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Everything posted by JaimeLynne

  1. I researched the Kindle because I thought I might ask for it for Xmas this year. Basically what I found out is that it is a good invention, but I did read a lot of cons on it that made me decide to wait for another version to come out. Some that I can remember - if there are any graphics in your book, A) they won't show up in color and i can't remember exactly but I think the quality is not very good. I really don't like that it won't show color because it allows you to download magazines as well... The good thing is that Amazon has a TON of books available for download to this particular device. All in all I don't think it's worth the cost, and like I said I'll probably wait for either the cost to come down or another version to come out on the market... I'm gonna go check on that Sony one...
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Michelle wow ya that would be freaky! my Grandparents ontime had the freakiest thing happen too....they were both getting ready for bed and then they got a knock on the door. it was paramedics looking for someone who had called 911 for help. My grandparents were like no no one called from here are you sure it was our house? and so the paramedic i guess called dispatch and traced the call and it came from their address and their phone number. well anyways neither of them had called but it definately came from their house and so the paramedics had to search the house to make sure they didnt like kill someone or something and denied calling for help...but ya stuff like that has happened a couple times so im a little scared of their house now! K, that is SO weird because we also had this happen to US!!! My Dad's house (where I was living at the time) was built in the 1920's, so there are Maid's Quarters above the garage where someone does live. Well, she was going on Vacation to Florida to see her Mom for Xmas. One night, it's me, my Dad's girlfriend and my Dad just chillin' in our PJ's, and we hear the doorbell ring. It's the COPS! They explain that they had a call from the upstairs apartment and it was a girl screaming and crying - saying that someone had kidnapped her and taken her there!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHFUCKINGAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So we explain that no one is home, and are concerned that somehow someone must've gotten up there and was either pulling a joke (the woman who lives there is NOT the joking type at all!) or someone really did kidnap her. (Ok, I'm getting that freaked out feeling again just typing this up! LOL) So the police did the same as they did to your Grandparents - they walked the premises, checked everything out and NADA. I think the call came again after that - an hour or two later? And they came back and this time walked through OUR house. I must say it was pretty funny because my dad's gf at the time was like 24, but she looks like she could be 18. So they're looking from my Dad to his gf to me constantly. Just a funny side note. Bottom line - they found NOTHING. We NEVER found out what the hell happened!!!!
  3. Gosh, this will be tough. I need to do some thinking.
  4. Hey Jess - I've seen them both! We had 2 Scary Movie Nights over at our place during Halloween season. I'll say this - The Strangers had my bff hiding in her bowl of popcorn. She seriously would not watch the movie. And I screamed like an uncontrollable freak at least twice. I was honestly disappointed in The Happening. I don't think anyone over here really liked it that much. And then we watched Saw IV (or whichever one was out) which was even more disappointing. Aye yi yi! So I guess my point is - if you have to choose I'd definitely vote for The Happening! HTHs! *RAWR!* (That's me trying to be scary )
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB I think that is going in a certain someone's stocking! He's looking over my should screaming "YES! I NEED ONE!" lol Erin Seriously, what a fab idea!!! Martin is terrible at remembering things so I'm thinking this would be a great little guide to help spark ideas (though I must admit, he's on the ball this year - he's already got 2 of my presents wrapped!)
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Andi Yay Jamie! I love the dress! the detailing on the top front is so pretty! I really can't believe all of this is happening! Doesn't it feel like your wedding is seriously RIGHT around the corner! It actually does feel like that! Quote: Originally Posted by JUSTUSTWO Beautiful! You look amazing in it! I love how sassy you look in every picture, especially with your hands on your hips! LOL.. You can tell that you love it with your smile! Can't wait for your day to see the entire look. Hahaha - my MOH had to keep telling me to take my hands off my hips Quote: Originally Posted by lgarner83 I LOVE it!!! Especially the detailing in the back! How are you going to do your hair? Somewhere there is a whole other thread on that! I'd have to go look for it though... I'm going to have an extension piece, and make that into a bun (still need to grow my hair about 2 inches longer though) that will sit a little messily down to the right side. And my sis is going to take me to buy a beautiful saworvski (sp?) clip to put in the bun. Quote: Originally Posted by DallasAshli WOW Jamie, you look amazing! It's beautiful and you are glowing! Have you ever seen that Friends episode where the girls sit around the living room in wedding dresses? I think we should have a meet-up at someone's house so we can all wear our dresses all day Haha, that would be so funny! And I love your new avatar and siggy pic!! LOL, That would be AWESOME. I can just see us now.... Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs.R2be Congrats on picking up the dress... I love the detailing on the back... Is it zipper or button up? Gosh, let's see if I can remember this... the inside is actually a corset, but that gets covered up and then I think it's zipper AND button... Quote: Originally Posted by Tracy that dress looks amazing on you - it's beautiful! My mom passed away about a year ago...so I totally know what you mean about having to go through this without your mom...there would be a million things I would be asking her about, getting her adivce about, stressing with her, watching her cry etc - it's hard to not have that. I'm also newly pregnant - so to me weddings and babies are the two times you need your mom the most! I'm sure your mom like mine is with you in spirit...and very proud of you! Thanks Tracy! Sorry to hear about your Mom, too. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And to everyone else (sorry, there were so many responses it was a tad overwhelming!) THANKS!!! I'm so glad you liked the dress! It's sitting in my closet now. Martin had to carry it up the stairs and he was SO afraid that he would see something! Anytime I say anything about the dress he plugs his ears. Needless to say, he does NOT wanna see it before the big day. What a cutie-patootie
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Maybride2009 The dress is beautiful and you are stunning! Who is the designer? Oh, you are so sweet! It's a Maggie Soterro (sp?) Very easy to wear as it is very flattering and forgiving
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by SgtPepperette Oh Ive been around, mostly lurking though. Not much planning lately. That dress looks beautiful on you. I absolutely LOVE the detail!!!! Well, it's good to "see" you! Thanks hun! Quote: Originally Posted by samanthag Jamie I'm soo happy that you have the support that you do! And from the pictures you are simply glowing! You look fabulous!!!!! I'm very happy for you! Hooray!!!!!!!!! Thanks Samantha! Quote: Originally Posted by CarrieRN You dress is beautiful. Looks gorgeous on you. Thanks Carrie
  9. I just think this one is funny. If you look closely, my sis and I have the oddest expressions. And then my Aunt has her hand down my boobs. Jennifer's the only one who looks normal. lol Great group of women! And last but not least - Lunch afterwards at Patrizzio's! Yummmm!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by MsShelley I love the detail on the front and the back, so pretty! Quote: Originally Posted by JennyK awww jaime! You look so beautiful! *tear* Awww, thanks girls! Not done yet though! You can see my zit/skin issues in this pic - working hard at that though! I like my face in this one. I think I just look "happy" =) Me and my super fabulous MOH "Myspace Photo!" LOL Another one. lol, jk. I actually took this so I can think about any jewelry I might like to add... Right now I'm thinking medium-long crystal like earrings and maybe not even a necklace. My hair will be in a loose chiffon bun on the lower right side with a swarvoski (no idea how to spell that) hair clip Pretty bride to be! aye yi yi... still mas!!! I never disappoint in the pic department... hahaha
  11. Pic taken by my MOH - I love looking at this one too K, my arms look funkay in this one - not sure what's up with that EEK! I've got some serious arm/back fat to lose judging by this pic! Wait, did I just say BACK FAT?!?! lol LMAO - see THIS is what I was talking about... totally taking this pic for you girls! hahahaha Just a pic of some earrings I tried on; I was gonna try on the pearls too just for fun but talk about a CHOKER! Couldn't get that sucker on! lol ...more to come...
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by SgtPepperette Eeek! I cant wait to see Hey girlie!!!!!!!!!!! Where have you been?? Missed ya! K... more pics coming...
  13. Ok - sorry.... these came from Myspace so it was either really small or really big. I went for the big for the detail.... I can make them smaller tho if it's a problem... Left to Right: My Aunt Marilyn, me & My big sister Erin. I this pic! Just some detailing of the back (I think I already posted a very similar pic when I first tried on the dress but oh well
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by MsShelley that is awesome, Jamie, I love how you came up with the excuse "scrapbook pics" I take a lot of pictures too, everyone usually wonders why. Can't wait to see pics! LOL Shelley - seriously, how the heck am I supposed to explain exactly why I have to not only take so many pics, but from certain angles, make sure they look decent, etc. etc. etc! My sister TOTALLY busted me on that one yesterday! LMAO In all honesty it stung a tiny bit, because really - who the F cares how many pics i take? It's my freakin' wedding dress! K... onto those PICS!
  15. Hey girls... So some of you may know my dress came in a few weeks (or a month??) ago... Wellllll, Yesterday I went and picked up MY wedding dress!!! It's just as I remember, except 1 size bigger (which really felt SO great around my hips - just pretty big around the bust area still but it's all good ) My MOH, Sister and Aunt (who paid for my dress!!! LOVING HER RIGHT NOW!!!! lol ) all came! It meant so incredibly much to have them there with me. Honestly, I didn't even bother inviting my other BM who is in town. I knew she had to work, and didn't wanna put that pressure on her. It turned out to be the perfect Well, minus my Grandma who couldn't make it due to a very recent death in the family... (BUT she was there when I picked it out! So I think that helped both her and me some on that front...) I must say though - I'm still SO surprised no one has shed a tear in regards to seeing me in my wedding dress!!! lol! Isn't this something that happens?? You know, I just get so confused sometimes - not having a "mom" and all to be there for me... totally makes me miss her. But also, I just mainly miss the things Moms would "just know" ... does that make sense? KWIM?? I know my Mom would have cried for sure (probably embarrassing so!) I'm sure she's looking at me somehow wherever she is though and I'm sure she is beaming with tears of pride and joy for her "littlest angel" (that's what she called me - I'm the youngest of 3 girls, all by different dads). It meant so much to have all three of the people who did come COME! My sister, Erin, and I used to be so close until she got married and had kids and basically just moved on with her own life. (Guess that's just part of life!) I miss her a lot though. And I love her SO much! I realize she just wants the best for me (we've had a few issues between us in the past), and it meant the world that she drove about an hour (or more!) to be there with me on this day (not to mention she totally pulled through for me when my BMs bailed on my hair trial! LOVE HER!!!!! ) My Aunt is actually my dad's bro's wife, but it was really special to have her there as well. I guess they have decided to not have kids mostly likely due to meeting each other late in life after my aunt survived breast cancer! They do have a booming life & photography biz instead... next time you're in a relatively new Chili's, look for my Uncle Scot's work! He does all their chili cookoff photography. Because of this, I know they kinda look at all of us (the nieces & Nephews) as their "adopted kids". I think I pushed her away emotionally for awhile while I went through a ton of shit in my teen years, but looking back on it she was ALWAYS there. I think we have a lot to give to each other, actually I'm the oldest niece (by 13 years), so I think they feel a certain special bond to me, and I've never flat out told her 'I love you" before all of this bridal stuff. Now I don't seem so afraid to say these kindsa things (was burned over and over...and over...pretty badly by women in my life growing up.). I can just tell that when I say those words it means SO much to her. I am so lucky to have her in my support group! And I still can't believe what a generous gift her and my uncle gave me in buying my wedding dress... unbelievable.... Jennifer, my MOH, also came. I didn't honestly know what to expect from this. But she was GREAT. (Kind of a difficult situation, given that she's 6 years older than me and nowhere near a "serious, marriage-hopeful relationship", so I know it's gotta be at least a little tough for her to watch me go through all this now) However, she is a fashion designer and OH that comes in HANDY!!! Besides that, it was just so nice to have someone there who has "chosen me" (i.e. rather than family - KWIM?) to support me. Really meant so much to me. She paid extra special detail to how to put my dress on (which I wouldn't have even thought of! doh!) and jewelry options... she even held my train as I walked back from the "box" to my fitting room. I think I almost shed a tear then! I REALLLLY appreciate her being there for me so UNSELFISHLY. She has NEVER EVER bitched about this being a DW, and has always said she'll be there even if she has to put it on a CC (and is booked btw! YAY!). She is one of those people on our "list" who we would basically pay to go if she couldn't go simply due to expenses. But, it is looking like she'll be able to pay the majority on her own! (We did pay her room deposit and 1 extra night hotel room, but she's covering everything else ) She was just great, and fit in with my family so well (this was her first time meeting them). I feel totally confident in having her as my MOH. I think she knows what she is in for and definitely demonstrated some of that yesterday! Big HUGS to Jennifer, my MOH!!!! OK - SOOOOO NOWWWWW..... PICS! (BTW - people are starting to become suspicious at the amount of pics I take when I'm out at things like this - my sister noticed and inquired about it... I just said I want as many as possible to choose from for scrapbooking, even though it's really for BDW! LMAO) Love you girls K, I'm gonna work at posting those pics now... took forever to upload to Myspace!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by kristendotcom JamieLynne, I see your from Dallas also. Do you know any good places for wine tasting? I got a gift certificate to a place called Wine Tastic and was thinking of trying that out. I'm semi new to Dallas and the only wine bar I have been to here is Cru in Plano (and loved it) Hey Kristin! Sorry, I just read this... Let's see.... Tony's Wine Warehouse is known for their group wine tastings. We went there once (a friend won a wine tasting for 20 friends) and it was awesome! There is also this place in Uptown called Vino 100. It's a wine bar. We actually walked in there the other night hoping they had food too (we were starving!) but they didn't so we left. However, I did see that it's been voted Best Date Place/Bar/Whatever There is also another one around the Knox/Henderson area *I think*... My FMIL keeps talking about it... will let ya know! Also, sign up for Siegel's mailing list. We just went to a "Liqueurs Tasting" there - you got a "Passport" for the night, and got to choose 20 different liqueurs to taste. At the end of the night, you turned your Passport in for a drawing for some great prizes. They also had awesome deals on the liqueurs they were tasting... A guy working the champagne department there told us that the day after (which was yesterday) most of the champagnes were going on sale for the Holidays - some up to $15 off for a nice bottle! OH, and if you like Champagne, there's this spot I've personally been dying to try out! It's called "Brut" - it's next to Hotel Palomar (I think that's the hotel's name...) on Mockinbird, right across from Mockingbird Station. Looks like a great date place! If you find any other good spots, let me know!
  17. Jergen's works great. Not a drastic result, but nice coloring and very easy to apply.
  18. lol @ the initials. I agree - I didn't want to be rude, but my first thought was that the name sounds off. It doesn't flow. You get totally stuck at "Mowgli" and then you're like HUH??
  19. Yeah, Frisco's further than I'd like to travel. I live in North Oak Cliff (just south of Downtown) so we're practically on opposite ends of the city! Funny how our city is THAT spread out, huh D Magazine - that's a good idea.... Although! I just remembered that I heard last night that they went bankrupt!?
  20. I'm looking for a General Practitioner in Dallas to go see. There are so many around, and I would rather have one who comes recommended. So far, my fiance's, FMIL's and FFIL's GPs all come with great recommendations but are not accepting new patients. I've got a killer sore throat, and if it keeps up I need to get into see a doctor. I will never go to another CareNow again (too many bad experiences to list there!!!) so that's OUT. I do not have insurance, but would be willing to pay a reasonable cash price. I may need antibiotics but I'm not sure. Like I said, if this keeps up I just want to make sure I get checked out and taken care of. I have a surgery in December that I need to be well for. I live near Methodist Hospital, but can travel a *reasonable* distance... Thanks... ~ Jaime
  21. Awesome gifts! My sis got us little crystal heart jewelry boxes with our initials engraved on them when she got married. I loved that present!
  22. K, I actually switched to the Barefoot Pinot. I was eating granola and the Sauv. just didn't taste right! Who else is with me? Tami...? ;-D
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv The Piper Sonoma is pretty good. ;-) I am a sucker for Piper Heidsick (Sonoma's big brother) but it's $18 for a friggin' SPLIT at the wine bar I go to ... so I only splurge occasionally. It's not one that I sell, so I can't buy that one at cost. If you can find Toso Brut - it's from Argentina and is AMAZING - and a steal of a deal. Veuve de Vernay is pretty good too, as is Rotari Brut - for inexpensive bubblies. I was asking the guy at Siegel's about the difference between Heidsick and Sonoma. He seemed to think that for the price Sonoma's a better buy. I wanna try the Heidsick tho! Toso Brut... have not heard of that one yet! Hopefully I can remember this all... I think I need to get a Wine Notepad to write all of these down! We're getting a membership to Costco (well, I'm assuming... ) from Martin's 'rents for Xmas so wine and all that jazz should start to get REAL affordable! I want that membership for the wine prices alone!!!
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