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Everything posted by JaimeLynne

  1. I'm sorry! I know how you feel - at least you have a place to "vent" so that hopefully you don't go crazy IRL! I just lost 1 of my BMs the other week, and another hasn't really been talking to me (she's not mad, just super busy with work I guess..) lately so don't know what's up there! All in all, I will be SO HAPPY if just my MOH and my other BM make it (they're already booked for their deposits so that's looking good so far!). I try to keep this in mind from past BDW brides: "You won't remember who is not there, only the people who are!" I think this will definitely ring true. We all knew these things would happen going into something like this. It still is very heart-breaking at times, I know. But I take comfort in the fact that so many other girls that I've become close to on here dealt with their ups and downs and in spite of the downs still managed to have some of the most amazing weddings I've ever seen!
  2. 1. What is your current job, and if you had to switch careers, what would the other career be? I currently work as an Acquisitions Consultant for Samuel Lynne Galleries. I recently also became an Independent Distributor for ForeverGreen. I love both of those jobs, but if I had to switch careers I would love to do something with travel or with brides (actually I'm working on setting something up at our gallery for an Art Registry! That would fulfill my dream =)) 2: What is your favorite hobby? I love giving presents - shopping for them, wrapping them, making them... the whole works. I think Christmas is on my mind 3: What is your favorite holiday, and why? Well I guess I kind of made that obvious in my last question, but in case you're still wondering it is definitely Christmas! I just love the feeling that is in the air around that time. So special, and a whole day to spend exchanging presents and spending time with family - how can life get any better than that!?! 4: What is your greatest achievement? Gosh that is a good question... I think when I graduate college next semester that will be my greatest achievement. 5: What is your favorite animal... and why? Ollie is my favorite animal! He's our spoiled little Dachshund. Actually he's laying on my lap right now in his little red hoodie making it very difficult to type... 6: What is your dream trip? My honeymoon! @ The Royal Plantation in Ocho Rios, Jamaica. I'd also like to travel around Europe and visit Italy and Scotland for sure! 7: What is your fav food? Potatoes & Cheese! Sadly, I'm off of dairy because it doesn't agree with me. Boo! 8: Who has made the biggest impact in your life? Martin, my Dad and my Grandparents. 9: If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be, and why? Silver because it's fun and I could color on black paper! lol 10: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Oh gosh, that's a tough one! I would want to travel all over first to pick out a place. Probably somewhere Spanish-speaking though. 11: How many siblings do you have? 2 half-sisters through my Mom. They're 12 and 16 years older than me. I'm close to one of them. 12: What is your biggest fear? Losing control - I hate Dallas traffic, I'm always panicking driving around in it. I also have a weird fear of falling down the stairs. 13: Whats your favorite holiday dish you make for your family? I love to make long-stemmed, big chocolate covered Strawberries at Christmas time! 14: Do you have a nickname? Apparently I have one on here - "JL" lol Other than that, not really - other than little names Martin calls me. 15: What causes do you support? Animal Rescue Organizations, Orgs. that help Children, the Earth, etc. 16: What is your guilty pleasure? Mint Chocolate Martini - lololol 17. If you could have one Special Power..What would it be & Why?? I think it would be... to be able to feel serene and calm whenever I wanted! (Have a lot of anxiety!) 18. How old are you? 25 19. If you won the lottery (hundreds of millions) what would you do? First, I would donate at least a million to charity. Then I'd buy Martin a badass car, then I'd pay off our house, my Dad's house and help out anyone else in our immediate family who needs it! OH AND I'D GET INSURANCE!!! LOL 20. What gadget do you not need, but still want? A tv behind our bathroom mirror (our neighbors have those ) 21. What is your favorite T.V. show? Lost for sure 22. When did you know that FI was "the One?" I think I'm starting to realize that more and more as time passes, and our love has changed from "lust" to different types of "love" and all the struggles in between! But that's kind of a lame, general answer, so I'll also add that when all of my friends and family gave him the thumbs up I knew he was the one! 23. What is your favorite item of clothing? Jeans 24. How many or do you want children? 2 25. Have you ever met anyone famous? If so, who? Some famous artists (Peter Max, Alexandra Nechita...), Chuck Berry, and several local celebs. 26. If you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why? Hmmm... definitely someone I really respect to see how they handle things that come their way. Not sure exactly who though. Probably just an "average" person. 27. was your worst bad habit? Lately? Laying around in my PJs past noon!!! 28. what's your middle name? does it have significance? Lynne - it most definitely has significance. Lynne was my mother's name, and I will also pass it on if I ever have a daughter (it will be her middle name too). Also, my Dad just opened a gallery and it's named Samuel Lynne; the Lynne being after me! 29. What's the craziest thing you've ever done? Oh lord... we're not *that* close! HAHAHAHA 30. What is the one thing that your significant does that drives you CRAZY? He forgets things like CRAZY! Seriously, I can tell him something and TWO MINUTES later he will ask about what I just told him. 31. What’s your favorite movie? That's a tough one. I loved Devil's Advocate and Across the Universe. 32. Why did you choose a destination wedding? I think I always knew I was a little "different" in that department. I never wanted a local wedding in a church. Even if I'd done it local, it probably would be at the Arboretum or some other visually stimulating place. I took Martin to Mexico a few years ago and he absolutely loved it! Mexico holds a special place in my heart. We were engaged there June '07. We knew before then - that was actually during our site visit! LOL Plus, when else will you have this chance to spend several days to a week with your closest family and friends AND celebrate the biggest day of your lives? 33. How long were FI and you together when you got engaged? About 2 years I think? 34. What person in your life really gets under your skin, and how do you know them? Oh gosh - there are a few. But to save face I'll just say my best friend for being late all of the time (that is annoying!). 35. (my question) When and how did you and your FI meet? Kind of a long story - we grew up right down the street from each other, went to the same HS, same college... but never "knew" each other. Then 5 years after HS we met randomly at a bar. Martin said he saw me walking across the street and I was completely lit up and he was mesmerized. He got distracted for a minute and when he turned around I was standing right in front of him. He was so baffled and shy he didn't know what to say, so I said "Hey, I think I know you...". He was so shy though that I thought he was blowing me off. Little did I know! We talked for 4 hours and I swear it was just like a movie - everyone else faded into the background and all I remember was him and a fire burning behind him (we were outside). Eventually I had to go, and we gave each other a "Half-hug" (we joke about that all the time now) and said we'd find each other on Myspace. I was bitten by the love bug, and ran home and found him ASAP! (Stalkerish much?!? LOL) He was slightly taken aback but also really happy. The rest is history... 36. Even with all the ups and downs along the way, would you still go through with your DW knowing what you know now?
  3. Awe man, I'm bummed that I'm missing this! Martin would totally come along too... Boooo
  4. Yay! Thanks for the pics! You looked beautiful I really love the shot of your rings and the starfish with the flowers CONGRATS!!!
  5. I think we are going to do a mini-registry at Target. Our main registry will be our HM Registry, but we also want a store where people can go purchase actual gifts to give/send to us if they'd rather.
  6. Wow, she is absolutely beautiful! And double WOW to you because you look amazingly beautiful as well for having JUST delivered a BABY!!!!! Seriously, one of the most beautiful brand new mommies I've seen yet! I definitely think she looks just like her Daddy So cute! And the first pic with her big brother - well, he just looks as proud as he could be! What an amazing family you've got there. CONGRATS sweetie!!!!!!!
  7. lol Christina - you are so funny!!! (In a good way!) Reading your review I'm thinking "that's exactly what I'd be feeling!" - I'm thinking we must have similar personalities! I'm so happy that you didn't let the "little" things (and I use that term loosely when your wedding dress is burned!!! LOL) get you down! Good for you!!! Sounds like you made your day happen. I can't wait to go see the pics now!!! Did you happen to post a separate thread about the Marriott?? I haven't browsed for that, but I will. I'm dying to hear about that as well. All in all - sounds like an AMAZING wedding!! CONGRATS and welcome back home!!!!! :) :) :)
  8. Oh, Tara!!! What an amazing review - THANKS. Your wedding looked absolutely beautiful and amazing! Sounds like things went REALLY well for you YAYYY!!!!! I'm also having mine on a Sunday so I am SOOO happy to hear you had such a great time! I'm sure the girls (and staff) there are much more relaxed since that's their only event of the day to take care of! I also really loved your Chuppa & Cake! I'm definitely gonna "borrow" your chuppa Again - thanks so much for the detailed review. Your day sounded like it was filled with warmth, relaxation and then some tingling excitement - perfect!!! Welcome home Mrs.!
  9. Sheesh - I can't stay away from BDW for weeks at a time like this!!! Christina AND Tara went off and got married without my knowledge!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!!! Off to read your reviews, ladies!!!! CONGRATULATIONS TARA AND CHRISTINA!!!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by ChristinaH Hopefully not too busy to read my LC review and view pics ; ) Let me know if you need anything/have questions, etc. about LC and the PV Marriott. Too bad you have surgery on 12/12. Hope everything is okay! Oooh I have not seen your review/pics!!! I need to go find those STAT! CONGRATS No worries, the surgery is fairly minor (outpatient oral surgery) but will have major health benefits for me!
  11. Great pics, thanks for sharing! My favs that you posted are #3 & 7. Also like #2 as a bridal shot
  12. Woohoo! Congrats, and welcome to the world little Hannah (love that name btw!)!!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by ChristinaH Jaime - it's nice to see you on here. It's been a while... Hey Christina Been busy! Just wanted to say HI!
  14. Ok I feel kind of bad because I can think of a zillion things I'd like! (I LOOOVE Christmas though - even more than my bday; giving and receiving gifts is one of my favorite things! ) - Candles - Vino - A cute wrap around "robe-like thing" (lol) for when I get out of the shower - There's a necklace and set of earrings I have my eye on - Gift Certs. - SoPhyto things (my skin care line) - Peppermint Hot Chocolate - new coat - new purse uhhmmm, that's all I can think of right now =P
  15. Awe, congrats Jennifer! I totally know what you mean about public speaking - I was an "A" student in HS but would literally refuse to do public speaking projects out of sheer terror! You should be proud of yourself for going through with it though! I just found out that a client of ours knows Butch. It's actually a dream of mine to meet his daughter, Jaime Stewart. I find her very inspiring - not to mention a weird coincidence that she heads up Royal Plantation and we not only have the same first name but we spell it the same and Stewart was my Mother's maiden name... Had no idea when I was booking our HM! Pretty cool huh?
  16. I'm having surgery Dec. 11th so I'll have to sit this one out - you girls have fun!
  17. OMG she is SO darn CUTE!!! My Grandparents wanted a dog just like that... but they ended up taking our dog who just didn't "click" with us. All is working out wonderfully tho! Geez, that dog is really too cute for words tho
  18. I heard it's all a publicity stunt, and that Holly & Hugh will be making their first appearance together since the breakup tonight in Dallas... hahahaha (we're going as them for Halloween )
  19. OK well the lady from Blue Diamond Limousines has not responded to my 3 emails and Martin's phone call/voice mail. Seriously, too bad - she is a wedding coordinator (the owner) who is apparently recommended on the Knot and some other website. I'm pretty disappointed at her level of service so far... She emailed a quote but has failed to respond at all to our questions. HELLO - Halloween is TOMORROW (well, today - it's late ) Anyways, they do a ton of weddings in the Dallas area and so I was really hoping to try them out and be able to write them a review on here... doesn't look like that will be happening. I gave her a final email asking her to confirm our questions by noon tomorrow, and if not then I will try and go find a different limo company last minute. Again, pretty disappointed by her service (esp given that she has been highly recommended by a few wedding coordinators). She knows I"m a member of this forum and I said I'd be happy to give her a review on her. Not good business to just not reply at all IMO... Maybe someone will have an "extra" limo tomorrow that we could get for an even better price...! I hope so - I was REALLY looking forward to that.. *crosses fingers* If she does come through then I will write a review just in case any DFW brides wish to use their services... so far it's not starting off great tho!
  20. Oh, I think you look BEAUTIFUL!!!! The white looks lovely on your skin, and the dress just looks killer on you! YAY!
  21. Ok so I found a Limo Company (Blue Diamonds Limousines) who is featured on the Knot and they seem reliable. $390 for 5 hrs which doesn't seem to bad to me! Of course, that's a lot of money, but if we can find some friends to go in on it (it fits 8 ppl comfortably) it wouldn't be too bad... Thanks again for that website Morgan, it had some great tips and that's where I found this company. I'm hoping they work out and I can use them because it looks like a majority of their business is in weddings, and I could give them a review on here...
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacqueline aw thats a sin but it is better to know now is right. ( maybe she was waiting for you to say something b/c it was easier for her to bring it up. and it was nice of you to be so understanding about it. i hope your friend isnt depressed like u mentioned, that is the worst. Thanks Jac. At least we can move on from here. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB I'm sorry Jamie. You're right in that it is better to find out now. My BM cancelled 3 weeks before the wedding and stuck me with the bill for the trip and the dress. I know it sucks, but maybe your relationship can improve now and she won't feel so pressured. Or, she might not come around again for a while. My ex-BM still hasn't called me, didn't come to showers, or the AHR. I think she is embarrassed and still feels guilty and it has snow-balled. I don't want to say that to freak you out, but some people do strange things and you need to remember it's not your fault. Big Hugs! Oh geez Erin I'm sorry to hear that. That is really, really sad. I can totally understand how something like that would happen though. She just wrote me and said "Thank you again for understanding Jaime, and like I said please keep me in mind for things because I really do want to be there with you." so I'm pretty sure we'll be fine. Like I said, I'm just hurting right now and I'm pretty sure that's normal Sucks, but normal Again, I'm really sorry about your friend... I wish no bride had to deal with some of the things our BDW gals have had to go through. There has been some really nasty and terrible stuff.. I'm really trying my best to "go with the flow" as much as possible and not try and control everything (I'm totally a "Type A"). Like I said, BDW has really been a saving grace in my life in that respect and I'm so very happy and lucky to have all of you girls to learn from and share with...
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by tcram Jaime, That place is amazing! You mentioned that you got an amazing deal. How did you find the deal? Where did you book it through? Thanks, Tiffany Hi Tiffany! Well, I started out with TA Jennifer (from BDW) and we threw some ideas around and then I just went searching on my own and happened to come across this place and the excellent deal! It is advertised right on their home page We didn't get the free night because that promotion came up after we had already booked, however we did end up getting about 40% off total on our vacation I would DEFINITELY recommend booking through TA Jennifer (I think you can click on the flashing banner on the top of the screen when her name comes up and that will give her you info...) Hope that helps!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege That's sad. Even though it's for the best, and obviously better for her... it still must hurt to see one of your friends in that position. I'm sure she was bowing out of the movie nights and things like that so that you guys wouldn't talk about the wedding and put her on the spot. Maybe now that you know the truth she'll be able to do those things Good point. I think I mentioned the movie nights to her in the short little email I sent her. Kinda hinting around that we're open to doing things low key. I dunno tho, she is just going through a really bad time right now and she's been distant for quite awhile... I think she's pretty depressed and so even when there are things to do that don't cost money, she still doesn't come out. I could be wrong tho... I hope you're right cause I would like to see her come hang out again... She did mention that she'd still like to be a part of things (which I told her in my first email that she was definitely still included). Like I said, I knew this was coming. I don't want to say anything bad about her on here, but I can say that I just had a feeling this would happen... and I really am glad that this got resolved earlier rather than later.
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