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Everything posted by JaimeLynne

  1. Thanks Angel. I have been washing my hands like a maniac. I just feel so bad because I was around a bunch of friends and family (including 2 7 year old little girls) yesterday and I REALLY hope I didn't infect them too!! (thought it was just allergies) They hurt like hell - especially at night and early in the morning for some reason... hopefully these drops will kick in soon!
  2. Ok wtf on top of everything else I wake up this morning with freaking PINK EYE!!! Went to the doc this afternoon and he confirmed it. On some prescription eye drops called Tobramycin 2 drops every 3 hours. I woke up earlier and Martin was telling me "Open them all the way" and I was like, "Huh? I am!" LOL Nastiness... I've never had pink eye as an adult. I'm sure I did at one point as a kid but not that I can remember... argh.
  3. I'm impressed!! I think he's gonna flip over that one with you laying on your tummy and tugging the ends of the bed Oh and I think #8 where you're laying on your back with your feet against the wall is so classic and elegant! I can't believe you did those by yourself - great job Kuddos for YOU!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 I haven't read any of the other answers but I know there is a place in Granbury that does MRI's and they take payments on them. I think you pay like ten percent up front then the rest is made in payments. I can try to find more info if you are interested! Hey Kat - I would love to find out the name of the place. I can start calling around places to get pricing... Thanks, Jaime
  5. Thanks for the advice ladies (and Dr. Tony!). Already one step ahead of y'all with the chiropractor thing We have a friend who is a great chiro so I left her a msg. last night letting her know what's going on. Just received her msg. back and she said she def can help. But she will need an MRI just to know exactly where it is located and the extent of the injury. And I def get that the meds only mask the pain. I have started taking Ibuprofen as well (my doc recommended adding something like this as well). It doesn't help with the pain much but for the anti-inflammatory properties I guess I'll take that. My FI has a specific prescription strength med that I *think* is just used for anti-inflammatory purposes..?? He said to ask my doc about that as well. I have been wondering about the heat vs. cold issue. I'm also on a TENS unit to help treat the pain as well. I'm definitely out there to get to the root of all of this and hopefully get off these pain meds (ibuprofen included)...
  6. Oh my gosh, that sounds terrible. My heart goes out to you and your Mom and your Great Grandma. I hope that they get everything straightened out. It sounds like your Mom is a wonderful woman...
  7. Crap, I just realized I'm totally late on this and you could very well be off by now but I just wanted to say a big CONGRATS to you and your FH!!!! Can't wait to see how it all plays out (fabulous I'm sure! )
  8. Great, thanks so much Sherry!! I've passed this idea on to our Director of Acquisitions and she thinks it's a good idea as well, but was also curious on the logistics. If anyone else does this, it would be great if you could post the gallery's website on here so that we can all share & see who's participating and maybe get more galleries (like ourselves! ) on the list...
  9. Ok this is so weird - I just did a search for "herniated disk" and it brought me to my own thread almost a year ago to the day! LOL I was actually diagnosed with a herniated disk & sciatica (kind of the same thing) about a month ago and placed on low dosages of tramadol and muscle relaxer at night. I was actually searching around to see if anyone else has dealt with this and if you have any homeopathic remedies?? I'm breaking down and going to get an MRI later this week or next week. I'm in sooo much pain it's really getting to me. I just called my Grandma to tell her I stumbled across this old post. pretty weird, it's been over a year... she said to print it out and take it in when we go see the doc, which I will. She also asked if I've been keeping a medical journal, to which I replied, "well, I have on BDW" - lol! Guess I will have to go digging through all my old posts now and see what I can put together!
  10. Ok I totally just saw this - so nice to put a face to the name Jennifer!! So cute! =)
  11. That looks like one of the best bridal party showers I've seen yet! Oh and whoever's house that is - LOVE all the art!!! =) Congrats, looks like you've got a stellar group of gals there!!! =)
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Kelly C Crap! Ok I'm still thinking.... Are you a full time student? Unfortunately - no. I've been seriously ill this semester so my doc said no school until next semester.. If I can finish next semester then I will only have to take 2 classes so I'll just be a part-time student but I'll be able to use the Health Center at least (tho it's God awful...). They do not have access to an MRI machine tho... I appreciate the brainstorming tho! keep it coming Quote: Originally Posted by Lizz I worked as a manager at an MRI center for 5 years. Numerous times I had patients call that did not have insurance. Our standard rate for out-of-pocket payments was $975. BUT we also had "hardship forms" that they could fill out that included how much they paid in rent, bills, etc. and their income; then my manager would make a determination on the cost (usually between $200-$600) and we would set up a payment plan. Try calling local MRI places and see if they offer anything like this. Good luck! BTW - if a patient pays out of pocket for the MRI it is seen as a good thing by the company because a lot of times it is than they end up getting from insurance companies. Thanks for the tips Lizz. I barely make anything cause I'm barely working! My Dad still helps me out a lot with bills and things like that until I'm out of school and can work at least a full part time job (that sounds like an oxymoron doesn't it - lol)... ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I've also got an email out to the lady who invited us to the Chronic Disease Foundation dinner cause she works for their non-profit group. I'm hoping she might have an idea on where I can go... so waiting to hear back on that as well!
  13. Hey Kelly, no unfortunately FI is not full time at his job yet as he is still working on his Assoc. degree & working part time. As soon as he gets through with that I am SO jumping on that bandwagon!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 I would have thought you'd get a better deal if you paid cash tho rather than through insurance which they will have to wait for. I'd start ringing round places and get prices you may be surprised. thanks, that does give me some hope. I do plan on researching all this when places open up this week... thanks for the advice
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 I know in the UK I arrange them for about £460 I would imagine its going to be about double that. Have you tried an osteopath sometimes they arrange it as well as re-hab and it doesn't cost the earth I've been to well over a dozen docs in the past year, but no an osteopath has not been among them. Right now I am seeing two docs - a Pain Management doc (who diagnosed the herniated disk and wants the MRI) and an Integrative (more holistic) doc who balances me out through natural treatments... My Pain Management doc said if you go into an MRI clinic to ask for the Medicare (?) price and offer to pay in cash that it might only be $500-$600 instead of 2k... not sure if that will work but I'm about ready to give it a try. It would be so great to be on an insurance plan before hand though just in case they were to find something significant, ya know? Our health care system in the US is really fucked up. It sickens me (no pun intended) that people are so sick yet even sometimes when they are insured they are underinsured and can't afford their medications & treatment... makes me really sad... Not to mention our economy is going down the crapper. My dad is even talking about foreclosing on his house..
  16. Does anyone out there know where you can get a decent rate for an MRI if you are completely uninsured?? (I'm in Dallas, Texas btw) I was recently diagnosed with a herniated disk and have chronic, nagging pain from there down - many occasions I've just cried myself to sleep because the pain meds i'm on (tramadol/ultram) aren't helping anymore (though they do have me on a fairly low dose) and I'm scared because I don't know what is going on! The other night a client invited Martin and I out to a Chronic Disease Foundation Dinner and it was so wonderful and inspiring, but one of their guest speakers was a former NFL player who has some type of cancer (can't remember what its called) but it started with a diagnosis of herniated disk and then they went in and did an MRI and found cancer between his spine. Not saying that's what I have but it has just pushed me to get the MRI that my doc has already recommended (which I had to decline due to lack of funds). I'm just scared and don't know what to do. The pain is constant now and runs down my back and into my legs reaching my bones, muscles, joints, you name it... Or if no one has any thoughts on that how about some type of insurance that I could get on with pre-existing conditions?? I'm thinking that chance is slim to none but there are so many people on here with different types of connections and ideas I just thought I'd reach out and seek advice... thanks. ~Jaime
  17. Oh Shelly I was so happy to see your reply! From your post it sounds like you are REALLY doing well for what you just went through!!! BIG HUGS HUN!!!! And enjoy the attention - at least you get something out of it haha! I remember when I used to go in to have surgery (about 1x/year from birth until I was 12) and I also remember being incredibly lavished with attention. It made everything bearable for the most part. Good people can be difficult to come by but it sounds like your FI is AMAZING! I just want to give HIM a big hug too for being there for you so much! lol Hugs & Good Vibes from Dallas, TX ~ Jaime Lynne =)
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Kelly C But trust me I understand one of my Bm backed out last week because she was having a affiar with my photographer and me and her husband just found out. So no wedding goes with out a litlle drama. Holy crap!!! That is nuts! Quote: Originally Posted by JUSTUSTWO Also, when I felt the same way & was complaining to my mother, she made me realize that the people that were coming, were the people who I should be thankful for. They made the sacrifice & that should show me how much they cared. I was spending so much time worrying about those that were'nt coming, that I forgot how special those that did come were! Excellent advice, thanks for the refresher And yes, unfortunately we all go through this. You just never can tell with these types of things... Like, we have 23 RSVPs but only about 10 or so people have actually booked either their airfare or hotel so there's no telling...
  19. Oh no!!! This post title absolutely cracked me up tho, I must admit. I'm sorry about your veil! Darn technology!!! Oh geez, I must've skipped over the part about it being custom made. Shoot!! Can you take it in to your seamstress and see what she can do?? Good luck hun!!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Sherry Definitely pass on the idea!!! We kept saying to each other when we were registering, "Why doesn't every gallery do this?"! A couple questions if you don't mind me asking: What is the price range for the pieces you are registering for? And, what happens if the piece is not fully paid off? Are you left with the bill? Just curious on the logistics of this because this is a VERY exciting concept to me! I know I'd LOVE something like this!!! (btw, feel free to PM me if you'd rather discuss it in private - but I'm also going to sign up for updates on this thread too though so either way...) =)
  21. What a great idea! My father owns an art gallery - I'm going to pass this idea onto him btw, the gallery is Samuel Lynne Galleries - Dallas Art Gallery - 21st Century Art - we've got some AMAZING artists! I invite you to check it out Martin and I just purchased a piece by Ray Phillips last week as our wedding present to each other Ray Phillips : : Contemporary Abstract Art : : Houston, Texas
  22. I love when the songs change and Sarah starts dancing in her very cute princess-like dress out on the pier (or rocks or whatever it was! lol). Sarah you look SO cute! Looks like a blast! Don't you just love that hotel?? Elizabeth - great job as usual Edit: Oh, and Sarah - killer tan (and body) girl!!! I must say I'm a little jealous of that
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura you guys are so funny, half of you want me to keep it long, half say chop it! here's what i'd do with my hair for the wedding in nov as long as i dont cut it (this is my TTD teaser pic) Oooh I like this pic! I say def. keep it - I love your hair that way, very pretty & elegant! Plus, no surprises to deal with!
  24. Also, you might want to up your Vit. C dosage. Of course, eat plenty of fruits and veggies. And if you can, cut out dairy cause that will help with the phlegm (lovely I know...). And I'd also go see a doc, just in case. Plus maybe they can give you a prescription syrup at the very least to help ease your symptoms. Just my .02
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