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Everything posted by JaimeLynne

  1. LOL Andi! That's awesome!! I love how you both packed your outfits "just in case"... looks like you planned the whole thing! You looked smokin' btw!
  2. Hmmm, good question. I'll probably find a "Future Mrs." or "Bride to Be" shirt to wear down there, and a "Just Married" shirt or something like that to wear back. And I will probably just wear that with either a long-ish skirt (like calf-length) or jeans. I always remember it being hot after arriving in Mexico (been there about 9 times now), no matter what I wear! And I'm from Texas!! lol
  3. I'm really sorry for all that you've had to deal with - you guys were very generous in helping your Mother with her hospital costs, and it just doesn't seem fair! That said, I had to laugh at Julie's totally honest response! Probably not what you'd like to hear, but better to hear it here rather than from annoyed guests. I know in our AHR case, my Aunt (my family is helping to throw the event) asked if I thought it would be ok to do a cash bar and I said absolutely not - I think that is tacky personally. I really feel for you guys though! i know you have your own dreams, and you've already had to cut those down. But I agree that you shouldn't ask your guests to pay for themselves - it probably won't fly very well. It is so unfair for y'all because of your circumstances, but I think that's how some of the guests will see it (unless everyone invited knows of your circumstance - in that case you know them better and would have a better idea if they'd want to do that or not. I agree with the other girls - either scale it down to the people you can afford to pay for, put it off until you can afford what you're wanting, or forgo the fancy room and either have it at someone's house or another free venue. When my family threw our Engagement party, they used my Dad's house and rented some tables and the family cooked for everyone. The women loved helping out! Going along this route, maybe you could ask a couple family members to provide bottles of alcohol, others silverware, others a cake, etc. etc. And make it clear to them that this truly is the best gift they could give you! Regardless of what you decide, I am sure you are going to have a wonderful celebration because you already seem like a very wonderful and dedicated couple. Cheers!
  4. Oh no, I am so sorry Shannon. My FI was let go from his job on NYE day. We have so many other friends and family members who have been let go since. He took it as an opportunity to go back to school, which is working out well for now anyways. It really is tough, emotionally.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by katrina there are lots of peekers around here http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t22089 that's the thread!
  6. We just found our BM dresses yesterday from Ann Taylor. Normally $199 + tax, but I found a coupon online (being the savvy Bride that I am! ) saving $49.75, so total is $168 including shipping.
  7. Thanks for the offer Ash, that's really sweet! BUT, I went shopping with my MOH yesterday and think we found the dress! It's from Ann Taylor (regular store, not the Loft). Being the savvy Bride that I am , I found a coupon code online that will save $49.75 off the dresses! So total (with shipping + tax) is $160-something, instead of around $210 I'm paying for one of the dresses so that helps me! here's the dress:
  8. Wow ~ you had Ingrid Michaelson AND Jason Mraz in the song list! (2 of my favs! ) Robin you made such a beautiful bride. You are an incredible natural beauty. Love the colors in the photos, and a lot of your guests dressed boldly and it fit in soooo well with Elizabeth's style!!! Great pics
  9. I'm a little embarrassed to be asking this given how long I've been on here, but does anyone know how to just look up threads that you or someone else has started? I've tried searching for a thread I started but I can't find it that way... Help please! TIA
  10. I'm actually happy it's raining ~ kinda selfish but I'm hoping the plant life will look better for our wedding this way!
  11. We just decided to have an AHR. When I was speaking to my Grandma and Aunts I was really surprised to hear them say that I should most definitely wear my wedding dress again! Surprised in a GREAT way, that is! I mean, how many girls get the chance to get all dolled up in the wedding attire TWICE?! We are SOOOO lucky!!! Plus like a lot of y'all, I have family that won't be able to make it to the Mexico wedding - namely my little cousins who were so looking forward to being flower girls. So I decided to have a "why the hell not?!" attitude about the whole AHR. We are going to do it "wedding themed" and let all the little girls dress up in little white FG dresses and throw petals on us (we're getting legally married at our AHR since our site in MX only hosts spiritual ceremonies). I'm also going to ask the BMs to wear their dresses from the wedding, and FI will wear his suit. F-UUUUUU-N! Quote: Originally Posted by happygilmore I wasn't going to wear it but we were at an engagment party for some friends getting married on New Years Eve and was talking to some friends who most likely won't be coming to the DR and she was like "what, you aren't going to wear it, none of us will get to see it" so it got me thinking that perhaps I should wear it at least for a bit...plus we are considering a "rock the reception" type of first dance so I'd have to be in the dress to make it work!!! "Rock the Reception"! I LOVE IT! We wanted to do that really badly but don't have the space down in MX - how cool to do it back home at the AHR!!
  12. Thanks girls! Quote: Originally Posted by Abbie YAY JL that is soooo much fun and very good, exciting news! you deserve some of that Awe, thanks Abbie! I actually thought of you, with your BFW and your Mexico Wedding. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Oh this sounds just awesome!!! I would be super thrilled too! And it sounds so much like a celebrity wedding where nobody knows that the wedding is going to happen! As for your dress, I say no. You have the amazing Elizabeth and you'll want to be wearing your amazing dress, not a dress that you are 'okay' with. You shouldn't trash it too much, it should be fine. A celebrity wedding huh? Maybe they'll roll out the red carpet! Haha, seriously though we do have a huge red carpet that we put out for events About the dress - my only concerns are the delicate beading work. Good thing my MOH is a clothes designer - she should have some valuable input on this one! Of course, all of the other women in the family think I'm NUTS for doing a TTD! I'm gonna have to think of a better way to phrase that... Oh you know there will be pics! Now there's a tiny dilemma - not sure Martin's family would be too happy about paying all the way to go to MX knowing we're "really" getting married here. Thing is, the MX wedding is the "real" one to us! But for now we haven't told them... guess we'll see as it gets closer! P.S. Thanks to whoever moved this thread! I was searching for a spot to place this but must've skipped over this section while browsing.
  13. Oooh, that's a tough one! I really like the front of the last one - it's very similar to my dress though so that could be why! That pattern can be really flattering on, FYI I also like #1 and #2 though
  14. Good reminder, I need to put fans on my "to-do list"! Why is it bad that it rained in Conchas Chinas?
  15. I get my gel inserts from Dillard's for around $20! With a good bra & the right shirt they make my barely-B's go to va-va-voom C's! Seriously, I bet a lot of people would be shocked to know how my boobs REALLY look ~ LOL!!!
  16. I wasn't even sure if we were going to have one, and now we're having a fabulous one!! K, here's the story... My MOH and I got together on Tues. night to go over some things and she was great and made us each a calendar from now til June to place anything wedding related on. We realized that we are quickly running out of available weekends from now until we leave (May 19th). Since there's St. Patty's Day, Easter & Mother's Day weekends all before our wedding that reduces it even further. I was freaking out a lil about how we'd have time to fit in all three planned parties (Couples Shower, Bridal Shower and Lingerie/Bach. party). Soooo the other night I was thinking (who am I kidding, I haven't stopped thinking about the wedding since we broke the 3 month mark ~ lol) why not just cancel the Couples Shower and instead combine it into a cool AHR after the wedding? Here's the kicker and really exciting part - I thought about surprising our guests by having an officiant there to legally marry us (Las Caletas only hosts spiritual ceremonies). I mean, why the hell not?? I ran it by my Grandma (who was heading up the Couples Shower), MOH and my Dad. Dad and MOH loved the idea, and Dad offered up his art gallery for us to use (it's HUGE and will be perfect!!). I wasn't sure my Grandma was gonna go for it though, but she did and is super excited! The best part is my Aunt's family from Boston will be able to come (as soon as my Grandma called her this morning she already booked their flights! lol). I am pretty close to her family and they have 3 amazing girls who I was really looking forward to being in our wedding, but conflicts with their school wouldn't allow it. So the bonus is my Aunt & Uncle will be able to come to the Mexico wedding (didn't think they were gonna be able to) without feeling the "parental guilt", and then they will all be able to come to the AHR. It's going to be "wedding themed" - I'm gonna wear my dress, the bms theirs, and I get to invite all the little girls who I originally intended to be FGs to be a part of it all. My little cousins were seriously SO bummed about not being able to come to our wedding - they love Martin soooo much, it's adorable! So we're gonna let them wear flower girl dresses (they're about ages 6, 9 and 11) and throw flowers on us after we are legally married. My Aunt is all over this and a great planner so it is so exciting! I was really missing the traditional part of a wedding, and Martin & I just couldn't really decide when to go do the legal stuff and honestly it just felt a little cold to me. So we are telling our immediate family about that but no one else - that will be the surprise. The wording will go something like this: The families of Martin & Jaime invite you to a Reception celebrating their wedding in Mexico which took place on May 24, 2009. The families have a very special surprise for the Bride & Groom, so please arrive by XX:XX in time to witness this event.... We don't want to tell everyone because I don't want ppl who have already booked being like "well why the hell did we pay all that money to go see them get married in MX if they're just getting married here??" KWIM? AND this way we can invite people who weren't invited to the MX wedding, like long time clients of mine (who have asked along the way about being invited, you know how that goes!), etc. Today we reserved the date of June 27th at our gallery from 6-11pm. We will get married at the beginning and then have a huge celebration the rest of the night. And it should be pretty affordable - just need appetizers, some flowers for decorations, and beer/wine (which we should be able to get a good deal on hopefully through the gallery). My Aunt said this totally made her month, and I must admit it has lifted my spirits tremendously to know that we can still have the people we love see us get married. Plus what girl doesn't want to wear her dress twice?! Now I wonder if I should get a separate dress for the TTD? Hmmm.. Anyways as you can tell I am SUPER DUPER excited! This is the best wedding related thing that's happened lately. We also got boxes in the mail today from our Registry. What a good day, maybe I should go buy a lotto ticket! lol
  17. I know this doesn't help, but I'm glad I already have mine! makes me feel like I got a great deal!
  18. I know this doesn't help, but I'm glad I already have mine! makes me feel like I got a great deal!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB My mom had a collie and she had to get down on all fours and demonstrate! LOL. LOL that's a great visual. Martin used to threaten to show the dogs how to do their business.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Actually... yes! LOL. I thought it was pretty funny because it confused the crap out of me! Ok good, it's not just me then! lol That is confusing and weird, huh? That's never happened to me... guess I should alert a mod before more ppl get confused!
  21. Ok, I thought there was a thread on this somewhere but I searched and couldn't find it. I am totally peeking at our online Williams-Sonoma registry and I found out that yesterday someone got us 5 of our dishes! (And we just registered on Saturday) Yahooo! I think it was our neighbors, because they just found out they couldn't go and told us to look out for gifts. So now I feel kinda bad for looking. Actually it could've been my grandma too, cause she said she looked at the registry and loved the plates. lol, this is gonna be a fun game! Anyways, since I can't really brag about the items in real life until we receive them I had to tell someone! LOL P.S. Oh and we have also received 2 things off our Traveler's Joy HM Registry, but the website alerted us and everything so I got to brag about that already But we got a spa package with candles, lotions, bubble baths and chocolates and a Night out on the town in Jamaica! Yah mon! Yay for wedding gifts!
  22. We have a weinie dog who just turned 3 years old and he has always squatted, tho I think it has more to do with the fact that he's so close to the ground. When we had our male Westie, he seemed to pick up the squatting from our other dog. My Grandparents now have the male Westie - he's about 1 year old and still squatting. None of us are complaining though because neither of them mark!!! Oh yeah, here's our little guy : p.s. Erika your dog is soooo cute!
  23. Ok this is kind of random - but does anyone else see my post as the first post on here (not irishmatrimony's, who originally started the thread)?? After I replied, my post moved to the top of my screen and it's still there for me..
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