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Everything posted by JaimeLynne

  1. I think you should keep it at least til after the wedding. I chopped mine off ago awhile back and LOVE it but am now having to grow it out for the wedding.. booooo! Apparently it's kind of a pain to style short hair for weddings (according to my hairdresser)... but then again, that's for a beach wedding. where it will be hot. and very humid. I guess it all depends on what kind of cut you're going to get... a bob? funky?? Either of those could work - just style it like you normally would (I like to funk mine up a bit by flipping my head upside down and blowdrying it, then flipping both sides over each way and blowdrying that way, then using my fingers to pull the hair forward and curl at the same time. Then I use a curling iron to set a curl in my bangs, and then add some gel to get the ends how I want them. Oh and volumizer is a must for me with short hair!) Now doesn't that sound confusing!!! Hah! That's why I say keep - plus I think you look absolutely fab in those previous wedding pics! Hope that helped somewhat...
  2. Ouch! I think I'm getting sympathy pains just listening to y'all talk about it! Sorry I don't really have any advice but just wanted to say best wishes for a speedy recovery!
  3. LOL I feel stupid now cause I sent it out to everyone on my email list (incl. FMIL! Doh!) and posted it on myspace! HA!
  4. Also from "C." : Quote: On the irony side, as my friend Dan pointed out, Birkenmeier may have used the same accounting techniques as the "geniuses" on Wall Street. C
  5. Doh! Ok so I sent this out and 2 of my mathematically inclined friends just totally ruined my fantasy of being able to pay off the wedding and live in economic bliss... Quote: Except for the fact that the math is a wee bit off $85,000,000,000 in AIG bailout cash divided by 200,000,000 bon-a-fide U.S. Citizens who are 18+ = $425.00 per bon-a-fide Taxed at 30% = $127.50 Remainder = $297.50 What would I do with my vast fortune of $297.50, you ask? Buy exactly one Starbucks venti triple pump mocha-chino caramel double whip frappe (which I think costs $297.50) to cry into while I watch the value my 401K, Roth IRA and any stocks I have undergo "shrinkage" more extreme than anything George experienced in "The Hamptons" episode of Seinfeld. All in fun, C. P.S. I would consider pooling my "fortune" with others, so as to buy enough C4 to blow up Treasury Secretary Henry "Oversight? We don' need no stinkin' oversight" Paulson.
  6. Ok I haven't read any other posts but OMG Tami I loooooove it!! That back yard is ROCKIN'! And I love the big, open kitchen. Super cute! GOOD LUCK!!! =)
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Birk for President! I second the nomination! Geez, I could kiss that guy! (I'm sure FI wouldn't mind if we each got all that money... right??! HAHAHHA)
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by BlissfulMsMiranda You girls are making me feel much better .... I'm worried because of the flight day - Thursday. I think that will put people off. I'm sorry you've been so stressed over this! It's crazy how stressful all this can be and this is definitely the place to vent, so get it all out girl! Our wedding is Sunday May 24th, and most of our guests are flying down there on Thursday and leaving on Tuesday. Something you might want to consider *IF* you decide to change the date is that Mon May 25th is Memorial Day so everyone would already have that day off... that's why we picked the date we did anyways. Turns out people are booking regardless, and I just had to remind my MOH that she already has Monday off so she gets to stay an extra night (she can only take 3 days off of work)! Glad we caught that in time! Phew! It will all work out, hang in there!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Amarillis SO COOL! I love that you are so proud of your dad! And it is so cute that the gallery is named in your honour! Yeah, it's pretty incredible. And my Mom's name was Lynne so it has extra special sentiments for me. I will also pass that name down if we have a girl someday... I really am so proud of my Dad. He is just an amazing man. He's been through so much in his life, and raised me since I was 5 as a single Dad. He gave up everything about 4 years ago to go for his ultimate dream and I am so incredibly happy (beyond words) and proud of him that he's reaching it! He's a true inspiration...
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by niels408 What a neat article! Thanks for sharing it with us & your dad is so cute in that pic Thanks I'll have to pass on all these compliments to my Dad - he'll eat it up
  11. I'm so sorry that I didn't see this before you went in however now it's all over! I'm sending you lots of good vibes and hoping your surgery was a success and you're on your way to recovery!!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Wait- you pronounce Jaime "hi-me?" Cute article- congrats on the opening. That must be exciting. lol, sorry I guess I should explain that - J-A-I-M-E in Spanish is strictly a guy's name, and I live in a heavily populated Hispanic area of town. And they pronounce it "Hi-me"... when I was in HS I used to get all the tuxedo ads in the mail instead of the promdress ones So you can only imagine what I'd go through being Jaime Lopez... I imagine myself at the DMV or something and them calling out "Hi-me Lopez"... suffice it to say they would NOT expect me - a white girl with freckles, blond hair and green eyes - to walk up So by adding in my middle name people will know I'm a girl... or that's what I'm hoping anyways! hahaha Thanks for the congrats!
  13. Ok I'm totally hijacking my own thread but I just realized our wedding is exactly 8 months from today!!! How exciting!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by LisaG Aaaww Jaime - how cute is your dad. And I love that article. I didn't know the gallery was named after you. Too cool!! resulting in the sort of culture shock your lazy ass needs. So peel off those sweatpants. Your bum will thank you. That's my fav part of the article....too funny! haha, yes - that's what made me love this article so much. Totally cheeky Yeah, it's pretty cool seeing my name everywhere now - lol Course, they still didn't spell my first name right but no one ever seems to get both correct so I'll take the middle name for now I'm officially going by "Jaime Lynne" in public now (though I honestly don't care if ppl call me Jaime ). Pretty funny since I started that here! I never went by my first and middle name before. But it ends up working out perfectly since Martin's last name is Lopez and my name would be "Hi-me Lopez" (and I live in Oak Cliff lol)... so yeah... it will be Jaime Lynne Lopez
  15. WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW... Thank you sooo much for that spectacular review, Karma!!! First off, you looked BEAUTIFUL Secondly... HOLY MOLY!!! I am beyond stoked for our HM there!!! I think I might cry. LMAO *Breathe, Jaime, Breathe...* I don't know how they're going to pry my butt out of there! I won't go without a fight! haha Absolutely stunning. I can't imagine getting MARRIED there. wow.... (have I said wow enough?!?) I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed your private dinner on the pier because we want to do that as an add on. You got quite a few excellent "add-ons" included in your package!! I'm jealous No seriously thanks so much for your detailed review, I'm counting the days... Oh and did you take any pics of your actual room by chance? *hugs!* ~Jaime
  16. Oh, and here's a pic of my Dad (SO proud of him ) and Philip - my Dad's on the right... (sorry the pic's so big - it's from Modern Luxury Magazine)
  17. As some of you may know, we recently closed the doors on our previous gallery location (Reflection Fine Art) and opened up a new space Samuel Lynne Galleries - 21st Century Art on Dragon Street (Dallas' version of Canyon Road in Santa Fe). After 4 successful years at the old location, my father was fortunate enough to partner with Philip Romano (owner of Eatzi's, Romano's Macaroni Grill, Nick & Sams, etc.) who is also an amazing artist! Well anyways, we had our Grand Opening last Thursday and Friday nights. Due to all the crap I've been going through with my health I never got to see the gallery in it's beginning stages (they completely gutted and renovated an 11,000+ sq. ft. warehouse). I decided to just wait it out and see it in all it's glory on opening night. And HOLY COW I was completely stunned - I could not have dreamed of anything better. Seriously, if any of y'all live in Dallas or come to visit you've got to check this place out!!! (The art is unbelievable btw - we actually purchased a piece of our own on Friday by the very talented Ray Phillips! I'll post a pic soon...) Ok so back to my original post. We've been getting a ton of press in relation to the Grand Opening, but I must say this is my fav article so far Really cute write-up in the Dallas Daily Candy... "A New Vision" Samuel Lynne Galleries Opens
  18. Hahaha, so many great ones on here today!
  19. So far we sent out a STD magnet, then a follow up brochure about a month later. We're having everyone go to our website to RSVP and contact Tammy to book. I did put on the brochure that the final RSVP deadline is TBD... so I guess I need to send out at least one more thing... I'm kind of torn on the invite thing too... I'm sure we will send out a final brochure to those booked with all the details. FMIL wants us to send some "Announcements" to friends and very extended family that weren't invited... Gosh, there really is so much to think about! I just want to get married! lol
  20. Wow you girls have been busy!! YARI, YAYYYY FOR YOU!!! lol As far as Los Burros - are you f'in KIDDING ME?!? I would think you could get a nice sit down dinner in an air conditioned restaurant for that price... sheesh!!!
  21. Quote: 'If you want a kitten, start out by asking for a horse.' * Naomi, 15 smart girl...
  22. If it were me I'd just let her do it. Heck, you only go through all of this once! And I'd bet in the end you'd be happy and feel extra-loved If my FMIL asked to throw one I'd have her AND my MOH throw me one each! LMAO I'm such a girl, I know...
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