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Everything posted by JaimeLynne

  1. Good question! I am bringing my own makeup artist with me (actually she's coming and doing it as a present to me) so I would assume she'll be right there dabbing and reapplying as we go
  2. I'm sorry to hear that. That will be really tough with zero income coming in I will be crossing my fingers for you!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Bianca I am all done with my BA. I really need to go back and retake classes to get my GPA up. Right now its 2.36 and I still have 1 grade I am waiting to be posted. I want to do a masters in counceling or something so I need to get it up some to apply and get 1000 hours of relevent experience (which I have none of) done so I can even apply. So I have time... I am taking this semester off. Maybe I will try retaking a class after the wedding... That sounds like a good plan
  4. WHat an awesome award!!! CONGRATS SUNBRIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I just went and saw all the AMAZING work you did and I'd say I have to agree with your FI That is so generous of you - I'm truly astonished! Hail Queen Stephanie! hahaha )
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by RaydensMama I would imagine so!! Its funny, I graduated college 3 years ago and I still have these dreams where i fail and dont graduate. I still have those dreams about HS! Weird, huh? Bianca - CONGRATS ON THE A And DOUBLE congrats on finishing in 4 years (I think I saw that right...)! I'm working on 7.5 years now and I really have no excuse except school has ALWAYS stressed me out and I am a perfectionist to the max! SO are you COMPLETELY finished with college now?!??! If so I am soooo envious of you. I have 2 classes to go (1 of which is a 25-30 page scholarly paper..ugh...) I cannot WAIT to get out! I know they say stay in college as long as you can but I def think I've milked that for all it's worth and it's time to get my butt out! LOL
  6. hehehe, I love it! Of course I would not be brave enough to actually do that but I can do it in my head I guess. We were just going over the list FI's mom sent and as I was writing the names/addresses on the envelopes I had FI tell me who these ppl were. Turns out 1/2 of them he didn't even know who they were!!! I asked if they even knew him and he said probably not! So uh yeah, we called his mom and told him we would have to trim the list down to PEOPLE WE KNOW!!!! ... Sheesh! I mean this isn't some huge a$$ wedding, it is a very personal and intimate vacation to mexico with our closest family and friends! Good think FMIL was OK with that!
  7. Amy, you two are SMOKIN' HOT! Those photos are great. I was going to pick my favs and tell you but honestly I love too many of them. I think I have a "couples" crush on the two of you
  8. I have never been so I have no advice for you. I just wanted to say that I've always wanted to go to Canada! I lived in WA for 1 year and never went and have always regretted it!
  9. Cool - thanks for this link! I am always having trouble finding jeans to fit my wide hips and boo-tay!
  10. That is a tough decision, Alyssa! I like them all, but I think #2 will look the best with your dress. But I'd really need to see them on! Is your dress in yet by chance?? Any way you could try them on and then take pics?? Sorry, I'm probably not being very helpful
  11. You make a stunning couple! I absolutely love the simplicity yet elegance of your dress.... really, of the whole wedding! BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!
  12. Very sexy, great bod! My fav is the one of you in the maid's outfit with the pearls - sexy and classy
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by LisaG What about Hobby Lobby or Garden Ridge. I had issues finding a sand dollar sticker, so I ended up getting a stamp and stamp pad at Michaels and stamped the back of mine. Worked perfect. I also used the same stamp for the thank you cards and the welcome letter. Just a thought... I'm not sure where a Hobby Lobby is around here. The Garden Ridges are a ways away and since I don't have much energy lately driving too far or going through too much trouble to get these probably isn't gonna happen. I will keep the stamp idea in mind. If I don't do that then I may just go ahead and mail them as is. We shouldn't wait too much longer to get these out... Who would've thought finding stickers would be such a challenge??
  14. Edna, I didn't know that you are Jorge had separated! I'm so glad to hear that you're back together and things sound like they're going well. How are the surgeries going? Are you feeling OK?? I've been thinking about you...
  15. Does anyone know where I could get some small palm tree stickers? We want to put them on the backs of our STD envelopes. Everything else is ready to go minus this little touch. So far I've looked at Target, Office Depot and Michael's...
  16. I actually suggested this to our photographer because I don't want to wake up super early the day after either! I asked her if it was unusual and she said yes (LOL) but whatever we decided would be fine. Of course, I would have bought a second dress to do that and we would have worn our rings for that special occasion (and then take them off right after until the ceremony). We finally decided to go with a sunSET TTD the day after. It will mean paying for our photog. to stay one more night but I think sleeping in the day after is a more than equal trade off In the end it's completely up to the two of you!
  17. That is horrible! I'm with you - I can't stand the site of anything dead. I had a beta fish that died and I made my friend "take care of it" because I couldn't stand the thought of it! It gave me the heebie-jeebies (lol)
  18. I agree that it really depends on the (DW) experience of the photographer. If you are hiring someone who is very well known the likelihood of getting a reduced rate is pretty low. However, there are always different variables to every situation. I think it sounds like you are getting a good deal because you sound really happy with your photographer, and that's what it's all about! I think it's key that you get along well so that you feel comfortable the day of in front of their camera. Plus you've already seen her pics so you know her style and all that jazz.
  19. lol, you're funny. That reminds me of a short story we read in World Lit class called "The Ginormous Radio" (or something like that). It was a "magical" radio that would let this woman tune into all of the goings-on in her apartment building. Eventually she got addicted and really caught up in everyone's lives. lol I'm bad tho, I eavesdrop on people sitting near me at restaurants and stuff like that... it irritates Martin
  20. If you come recommended by Alyssa, then you're automatically part of the family - that's just how it works here! Welcome Jen!
  21. Since many people may be unsure if they have Hypothyroidism, I thought I would post a checkmark list of symptoms (of course you do not have to have all of the symptoms, and likewise you may have other symptoms not listed): ____ I am gaining weight inappropriately ____ I'm unable to lose weight with diet/exercise ____ I am constipated, sometimes severely ____ I have hypothermia/low body temperature (I feel cold when others feel hot, I need extra sweaters, etc.) ____ I feel fatigued, exhausted ____ Feeling run down, sluggish, lethargic ____ My hair is coarse and dry, breaking, brittle, falling out ____ My skin is coarse, dry, scaly, and thick ____ I have a hoarse or gravely voice ____ I have puffiness and swelling around the eyes and face ____ I have pains, aches in joints, hands and feet ____ I have developed carpal-tunnel syndrome, or it's getting worse ____ I am having irregular menstrual cycles (longer, or heavier, or more frequent) ____ I am having trouble conceiving a baby ____ I feel depressed ____ I feel restless ____ My moods change easily ____ I have feelings of worthlessness ____ I have difficulty concentrating ____ I have more feelings of sadness ____ I seem to be losing interest in normal daily activities ____ I'm more forgetful lately ____ My hair is falling out ____ I can't seem to remember things ____ I have no sex drive ____ I am getting more frequent infections, that last longer ____ I'm snoring more lately ____ I have/may have sleep apnea ____ I feel shortness of breath and tightness in the chest ____ I feel the need to yawn to get oxygen ____ My eyes feel gritty and dry ____ My eyes feel sensitive to light ____ My eyes get jumpy/tics in eyes, which makes me dizzy/vertigo and have headaches ____ I have strange feelings in neck or throat ____ I have tinnitus (ringing in ears) ____ I get recurrent sinus infections ____ I have vertigo ____ I feel some lightheadedness ____ I have severe menstrual cramps
  22. Hope it went well! Can't wait to see the pics!
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