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Everything posted by JaimeLynne

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan I also collect pictures of people with lion statues. I have an album of them. When my friends/family go on vacation they bring them back. I take them with every cool lion I see too. We have lion statues right around the corner...they scare the crapola out of our two doggies. We can totally help add to your collection... Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB That is a fantastic idea! My photographer has a garden gnome that was liberated from a graden. His name is Felix and he loves to travel. He stows away on various vacations or will just come hang out in your house and take pictures. There are several albums of his adventures and I think he even has his own MySpace page! We wanted to take him to Jamaica, but didn't want to risk him getting broken or accused of smuggling drugs. That's awesome! Have y'all ever heard of Flat Stanley? Little kids do projects where they have to make their own Flat Stanley and then try and take him to as many places as possible and take pics of him there. My friend's niece had this project - we took him to Gloria's for a margarita SHe also took him to NYC and he nearly got lost in the subway ~ OOPS! Quote: Originally Posted by ethrondson I used to collect stickers way back when, but I don't even know where my sticker book ended up to now! I was a total sticker whore when I was in Elementary school. It was so "THE thing" to do. I would spend all my allowance and very carefully go over all the stickers in the store, then bring them to class and we'd trade or get jealous over others' stickers... weird kids Quote: Originally Posted by tvt we collect a magnet and a piece of artwork from every place we visit. That's cool that y'all collect art from places that you visit - I've always wanted to do that but we usually run out of money on our trips. We did add a really nice sculpture and handmade colored glass rimmed mirror to our collection from Boston a couple years back. It was such a great feeling Quote: Originally Posted by MsShelley ugh! just MAC makeup LOL Shelley I feel ya on that one. Except right now I'm onto collecting skin care products!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt I think we're going with Daiquiri Dicks. I have seen the menu yet... apparently they are redoing it and cannot send it to me yet. However, the person I've been talking to there (not sure if it's a boy or girl) is SOOO responsive. And we both have gmail and this person started chating with me about our WD. I was so impressed! And they seem very felxible. Just can't wait to see the menu! Awesome Tara!! We haven't actually spoken with anyone yet so that is very good to hear! Quote: Originally Posted by bca33 Hello everyone!!! I am so excited- I am now a confirmed Las Caletas bride!!!! Welcome Rebecca Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR Speaking of lists ... YARI, YOU'RE NEXT!! or at least accoring to my list, which might be wrong at this point. I can't believe we have to wait until October until the next wedding! Let me know if anything on here is incorrect, or missing! Yari: Friday, October 10, 2008 ChristinaH: Saturday, October 18, 2008 AmandaB: Sunday, October 26, 2008 Maeghan: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 stacy75: Saturday, November 01, 2008 lilysd: Saturday, November 01, 2008 tvt (Tara): Sunday, November 02, 2008 Mayenne: Monday, November 10, 2008 HollyC: Wednesday, November 12, 2008 Duchess (Jamie): Sunday, December 28, 2008 YARI, I can't believe you're NEXT!!! WOOOHOOO! Ann ~ I'm not on the list Looks like you may just be doing it through the end of this year, but just in case - my date is set for May 24, 2009!
  3. How hot is it in AZ? I'm thinking it must be a break from this crazy hot summer we've been having in TX but maybe not... I'd love to go there sometime. Have fun Abbie!!
  4. I'm happy to hear that Gwen is doing well. And yeah - holy cow, look at that Cali tan! She is precious, Ann
  5. What fabulous pics!!! If you truly are "unphotogenic" then Elizabeth definitely worked some magic! However, I have a hard time believing this given how AMAZING you look I am soooo happy that we chose her as our photographer. CONGRATS on the beautiful pics/memories
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Davematthews16 Every Christmas we go out and buy the ugliest ornament we can find. It started accidently a few years ago when we bought this snowman globe. If you look closely at his face his eyes are popping out of his head and he has a big frown. It's halrious (an inside joke between the two of us) So the following year we went out and got another snowman globe, and this one has a really sad face if you look close up. We're total dorks!!!!!!!!!! haha, that's funny and definitely an interesting take on the Xmas Ornaments collection
  7. We've always wanted to start up a Christmas ornament collection, Alyssa. Other than that, we collect hand blown glass as well as other forms of art (mainly paintings). Oh, also we've really been getting into wine lately and would love to start collecting that (i.e. actually keeping it longer than we drink it! )
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by JulieG You bought it so recently, so it just might be that you are nervous about it right now. I went through that and in the end I loved my dress, it was perfect for me. I just needed to put it aside for a while and not think about it too much. As women we tend to over think things and this is one of those things. Quote: Originally Posted by KLC77 If you just bought it, it could just be buyers remorse. I had that feeling after I bought mine for a couple of weeks. Quote: Originally Posted by Tracy I bought a dress the first day I went shopping....it looked good on me, and I let my opinion be swayed by everyone in the store saying that was their favorite...so i bought in. In the car on the way home I had a breakdown ... I had a similar situation to y'alls. I went out with my Grandma totally "just looking" but ended up loving the last dress I tried on. My Grandma advised me to sleep on it but I though "No, I love this. And it's one thing off of my plate!". Wellll, flash forward to that night. I'm absolutely bawling my eyes out because I've completely over analyzed every single pic of me in it. It was 100% non-refundable/returnable. Thank goodness after I slept on it the next day my buyer's remorse was gone I told myself as soon as I bought the dress that I would not go into any more bridal stores. Of course, I see beautiful dresses on here all the time and it makes me doubt myself a tiny bit but actually it all worked out because I've been really sick lately and there's no telling when I would have felt well enough to go dress shopping again!! So, I am so thankful that I found a dress that I loved and it's out of the way. I know my FI would love me in just about anything but I really think he will like this dress and I will feel very special in it. Plus it's so much more comfy than all the other dresses I tried on which is muy importante! Bottom line - Try not to scrutinize yourself. Don't look at it 10x/day and over analyze it like we girls tend to do Maybe get someone else's opinion who you really trust (for me that was my best friend who is also a fashion designer) and ask them to be completely honest. That is what saved me! If in the end you just are NOT happy, then by all means sell it and go get a new one. Just don't be too hard on yourself, k?
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Bianca I booked our airfare... FMIL paid for it so yay!!! Stupid AA kept on changing the prices every hour, so we didn't use the discount code since the rate went up and it was more than what we had reserved. But if we wanted to apply the discount code to our reserved flight, we had to call it in and they charged $20 a ticket and the discount was only $25. So whatever. FMIL gave me her credit card number and we are booked! Awesome!!!
  10. That sounds awesome!!! We will def keep this in mind for our HM
  11. I *JUST* saw this... Glenda, I hope your birthday is super-duper-cali-fragi-listic! (not quite sure where that came from ) HAPPPPPY BIRTHDAY GLENDA!!!! I *heart* you!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by CarrieRN And, who doesn't have a crush on Edyta's hair? How could I have forgotten about Edyta?? Now that girl is just SMOKIN' HOT!!!
  13. # 3 reminds me of my dress and it's the only one I see you smiling in (of the ones where your face is shown) However, I like the simple elegance of #2 and I just think #4 is stunning and unique! I think I have to go with #4...
  14. They are CUTE!!!! I love the names, Knox & Vivienne. Absolutely adorable.
  15. Swing Vote was a great movie!!! Perfect for the mood we were in. I laughed, I cried, I felt angry, and I felt happy All around feel good movie. Highly recommend it! Glad to hear Step Bros. was good! We will probably go see that next time... or Dark Night, depending on what mood we're in!
  16. Martin and I are going to see a movie shortly. I think we are trying to decide between Step Brothers and Swing Vote w/Kelsey Grammar (love him!)... What's your review on Step Bros?? *edit* btw, I think we are going to go see Swing Vote. It got slightly better reviews... will let y'all know how it goes.
  17. Oh my God. I am so sad. Poor Beate. I was really pulling for her... so upset over this...
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Ana Thanks girls I'm super excited for how everything is starting to come together...secretly I wish I could bring the dress home and just wear it around the house lol waiting another 8 months to wear it is going to be tough LOL I think we all know that feeling!! You are gorgeous, and the dress looks absolutely beautiful on you
  19. Hey you! I've been wondering where you were, haven't seen you around. I think you deserve some laughs so I voted Step-Bros
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt our guests are paying between 800-1000 for a 4-5 night stay at Dreams, including flights WHOA! Dreams PV?? I thought it was like 300-400/night?
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 How about blotting papers to help with the shine control? I like the ones by Shisedo. That's a good idea too. Boscia also makes them. I like their skin care line but haven't tried their blotting papers yet. I think they're $10/pack.
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