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Everything posted by JaimeLynne

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Andi Jamie! I am sorry I missed this thread last night! we could have had freak outs together! Yesterday I was excited because we were exactly 2 months away! Today though I noticed my ticker is now UNDER 2 months! AAAAAAGGGGGHHHH!!!!! What do you have left to do? do you need help with anything?! LET ME KNOW!!!!!!!!!!! I think the only thing that is stressing me out at the moment is that even though our RSVP date was OVER a month ago we STILL have people booking!!!!!!! that is starting to get on my last nerve! I haven't took my dress to get altered yet...I keep telling myself that I am going to lose 5 pounds before I do that but those are just not coming off as they should! Last weekend I had my bpics, shower and bachelorette party and all of that was a bit overwhelming! I know it is hard but just try to relax and enjoy every minute! (well that is what I keep telling myself anyway!) sad but true that it will all be over before we know it!!!!!!!!! (well the wedding stuff but then we will both begin our lives with those fab new hubby's!) hang in there it will all work out just fine! Hey Andi! Just saw this after I posted... OMG you're under 2 months! Dude - we TOTALLY could have had a freak out session together last night! hahaha Hell, I'm sure I'll be open to one again before either of us gets married I'm so glad to hear you haven't had your dress altered yet either! I've told myself the same thing - 5 more lbs and I'll go! But my MOH convinced me last night not to wait on that and just call and see what the absolute latest is they can get me in. I'll probably do that next week though - I'm totally stressed over other things going on apart from wedding stuff right now (seriously it's like one nasty, hellacious circle goin' on here!) Cheers to you! Hang in there, sorry I haven't been on more to chat with ya!
  2. Thanks again ladies! its funny how those of us who have been trying to be super chill and laid-back are now freaking out! well, not funny but ya know... becks - a case of wine sounds like an excellent plan! Last night we were out of our "normal" stock and I almost broke into the cellar wine - LOL (ended up finding some regular chardonnay tucked away tho) thanks for all of your shared experiences and support/advice! totally helps! still feeling kinda shaky today (just got a LOT going on) but am doing better on the wedding front at least!
  3. Ok, Martin is bringing home sushi and we're gonna curl up in bed and watch "When Harry Met Sally" (can you believe neither of us has seen that?). Life is good again... for now
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by DGG I'm getting married the same weekend as you - I feel like nothing is set up yet for our wedding... We don't have a band, our menus not set, the times aren't really even set (except in my head). We don't have suits picked out for my FI or his men. some people in our wedding party haven't booked yet.. our wedding planner just keeps telling me we have time, but I am stressed too and wish everything was booked/decided!! So, you're not alone!!! I'm freaking out too!!! Good luck to you, fellow Memorial Day weekend bride! Quote: Originally Posted by DWandMJ Sharin' some love! Just breathe and pace yourself. I agree, too, about the checklist. It'll allow you to take one bite at a time. How many events in your life are going to take this much planning and energy? Just enjoy it while it lasts. Everything that is supposed to fall into place, will, and some of the small things won't really even matter on the big day. That to-do list will shrink each week. And in the end, you will be married to your prince charming True, true. I really want to enjoy this experience. Things have been really tough lately and I deserve to enjoy this! Thanks! Quote: Originally Posted by Betsy You are doing all the right things! Especially the wine ! EVERYTHING will work out - I personally promise you that! I also remember freaking out and it is completely normal to feel that way! All of a sudden you just realize that you are REALLY getting married! YAY!!! Wine always puts things in perspective for me so a few more glasses and I'm sure you will feel better! And you have all of us here to help you along the way! Hey Betsy!!! Glad to hear I'm on-key with the wine!!! Hahaha No shit - it IS like you said - you all of a sudden you realize you're REALLY getting married! Ok, I'm slackin' on the wine - only had one glass so far... gotta sneak downstairs without my roommie seeing me all teary-eyed and blood-shot
  5. Thanks everyone!!!!! Quote: Originally Posted by JUSTUSTWO Awww Jaime, you'll be fine! If this is the first wedding related "freakout" that you've had, with 3 months to go, I'd say you were good! I probably had more than a few breakdowns during my planning and can recall many outbursts of crying. And no, DH didn't understand exactly why I was crying & really didn't know what he was supposed to do! He did listen & knew that it was all wedding stress so that did help. But like you, I felt funny going to him about it. Anyway, don't worry. Like you said, you've had alot going on lately & you should just chalk this is up to normal, wedding stress, that unfortunately, brides get the pleasure of experiencing!!! Danielle's suggestion was great regarding making a list of things to do so you know exactly where you're at. Everything will fall into place soon enough. Finish your wine, get all the crying out & start fresh tomorrow! Thank you so much for your thoughtful response It feels much better knowing I'm not the only one going through this - thank God for this message board huh! (Thanks Tammy!!!) I think that's a great idea to get all my crying out tonight and start anew tomorrow. Quote: Originally Posted by ashey063009 Jaime Lynne, there`s a checklist on the PV thread, I think it`s a sticky. Maybe get a hold of your WC and see if she can forward you a list of to-dos. You`ll be fine girl! It`ll all fall in place. Grab the to do list, and then break it down and give FI some tasks. It`ll make you feel better to do something "wedding oriented" together. Take a deep breath... fill up that wine glass, and enjoy your night. Hey Ashley - I did think of doing that, and I'll contact her soon but I already contacted her once today. I feel bad being a "needy" bride. I really really realllly wanna be as stress-free as possible! yes, I will (re-)fill my glass of wine and just hang on here tonight. Taking deep breaths as I type. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek here's the checklist thread http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t20049 let me know if you need help with anything or if you need to vent i'm here. Your not alone at all so dont feel alone. You got us girls for support. Thanks! *As I was typing this my MOH called me and we talked and I feel a little better - she gave me 3 things to focus on for the week and also took a couple things off my plate which is a BIG relief!* Thanks again ladies!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by ashey063009 Well I`m not quite there yet, but I`m so happy you are able to vent it out here. I wanted to send you a GIANT virtual hug! It`ll get better. Damn that time of the month! HUGZ!! HUGZ!! lol - thanks! I'll take all the virtual hugs I can get! And maybe one of these:
  7. Oh and what's even more lame is I'm completely freaking out about getting my skin cleared up, losing weight, finding some way to be tan... totally superficial things! All anyone can really say is it's going to work out (one of my BMs just txted me that), and I know that. So why am I freaking out??
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek Oh and i wanted to ad I cried so many times about wedding related stress and i thought i was a girl that wouldnt be into the whole wedding thing but boy was i wrong. Thank you!!! I think I just need to vent to some ppl who know what I'm going through, KWIM!? I haven't been on here in forever and I miss you girls!! Where is that checklist? Do you think you could help me find it? I've looked up checklists online but they don't seem to be of any help - I feel so behind on everything, and so alone in it all! I hate feeling like I can't bother anyone to ask for help. UGH - character flaw.
  9. Ok - this is totally stupid (well it seems that way to me at least), but I'm bawling because I am all of a sudden feeling super overwhelmed with the wedding. Today marks the 3 month countdown, and I feel like I don't know what to do even though I've been on this forum since before I was engaged!!! It's not even one particular problem - everything's generally going well! What the heck is going on? I'm on my period and have been feeling sensitive - maybe that's just adding to the stress?? I've been having to focus almost all of my time on health issues (whole other story entirely), and now I feel like I've not given my wedding or myself as the "bride" the necessary time or attention. I texted my bridesmaids but no one answered... figured y'all would understand and let me vent though! UGHHH! This whole time I've been trying to be this "easy going, chill bride" and now I'm just like "HUH? Where the heck do I go now??" I don't think my MOH can relate at all... she's 31 now and has had a rotten string of relationships the past couple years, one of which just ended. I feel bad turning to her but who else am I supposed to turn to? Poor Martin has had his fair share and I know it's not right to just lean on him for my problems. (Of course, him being a "typical groom" he has no idea what to do for the wedding so I feel like I'm stuck doing it ALL - including making him ask his groomsmen to be in the wedding which he still hasn't done! ) Argh... seriously... I hope this is hormones and not some crazy pent up shit that is gonna keep on coming. Where were you at @ your 3 month countdown?? I'm having a glass of wine and bawling into it - my (male) roommate came home and I don't think he knew what to make of that! (LOL)
  10. We are using this, and just received our first two gifts! YAY! So far we've gotten a "A 'Honeymooners Delight' Package of sensuous bubble bath, lotions, candles and chocolates! This fits right in with our unique 'Spa Honeymoon Suite'!" worth $65, and "Night Out On The Town: An evening of entertainment watching a live show, singing karaoke, or working up a sweat in the dance club. Yah mon!" worth $75. We're so happy with these gifts! We plan on taking pics of as much as possible, and then sending each person a picture of their respective "gift" in action. We have yet to cash out, but so far so good! Also they've updated their photos so you've got a LOT more to choose from which is nice. I think they let you choose whether you or the gift giver pays the extra 7.5% ~ I *think*... I do know we chose this site because it did let us choose to take it out of OUR end. We personally didn't want people having to pay an extra percentage that they hadn't figured in on top of their "contribution/gift". FYI we did up our dollar asking amounts on gifts to allow for this "tax". Here's our link in case you want to see an actual example: Honeymoon Registry for Martin Lopez & Jaime Miller | Traveler's Joy
  11. Here's what we've done so far: + Paid for MOH's room deposit + Paid for Makeup/Hair Stylist's room deposit + Paid for 1 extra night of shared hotel room between MOH and Makeup/Hair Stylist Originally I had 4 BMs including MOH so I wasn't sure how this was going to work out, but now I'm down to 2. So I'm now planning on also buying both of their dresses. Plus a little something special for each of them as a gift.
  12. Those are cute!! Off subject: Tammy, love the new pic of Roja!!! Ollie got a scarf and leg warmers for Xmas
  13. Interesting point. We're getting legally married in the U.S. However, I still keep the "D" word in the back of my mind when I think about things like name changing. For example, my legal name will be hyphenated. I'm keeping my middle name, so I will have 4 names which seems totally odd to me, but my Aunt suggested this. Because apparently if you change names, then when you get divorced you have no record as far as credit. But if you keep your last name (at least hyphenate it), then there will be some sort of record our there for your maiden name. My Aunt waited until she was about 40 to marry my Uncle, so I doubt she was considering divorce - but she did it just to be safe, which is what I plan on doing.
  14. I think (since it sounds like people are already hesitating) that your gut instincts are right - it probably would be a relief to some if they didn't have this "obligation". I originally had 4 BMs. 2 have been participating right from the get go, and booked their trips already. 1 started acting really withdrawn, so I ended up confronting her and found out that she didn't think about what she was getting into when she accepted my invitation to be a BM. Turns out she really can't afford it. We talked it out and she ended up stepping down, but still wants to be a part of everything else (showers and such). Turns out we don't really talk anymore, but it doesn't really have to do with that (long story). My other BM started out really excited but hasn't said a word about booking or dress shopping or anything like that. So the other night at dinner I asked if she was still planning on coming and then found out that her roommate owes her a lot of money and she's now in debt. Totally sucks. She's still gonna try, but I told her I'd count her out for now and then of course if she can make it then she's still invited/included. I think it's turned out for the best because the two girls who are definitely going are awesome and I know I want them both there with me. Let's see, where was I going with that... lol Oh yeah! Haha... so anyways, if they haven't booked yet or don't seem eager - I'd just let them know what you're thinking and give them the opportunity to "step down". You may be surprised by how many will take you up on that. Or you could still keep them as "honorary BMs". Maybe they could all wear BM dresses and walk down the aisle, but then go sit down. That's what I was planning if I had all 4 show up - just have them all walk down, but then 3 of them take their seats, so it would only be the MOH and BM standing up. I'm sure they'd understand. It makes sense to me, anyways! When it comes down to it - just do what makes you feel comfortable. And be honest with them. Confrontation on these kinds of things SUCKS but in the end it helps to know the truth sooner rather than later - for everyone's sake. Hope that helped some... Good luck!
  15. Thanks for the continued input I can't believe the wedding is getting so close. I still have no clue what I want yet I think we're going to hold off on dress shopping for another month or so to wait for "regular" stores (J Crew, Banana Republic, etc.) to get their Spring colors in. We may try and stop by a David's Bridal before that though since I'm sure they have DW colors/styles in year-round. I also think I am just going to go ahead and offer to pay for their dresses. I'm actually down to 2 bridesmaids so that makes it SOOOO much easier! At 4 that was pushing my budget a bit, but 2 is definitely doable. And then I won't feel badly at all for picking what I want - and I don't have to worry as much about staying under a certain price range. I'm sure they'll be happy getting a free dress. With their wallets being fatter I don't think they'll mind nearly as much what I pick out!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by leahstaffordphotography my absolute favorite colors to photographer are greens and pinks. those colors never get boring! Cool, thanks for your input Leah
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by KatyKo I know I'm not a photog----but I am using Magenta/Fuschia and Green as my main colors (adding some blues for the boys and some coral in my flowers). I found great (and cheap) BM dresses that I hope they can wear again. Since I chose these colors I saw BMs in beach photos in this color and it looked stunning against the blue of the ocean. I am using the beach as my decor as well, so I won't have many other places for color. Good luck! I like your BM dress. Where did you get it, if you don't mind me asking? My sister and I are going to go start the BM dress search soon! Quote: Originally Posted by tvt not a photog, but thought I'd chime in anyway we used a bright ocean blue, and pink/magenta as our colors, and then had really bright flowers. Thanks Tara How did the blue work out for you? I was originally thinking of a nice teal (teal is a really broad color actually...), but thought it might get lost against the blue of the ocean...
  18. Thanks for the pics Ashli. So far fuschia and green are in the lead. Honestly I just don't know how my BMs are going to react to fuschia tho - it was my goal to get them something they'd wear again. But I have been a super chill bride so far, so this may be the one thing I have to "demand" lol Still looking for more photog. input!!!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by sharibare I decided to go with magenta as my key color because I love how it looks outside. There are some obnoxious tones of it, but there are also some really lovely jewel-toned magentas. Then, I'm using lots of silver and white, and a hint of green. So in many cases the magenta will be a pop of color. Sounds lovely I agree - if you go with the right shade, then I think it can work. We don't really have many places to add in color (the island is our decoration! lol), so I don't know how I'd go about adding in accent colors... hmmm
  20. We ended up splurging on our HM because we got a killer deal! We would never have been able to afford the lush HM that we will be having if it weren't for the deal we received (about 40% off!). We ended up booking 8 NIGHTS in a ridiculously posh suite in Ocho Rios, Jamaica. I thought we were a little insane too (and apparently so do a lot of other people! ) but hell, it's OUR HONEYMOON!!! When are we ever going to get a chance to take a trip this luxurious?! TOTALLY worth it, IMHO. Oh, and btw - we are flying from Puerto Vallarta, back home to Dallas for the night, then off to Jamaica the next day. So I get what you're saying about HMing outside of the area you are getting married in. GO FOR IT!!!!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Looking at Elizabeth's work, I'd go with really bold colors. Maybe bright pinks and greens? Throw in some yellows? Her work amazes me because it has such vivid colors and such POP... so I would definitely think about that. Yeah, I was thinking along the lines of a deep fuschia and some sort of green. Originally my colors were teal, green & hints of fuschia. Then I thought maybe fuschia should be the main color. Now I'm considering a shade of green though... Elizabeth's bold use of color was one of the top selling points for us!
  22. Hahah - hi Abbie! With the Holidays over I just realized - oh sh!t, I guess I have a wedding to plan now!!!
  23. Hi all! I'm still not set on the colors for our wedding, and I could really see myself going in a number of directions here (though I do have some ideas in mind). Since we are really investing in our photography (the lovely Ms. Elizabeth Medina!), I would like to choose colors that specifically "POP" with our location (Las Caletas). Obviously, orange would pop against the blue ocean - but that is actually one color I just don't really see myself doing (along with yellow). Here's where the color(s) would specifically come into play: BM dresses (MOH has light complexion but does tan, 1 BM with beautiful ebony skin & 1 BM with olive skin), chair ties, GM shirts or ties, Groom Shirt or Tie. And then flowers. Also, I'm very fair-skinned with freckles and blond hair so I don't want something that will clash with me. So, what have been some of YOUR favorites to photograph - color wise? I'd love to hear what y'all have to say - whether they're just personal favorites of yours, or if you have a particular suggestion for our little group... I'm all ears! TIA!
  24. I have a diamond white maggie sottero dress - I love the color I don't think it will look funny.
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by kati JaimeLynne - Hopefully the tequila cake works out I will take pics for sure. And the creme brulee and mousse is not included in the price, Nicole is working on a price to have them done for me. But because we are not having a cake which is included she said she would take some money off the price of the individual desserts. I'll let you know. Yeah I'd love to know the pricing when you get it. THanks!
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