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Everything posted by JaimeLynne

  1. Hmmm. good question! So many things I haven't even thought of!!
  2. I'm really sorry about all of that. Definitely a lose-lose situation... I used to hang out in the gay scene quite a bit and unfortunately saw cases like this far too often. I also grew up with an alcoholic/drug addicted mother, so I know what that can be like both first and second hand. Remember, you're not dealing with the person - you're dealing with the alcohol and drugs. I actually just went to my first ALANON meeting a few weeks ago. They are SUPER supportive there, and teach you how to cope if you have people in your lives who abuse alcohol. And they teach you it's not your fault (sounds like you know this though). All in all I think it's just a great way to get your story out there and have people listen to you. Everything is anonymous. Again, I'm really sorry and can empathize & sympathize with your situation. Big hugs to you! You sound like you've got an excellent head on your shoulders, and your writing and communication skills are very good. Just remember you're not going to be able to communicate with him - the alcohol and drugs will always stand in the way as long as he chooses that path. Also I just wanted to point out that I believe things happen for a reason, and his not being there (at your wedding), although it may hurt like HELL right now, is most likely a blessing in disguise. You're not going to have to worry about taking care of him. Now - onto YOUR BIG DAY!!!
  3. I'm not sure what to do either, considering I'll have my TTD Mon evening @ Sunset, and leave Wed morning.... don't know if that's enough time to dry out?
  4. Good question! I'm soooo confused on this whole shower issue! I agree that you should only invite guests who were invited to the wedding - but in my case we invited over 100 people, and so I can't possibly invite them all! I think we are having 3 showers - a Couples Shower, a Bridal Shower and then the Bachelorette/Lingerie shower.
  5. Wow Shelly - you are getting so much done!! Kudos!! I also love the 2nd dress, it's gorgeous and I am sure you look hottt in it!
  6. Oh wow!! Well I can understand how that would be exhilarating and a bit terrifying all in one! LOL Get it all out here!! Woohoo ~ 30 days!
  7. Jenny you look gorgeous! And the bms dresses are so cute and fun. Can't wait to see the rest!
  8. I haven't gotten past the first page of this thread, but my grandma is totally freaked out by this idea. I agree that the name implies that it is much worse than it actually is. Maybe over time the name will change...? Ha - that might help some After all, we're not really intending to TRASH our dresses, right?! What I am concerned about is taking it back on the plane - I'll only have 1 full day for it to dry...
  9. Lovely Wish I had time/extra $ to spend on nice invites like that - your guests are sure to love them!
  10. Thanks for the post. I have not heard anything like this, but it's good to know what's circling around out there and to have the info you gave us on hand in case our guests have concerns.
  11. Now that is dedication! Hahaha, looks like you guys are having a blast! Just how it should be!!! Have a GREAT WEDDING, Jenny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Ok - so the more I look at it, I do like the JCrew Dress... need to go check it out in person though because "clover" most likely isn't going to be lime green... ack! Here's the dress (I know I don't always click on links in a thread ): Looks great in the blue, huh? Here's the shade of green it comes in... still very pretty but not sure it comes with the "pop" I was looking for... :-/
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Betsy Ok, it's the green one right? Just want to make sure I am searching for the right one....very cute BTW. Yeah, there are 5 different versions of the dress - all in lime green. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek j crew has dresses in that color if your really stuck and cant find the exact one Women's dresses - weddings & parties - Silk chiffon Sophia dress - J.Crew Quote: Originally Posted by Betsy Adrianna Papell Charmeuse & Chiffon Babydoll Dress - View All - Nordstrom Calvin Klein Scooped Back Dress - View All - Nordstrom I like these 3 the best. But a heads up - my girls are busty! They are petite but both are at least a C if not small D. So unfortunately I think they'd totally be falling out of the last 2. So far the JCrew dress is my fav listed in this thread, but it's a little too conservative/plain maybe...? (they're going barefoot with minimal jewelry) And I can't exactly tell if the clover would be "Lime Green" enough... I really want the lime green to POP without being tacky... if any of that makes sense! LOL I like the "Adriana" a lot too but again, don't think the color would work...or the boobage ~ lol Thanks so much for your help... keep looking??
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by carly Oh, I love that hairstyle! And I am in a wedding in September and was trying to figure out how to wear my hair, let the bangs grow in or what. So I totally saved this pic! Ok, I'm fairly biased to this since this is how I'm doing my hair sorta (without the bangs - loose chiffon bun down and to the side, with a sparkly clip above the bun...) I think out of the choices I like 4 best, then 1. I think you should try a couple of them on you if possible!
  15. Here is a pic on a website (won't let me copy+paste). Dallas Weddings - Luxury Wedding Resource & Dallas Wedding Planning Site Don't know how long it will be up, but the one I'm looking at is the first to the right of the bride (spaghetti straps and flowy layers). It's the first pic that comes up when you see the page - a bride with like 10 bms on a beach. Love everything... It is the exact color I want. We tracked it down but it comes from an expensive shop where the dresses are $200-450, and we can't afford that. But I freaking love this dress and it's been hard for me to find one that I like that will look good on my bms too... Help please!!!! TIA!
  16. I've never filed my taxes before on my own. My Dad has normally hired an accountant for us, but it usually ends up costing me and I never understand why. So this year I'm trying to get help from ppl who understand it and do them myself.
  17. I just found this... i think FI would like it actually since he's in construction and loves to do home projects... it's a 5-in-1 tape measure that you can have personalized. Not sure how well it would actually hold up, but kinda neat when you're trying to calculate stuff for little projects... 5 in 1 Tape Measure Tool
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by zethers Thank you so much for posting this thread JamieLynne. I felt like everyone on here was superorganized and after reading where everyone was with there planning, I realized I was totally behind schedule. While I still have more to do than most, (just orderd my dress on Tuesday), it's good to hear all the suggestions and advice from others. I'm kind of scared to make a to-do list, but I don't think I have a choice. Anyways, thanks again! No prob I've always found the girls on here to be super supportive, including the new ones who keep on comin' ~ in general this site just tends to attract very supportive ladies. Sometimes I feel guilty for posting a vent but hell - who else in our lives can really understand what we're going through??
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Andi oooh what colors did you pick? Lime Green & Fuschia... Here's a good pic of what I'm wanting (minus the orange flowers the bride is wearing)...it's the first pic that pops up on the page...won't let me copy+paste.. Dallas Weddings - Luxury Wedding Resource & Dallas Wedding Planning Site I loooove the BMs dress just to the right of the bride (the one with spaghetti straps and flowy layers). We're trying to track it down, but found out it's at a place that only accepts appointments to view the collection, which probably translated to EXPENSIVE! Boo! Maybe I can find something similar tho... I'm gonna do the flowers also that the BMs are holding.
  20. Fanny - haha, no worries on the colors! I *just* picked our colors!!! And I finally found a BMs dress that I like but it was in an ad in a magazine so we're busy trying to track it down! UGH!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Andi haha! what if we plan for a freak out time? say this time next month!? maybe if we plan for it then it won't happen! Crap I forgot to include you in the multi-quote Sounds good to me! So March 24th it's on like Donkey Kong! Make sure you have your own bottle of wine to bring to the freak-out fest...
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Amarillis OH Honey.... just relax.... really just relax.... I'll tell you a little story... The two days prior to departure for our DW.... I thought I had EVERY sickness going! I had a complete anxiety attack at my dance class (head between the knees, breathing in my nose and out my mouth - steadily) followed by what I thought was a fever (achy, cold, hot, sweaty) outbreak, followed by itchy skin (I was determined that I was getting a rash), then my stomach started to make weird noises... so I took some Immodium... Then FI poured me a glass of wine and told me to chill out... Amazingly... it worked.... Everything will be fine... believe me. Best of luck in your last 3 months! Hey you! Hahaha, I love you - you're like my wine guru But yeah, def. sounds like you had a full blown panic attack - I'm certainly no stranger to those! They can make you feel like you're dying, it's insane. I need to make sure to keep some wine on hand from now until the wedding. Quote: Originally Posted by Kristy! If it makes you feel better, my FI hasn't asked the GMs either. I don't know what he's waiting for. I've been pretty calm myself, but that 3 month mark really does something to you. I've been drinking martinis and mojtios all week! Ok - Seriously, what's up with them?? The guy FI wants to ask to be his best man says that he's going to... get this... fly himself down to the wedding! Maybe he knows something that I don't, but I don't really see that happening... this is his bff from HS, so they haven't talked in years. I told Martin not to hold his breath, and maybe he should just go ahead and ask his bro to be the best man. Boys... But uhm, yeah... this 3 month mark is strange. Strange how we're all feeling the same way at the same time. It's like syncing up on your periods or something! Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek Jaime first off, how have you not seen "When Harry Met Sally"! lol I'm glad that you talked to your moh and she was able to help you out. Just focus on one or a couple of things at a time. Dont overwhelm yourself and everything will be fine. I know right!? Well we finally watched it! It was ok... actually I think Martin liked it more than I did! What's up with that? lol Yeah it really helped talking to MOH, and also I had poured everything out in a email to my sis who also had a DW (in Aspen, CO) and she wrote me back a great email totally pumping me up and everything. It was really hard to reach out for help, but you know what - I did it! And feel so much better because of it. Quote: Originally Posted by Ana I think there's a freakout moment in everyone's wedding planning stage...lol! I'm all over the wine idea though, its what helps me out! and vent away. I had a freak out moment 2 weeks ago when i realized I had less than 2 mos to go and had so much to do still. So I wrote everything down on paper, and started crossing it off the list, one by one. It helped for sure, oh and I did the list with a bottle of red wine in hand. lol! Just know that in the end everything will get done, and your wedding will be perfect! Seems like wine is the answer for us BDW gals! Seriously though, we were just at Central Market and I *made* Martin let me go grab a bottle of white because we are out of everything except the fine wines we are saving. He laughed at me as I explained that this is the advice BDW gave me!
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