whole extra process took us an extra 10 minutes max when we checked in. so when DH and I arrived at the airport we were directed where to go to get this extra form right away and it really was easy and smooth. however as we were then waiting in line for our airline to check in, DH noticed there were a TON of people without the form (which you had to have to check in) and nobody was telling you needed the form until you reached the ticket counter. so he proceeded to go down our entire line and the one next to ours (all americans of course) and make sure they had their form because he felt bad that people were waiting in line and they didn't have their form and he didn't want them to wait and then be sent to the back. I just laughed at him while he was doing this...it was good for us actually because about 6 people that were ahead of us had to get out of line so our wait was less! so the airport was pretty busy yesterday and as we checked in and walked to our gate I noticed that really not a lot people were wearing masks, including the airline employees. our guess was that maybe 1 in every 40 or 50 had a mask on. on our flight as people were getting on board I counted 5 people (out of 132 which the plane held) that had the masks on. what I for the life of me couldn't understand is that these people had their masks on in the terminal and when they got on the plane but then once they sat down they took the masks off! correct me if i am wrong but doesn't that defeat the purpose? anyway that was just odd to me so we are back and really I just wanted to report that all is fine in mexico, we had no problems at all! i do get to stay home tomorrow too! my work is making me...crazy i know, as there are still no confirmed cases in Jalisco and Nayarit (where we came from in Mexico) but yet there are at least 2 in Denver! whatever...i am not going to put up a stink about being able to stay home! I have wedding reviews and pics to post! Andi - I am sooo happy y'all had a great time!! BUT, I am concerned about the exit screening from the PV airport!!!!! As you know, I have Lyme, and one of the symptoms is random FEVERS!!!! AHHHHH!!!! And of course I have body aches all the time (the bones from my lower back down to my feet HURT quite often - just another fun Lyme symptom! ) I don't mind fudging the truth on the symptoms they ask you to report, but holy hell - I am scared of them detaining me because of a fever!!! Does anyone know if there is a particular "fever" temp which will cause concern?? Or, say, a fever over 101.0 is what they are looking for, etc... I normally have mild fevers, but they rarely go over 99.6, and are generally 99.0-99.4 Also, my MOH ALWAYS has super bad allergies - in fact I'm ordering her a button from CafePress.com that says this: LOL But she is always sneezing and stuff, just super duper sensitive to allergy stuff... and she's worried about being forced to stay there (she could not afford to miss time off work). K, I was seriously ok until I read this... now I'm concerned. I'm already a tad concerned that when I go see my new Lyme doc tomorrow he will freak out of me for going... but trying to not put that thought out there!!! Eeek, I told Martin we need to get back to work on our Visionary Boards STAT! lol Also - I can't believe United is canceling flights to MX! Well, I guess I can believe it, but wth? Are they canceling all flights?? Me and my guests are all flying on AA as I far as I know, and they haven't said anything.... oh please, please, please do not do that! MX's economy is already suffering horribly. Let those of us who want to go, "rain or swine", GO! Grrrrrrr... kay, that's my vent for the day!
Bath and Body Works Deal 5 for $5
JaimeLynne replied to crazykat's topic in Wedding Registry, Wedding Gift Bags, and OOT bags
Quote: Originally Posted by purrfected I shop at Bath and Body all the time. This is a good deal, especially if you have one of their coupons that gives you $10 off any order over 30$. Thanks for the info! Yup! I printed this out, and we went to B&BW yesterday and cleaned them out! LOL I think the manager was kinda pissed at me cause we had $60 worth of stuff so I was trying to haggle with them to get them to ok using the coupon twice... the manager finally just slid the cashier an extra coupon I think he was ready to get rid of me We picked up 15 mini hand sanitizers in Coconut Lemon Verbena, Tropical Something or other, and Cucumber Melon. And then 16 full size (8oz) bottles of "Dancing Waters" (love the name for DW) antibacterial deep cleansing soaps. (Do you ever notice how they never put antibacterial soap in hotel rooms??) We're gonna try and hand some of those out beforehand to cut down on baggage weight. All in all we got 15 of the hand sanitizers, 16 of the soaps and 2 aromatherapy candles for about $60 ~ we saved more than we spent!!!!! I think we saved about $44 on the regular discount (btw they are selling the 8oz Antibacterial Hand SOAPS 4 for $10!), plus the $20 savings from the coupon. We made out like bandits!!